02nd May 2005 - 09:11:55 AM |
13380 : Önce İsrail sonra Amerika mı? |
Önce İsrail sonra Amerika mı? Başbakan bazen bakıyorsunuz kükrüyor, bir bakıyorsunuz o kükremesinden eser kalmamış. Denebilir ki, Başbakan bir tavır karşısında öfkelenmiş ve düşüncelerini de bu öfke ile dile getirmiş, ancak daha sonra geçen zaman içinde öfkelenmesine sebep olan olaylar ve davranışlar ortadan kalktığı için de öfkesini sürdürmesinin anlamı kalmamıştır. Dolayısıyla bir süre önce öfke ile hareket etmesi ve bir ülkeyi suçlamış olması ile bir süre sonra o ülkeye hiçbir şey olmamış gibi gitmesi bir çelişki değildir. İki tavır da yaşanan şartlara göre sergilenmiştir. Peki gerçekten böyle mi oluyor? Aylar önce İsrail'e karşı sert bir çıkış yapan Başbakan Erdoğan bu çıkışı sebebiyle hem Türkiye'den hem de İslam dünyasından alkış almıştı. Yapılması gerekeni yaptığı düşünülüyordu. Ancak, şimdi görüyoruz ki, Başbakan İsrail'e gidiyor. Başbakan'ın bu ziyareti İsrail tarafından tam bir şova dönüştürülüyor, adeta bir zafer havası estiriliyor. Sanki, sonuçta Türkiye ve Başbakanını istedikleri noktaya çektiklerini dünyaya gösteriyor olmanın havasını estiriyorlar. Hatta, İsrail'in Türkiye Büyükelçisi basına yaptığı açıklamalarda öyle şeyler söylüyor ki, Türkiye ile İsrail arasında hiçbir problem yok, hatta her konuda birlikte hareket eden, görüş birliğine sahip iki ülke havası estiriliyor. İşin gerçeği böyle mi bilemiyorum. Ama, böyle ise Türkiye bize göre yanlış yapıyor. Bunu söylerken Türkiye'nin İsrail'i yok saymasını, görmezden gelmesini istiyor değiliz elbet. Ancak, İsrail, işgalci konumunu sürdürüyor, Filistinlilere karşı devlet terörü ve soykırım uyguluyorken Türkiye ile İsrail arasında hiçbir problemin olmadığını, olmayacağını söylemek hem gerçeğe aykırı düşer hem de Türkiye'nin sergilemesi gereken tavır bu değildir. Bu tespiti yaptıktan sonra Başbakan Erdoğan'ın İsrail'e gittiği gün bir gazetede yeralan haber dikkat çekiciydi. Bu habere göre Başbakan Erdoğan yaz aylarında kızının mezuniyet törenine katılmak için Amerika'ya gidecektir. Ancak, bu Amerika ziyaretine bir resmiyet kazandırmak istemekte ve bunun için de Bush'tan randevu talebinde bulunmuştur. Böylece hem kızının mezuniyet törenine katılacak hem de Amerika'da başta Bush olmak üzere bazı temaslarda bulunacaktır. Habere göre Başbakan Erdoğan'ın bu randevu talebine bir aydır Amerika'dan cevap gelmemiştir. Randevu talebine cevap verilmemiştir ama, Başbakan'ın önce İsrail'e gitmesi daha sonra Amerika ziyaretinin düşünülmesi gerektiği belirtilmiştir. Tabii ki, Başbakan'ın önce İsrail'e gitmesi isteği resmi bir yazı ile istenmiş değil. Bir yönlendirme şeklinde bu talep dile getirilmiş. Bundan da anlaşılıyor ki, Başbakan Erdoğan'ın İsrail ziyareti Amerika'nın isteği ve yönlendirmesi sonucunda gerçekleşmiştir. Amerika bir bakıma, "Bizimle ilişkilerinizi düzeltmek istiyorsanız önce İsrail ile düzeltin" demeye getirmiştir.. Hatta demiştir. Zaten son zamanlarda Başbakan Erdoğan'ın açıklamalarında Amerika ile dostluğun önemine vurgu yapması, bu arada Genelkurmay Başkanı Org. Özkök'ün açıklamasında Avrupa Birliği'ni eleştirirken Amerika ile bir krizin söz konusu olmadığına vurgu yapması, Türkiye'nin Amerika ile ilişkileri düzeltmeye önem verdiğini gösteriyor. Peki Amerika ile ilişkiler eski duruma döner mi? Amerika verdiği bazı eksi puanları siler mi? Başbakan Erdoğan'ın İsrail ziyareti bunda ne kadar etkili olur? Etkili olacaksa İsrail'e ne gibi tavizlerin verilmesi gerekiyor? Karşımıza çıkartılacak fatura çok ağır olursa Türkiye ne yapacaktır? Bu soruların cevabını önümüzdeki günlerde sanıyorum daha doğru bir şekilde verebileceğiz. ** |
02nd May 2005 - 11:59:39 AM |
13381 : |
vbnm |
02nd May 2005 - 01:29:06 PM |
13382 : |
i'm gonna dilate your shitbox behind the dumpster |
02nd May 2005 - 03:39:40 PM |
13384 : |
I'm going to use the jaws of life to rip your ass wide open Dustin, than I can put my head up year ass and wear you like a hat. |
02nd May 2005 - 04:01:31 PM |
13385 : 13384 YOU ARE TOO MUCH |
13384, you are too much....great image and great thing to do...would love to see that rippped assholedripping shit and stuff on your head. Damned hot thing to do. Cut Dustin's dick off and give it to me to wear on my forehead so I can tell people I'm a unicorn. SMILES to you fucking Princess Peussie, before YOU BLEE out of your mind. |
02nd May 2005 - 04:10:18 PM |
13386 : Kathy |
Hello, I just wanted to say Hi, and that i loved saved by the bell...you made the show...thanks for all the laughs Kathy |
02nd May 2005 - 04:45:40 PM |
13387 : |
I so want to shove carrots up your ass Dustin. I'd butter them all up and put them in one at a time until your ass couldn't stretch out anymore. Next I'd invite some queers from the dumpsters to take turns removing the carrots with their mouths. It makes me cum in my pants just thinking about it. I also found your former lover Evan Stone on myspace. He looks pretty hot, I bet you two fucked a lot. Can't wait to shove carrots up your pasty white jew ass. |
02nd May 2005 - 05:09:09 PM |
13388 : Pedro Langstrumper, known at BLEE BOING BOING |
Shove those carrots PAL since I've now got the film equipment and want to make a new hot film with DUSTIN as the star ofcourse. BELOW is the script outline which may appear just a little druggie, but god help Princess peussie, Mary Mount, and Mojo at the Palace as they all help with such great plots. Oh yeh, I want to thro Evan Stone(r) into this new film. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, FUCKERS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The night is filled with danger, passion, and throbbing cocks. There is no wind and in fact very little OF ANYTHING, the sky is lightly puce or even peussie with nