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    13th December 2004 - 01:50:02 PM    
11652 : Rocco
Hope everyone had a good weekend. I got a nice surprise Sat night when I went to a local rest stop to look for some queer action. The dumpster scene has been slow lately. I dressed as Slater with my sweet mullet and sweats and hoped to find a SBTB orgy to participate in. Instead I found a Married with Children orgy in a tiny bathroom. There were a couple of Al's who were as double teaming a Bud! I looked in the corner and saw a Jefferson sucking of Bob Rooney while giving a hand job to Steve Rhoads. As I stepped in I heard someone yell SLATER! And a Griff grabbed me and bent me over raming my stinkhold with a ten inch black mamba! Lets just say the night ended with me trying out the vacuum with a Buds head to clean up all the shit, piss, cum and other fluids from the floor. Great weekend. Anyone else ever run into a Married With Children fiesta?

    13th December 2004 - 05:34:32 PM    
11653 : Ham Spam


    13th December 2004 - 06:38:53 PM    
11654 : Ugoff
Please, I am Ugoff

    13th December 2004 - 08:54:13 PM    
11655 : Darth Vader
You are a weak minded fool.

    13th December 2004 - 09:06:02 PM    
11656 : Princess Peussie
Poor Cecilia, she is a loser...and never welcomed at the Royal Palace, but folks, IT WAS I who opened your eyes to that Pastor Jim website, and NO, it is for real, or as real as his shit can be! Just keep writing him and letting him know, like Dustin, that he's a fag and that is fine as long as everyone here at the RoyalCourt can fuck his butt until his brains drip outta his nose.

    13th December 2004 - 09:18:14 PM    
11657 : Mystery Loves some Vomit
What's the big deal with Pastor Jim? Hey, I fucked him last sunday after that prissy church service he delivered. He tries to tell people he's not gay "I have a wife and two kids"...and HEY, Pastor, I've fucked more gay husbands than you have! Oh well, I've added on MORE RUBBERS to my Santa wish list, because the Pastor still doesn't like me pissing up his ass after I fill him with jizz. OY and OY again!!!!!

    14th December 2004 - 12:16:20 PM    
11658 : Mr.Belding
Your career came to a screeching halt after saved by the bell. You played a loser on the show and u r 1 in real life. BTW, u r not a sex symbol. Kill urself

    14th December 2004 - 12:17:14 PM    
11659 :
Wesley Willis ruled the school.

    14th December 2004 - 12:40:54 PM    
11660 : Gay Zack
post 11649 is one of the hottest posts I've ever read. I think I will try that tonight when I go to my favorite truck stop.

    14th December 2004 - 08:05:51 PM    
11661 : Harry Fowerman
Johnlapse is a kikey fag;

he funded pastor jim during the late seventies. register his board and tell him how much a kikey fag he is.

    15th December 2004 - 12:20:15 AM    
11662 : Ox
Screech, remember that episode where Mr. Belding asked you if you liked "stomp"? Remember when you said "yes" because you thought he was referring to "Stomp," the modern dance troupe that uses everyday objects in non-traditional ways as a dance routine? Remember when you eagerly replied "yes"? Remember when you showed up at Bayside that Friday evening and Belding took you into his office? Remember when he turned off the lights and you stumbled about? Remember when he punched you in the stomache and you fell over? Remember when he turned back on the lights and started jumped on your head and stomping on your neck? Remember when he said "now do you like 'stomp,' BITCH????" Remember when Mr. Belding then lit your pre-pubescient hairless balls on fire with the lighter he used to light his bong when he would smoke up at the school? Remember when you cired out in pain and were relieved when James 'the actor' showed up at Belding's office door? Remember when you thought that the pain was finally over? Remember when you realized that your evening of terror was just beginning when James 'the actor' and Mr. Belding pulled a train with you, took turns teabagging you, took tag-team dumps on you, and then dropped you off in the ghetto to fend for yourself? Mr. Belding really screwed you over that time!

    15th December 2004 - 01:00:40 AM    
11663 : james the actor
screech, lets have sex. i'll dress up as zack's dad and bring you home from bayside so we can have unprotected buttsex.

    15th December 2004 - 01:51:32 AM    
11664 :

    15th December 2004 - 08:24:13 AM    
11665 : greasy-mullet mexican
screech, i want to pass you around the barrio down here in mexico. slater told me and my gay buddies about your tight teenage brown star. he also mentioned that a middle-aged principal had already broken you in and was whoring u out to the male superintendent.

    15th December 2004 - 02:08:15 PM    
11666 : Gay Zack
Dustin let's fuck! I know you read this guestbook and jerk off to it. Just wait until your trust the dust site is up. It will no doubt be full of spank material on a much higher level than this. I hope I will be able to send naked pictures of myself to you. I want to take one of my asshole, so you can spank it to it and try to shoot your cum onto it.

    15th December 2004 - 02:19:29 PM    
11667 : is the email/IM name for the band, possibly Screech - read some of this shit -fates end k1d (5:27:55 AM): happy new year, you fuck!
fates end k1d (5:28:00 AM): happy new year, screech?
fates end k1d (5:28:04 AM): screech??
fates end k1d (5:28:07 AM): hello?
fates end k1d (5:28:10 AM): hello.....sreech??
fates end k1d (5:28:15 AM): hellllllllllloooooooooOooooooooOOoooooo?
fates end k1d (5:28:21 AM): anybody there?
fates end k1d (5:28:26 AM): hello!?
fates end k1d (5:28:28 AM): yoohoooooOOooooo, screech????
fates end k1d (5:28:30 AM): hmm....
fates end k1d (5:28:33 AM): where at you!?
Saltythepocket (5:28:35 AM): please stop
Saltythepocket signed off at 5:28:37 AM.


Metallica479: fuck you
SCREECH------->Saltythepocket: hmmm
Saltythepocket: no
MeTaLLiCa479: yeah
MeTaLLiCa479: you are fucking cool man
MeTaLLiCa479: your band rocks
MeTaLLiCa479: seriously
Saltythepocket: thanks
Saltythepocket: are you bi polar?
MeTaLLiCa479: no, i just say "fuck you" as hi
MeTaLLiCa479: its cool
MeTaLLiCa479: like your band, you guys are awesome
MeTaLLiCa479: buty screech is a fucking homo
MeTaLLiCa479: you should kick him out
MeTaLLiCa479: and get hitler
Saltythepocket: i bet you have alot of friends because of this lovely greeting
MeTaLLiCa479: yeah man
MeTaLLiCa479: we're freinds
MeTaLLiCa479: me and you and screech
MeTaLLiCa479: so happy together
Saltythepocket: not likely
Saltythepocket: i find you to be somewhat of an ass
MeTaLLiCa479: yeah man
MeTaLLiCa479: i like robots
Saltythepocket: im happy for you
MeTaLLiCa479: i built one to pull down girl's pants
MeTaLLiCa479: it's rad
Saltythepocket: rad?
MeTaLLiCa479: we can put it on saved by the bell
MeTaLLiCa479: slater would dig that shit
MeTaLLiCa479: is he in the band too
MeTaLLiCa479: yeah man
MeTaLLiCa479: your band is fucking great
MeTaLLiCa479: are you touring?
Saltythepocket: i think this conversation is over
MeTaLLiCa479: are you?
Saltythepocket: you have been more than disrespectful
MeTaLLiCa479: have i?
MeTaLLiCa479: look man, i need a freind
Saltythepocket: indeed
Saltythepocket: and spelling lessons
MeTaLLiCa479: i before e except c or your fucking gay band
MeTaLLiCa479: you guiysd suck
MeTaLLiCa479: i was just schmoozing you
Saltythepocket: as i expected... bipolar
MeTaLLiCa479: but you and your gay band are fucking shitty and should be wiped out
Saltythepocket: ok
Saltythepocket: thanks
MeTaLLiCa479: break up
Saltythepocket: bye
MeTaLLiCa479: i'm bi polar, and you are bi
MeTaLLiCa479: does your girlfreind know about you and screech
MeTaLLiCa479: fucking
MeTaLLiCa479: with mr. belding
MeTaLLiCa479: threesome
MeTaLLiCa479: wit belding
MeTaLLiCa479: rad
MeTaLLiCa479: you area ghoul, sir
MeTaLLiCa479: you fucking mermaid
MeTaLLiCa479: bitch
Saltythepocket signed off at 4:24:16 PM


cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: fag
SCREECH------>Saltythepocket: gee thanks
Saltythepocket: i waited all day for that
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: good
Saltythepocket: do you know who i am?
Saltythepocket: i think you have me confused with someone
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: you're screech
Saltythepocket: uh
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: you know screech then
Saltythepocket: this is a band account
Saltythepocket: and he doesnt use this screen name
Saltythepocket: i do
Saltythepocket: he is my bass player
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: yeah well tell him i said sup screech
Saltythepocket: how about fuck you and get a life
Saltythepocket: asshole
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: wow that's pretty hostile
Saltythepocket: learn how to talk to people nicely
Saltythepocket: see
Saltythepocket: how do you like it?
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: well that last sentence wasn't very nice
Saltythepocket: fag
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: wow
Saltythepocket: i dont give a shit
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: again with the hurtness
Saltythepocket: you are an asshole
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: oh my god
Saltythepocket: bye
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: my feelings are crushed
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: AAHhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goddamn heart!!
cm2o281Kqp6231Ap: fag
Saltythepocket signed off at 12:43:16 AM.


ROBO FOX--->Draco114: hi
SCREECH ---> Saltythepocket: hi
Draco114: is this "the" dustin diamond
Saltythepocket: sorry...dustin is in NY
Draco114: who is this?
Saltythepocket: drummer
Saltythepocket: evan
Saltythepocket: and you are?
Draco114: what is dustin's screen name?
Saltythepocket: you really think i am going to give it to you?
Draco114: why not man, im a fan of the band
Draco114: you guys friggin rule
Saltythepocket: thank you
Saltythepocket: but thats private info
Saltythepocket: i am certain you understand
Draco114: no way man, he wont mind
Saltythepocket: it is
Saltythepocket: but dont tell anyone
Draco114: k
Draco114: thats his screename?
Draco114: cant have periods in a screen name dude
Saltythepocket: got to go
Draco114: bye
Draco114: hey i thought you were leavin man
Draco114: whats the deal with your bands name though
Draco114: i mean you guys throw down, but your name is a lil gay i think
Saltythepocket: im busy dude
Draco114: did i say gay?
Saltythepocket: i think you did
Draco114: yes i did
Draco114: and i meant it too
Draco114: gay as hell
Draco114: mind if i through a few suggestions?
Saltythepocket: yes
Draco114: k cool
Draco114: maybe something like
Draco114: Screech The Pocket
Saltythepocket: yes i mind
Draco114: or
Draco114: Saved by the Salty
Draco114: or
Saltythepocket: you are dumb arent you?
Draco114: Slater is the only person from saved by the bell with any chance at a real career
Draco114: that last one is good
Draco114: dumb enough to know how to speak the english language correctly, (arent you)
Draco114: thats like ...dumb are not you
Draco114: not even close dude
Draco114: thats gay as hell
Saltythepocket signed off at 9:43PM.


Saltythepocket: we are in a band together
artificialZine: really
Saltythepocket: i dont work for him, no
artificialZine: is he a cool guy to hang out with
artificialZine: or is he in the band just to get some extra kids out to your shows
Saltythepocket: hes a funny guy
Saltythepocket: whos this?
Saltythepocket: and how did you hear about the band?
artificialZine: just a random kid who saw your site
artificialZine: from vh1 i think
Saltythepocket: hi random kid
artificialZine: is this jack
Saltythepocket: no
Saltythepocket: how do you know jack?
artificialZine: i think one of my friends talked to him online before
artificialZine: so are you in this for fun to make it big or both
Saltythepocket: where do you live?
artificialZine: jersey
Saltythepocket: im in it for the chicks
Saltythepocket: jersey is a shit hole
artificialZine: has it worked
Saltythepocket: yea..i have 2 naked chicks in my room right now
artificialZine: nah, im from SOUTH jersey, its nice down here
artificialZine: liar
Saltythepocket: its all the same smelly hole...when i lives in NY i could smell it from there
Saltythepocket: jersey is a dump
artificialZine: have you ever even seen two chicks naked at the same time?
Saltythepocket: if you were smart you would move out
Saltythepocket: ive seen 4
artificialZine: yeah, but strip clubs dont count man
Saltythepocket: sorry pal...i live a good life
Saltythepocket: i dont need strip clubs
artificialZine: sure...
Saltythepocket signed off at 10:20PM.

    15th December 2004 - 02:46:20 PM    
11668 :
after reading more it seems Evan uses - but he has access to Dustin, I wonder if he still uses it cause I want to send him some queer emails to forward onto Dustin

    15th December 2004 - 05:32:28 PM    
11669 :
ZOIKS! I'm downloading AIM right now just so I can get gay with Dustin and his faggy bandmates

    15th December 2004 - 05:35:24 PM    
11670 : Poojastah Oceanliner
Screech, remember that episode where Mr. Belding asked you if you liked "stomp"? Remember when you said "yes" because you thought he was referring to "Stomp," the modern dance troupe that uses everyday objects in non-traditional ways as a dance routine? Remember when you eagerly replied "yes"? Remember when you showed up at Bayside that Friday evening and Belding took you into his office? Remember when he turned off the lights and you stumbled about? Remember when he punched you in the stomache and you fell over? Remember when he turned back on the lights and started jumped on your head and stomping on your neck? Remember when he said "now do you like 'stomp,' BITCH????" Remember when Mr. Belding then lit your pre-pubescient hairless balls on fire with the lighter he used to light his bong when he would smoke up at the school? Remember when you cired out in pain and were relieved when James 'the actor' showed up at Belding's office door? Remember when you thought that the pain was finally over? Remember when you realized that your evening of terror was just beginning when James 'the actor' and Mr. Belding pulled a train with you, took turns teabagging you, took tag-team dumps on you, and then dropped you off in the ghetto to fend for yourself? Mr. Belding really screwed you over that time!

14th December 2004 - 09:05:51 PM
11661 : Harry Fowerman
Johnlapse is a kikey fag;

he funded pastor jim during the late seventies. register his board and tell him how much a kikey fag he is.

    15th December 2004 - 06:05:43 PM    
11671 : Sweet Molasses
Hey Dusty, it's me. Remember? The hot, studly negro stripper you picked up a few nights back at the Blue Oyster bar? Remember how we went to the VIP lounge and you got spit-roasted by me and my buddy Raoul? No? Oh well. I was really hoping you'd call me sometime, we had a lot of fun that night!

Anyway, I just wanted to get in touch to let you know that Raoul's test results came back negative. Isn't that a relief! I know you were so worried after you swallowed 3 consecutive loads of his jizz, and then let him piss and shit all over you.

Anyway, stop by again sometime, me and Raoul are looking forward to pulling another train with you! TOOT TOOOT!!!

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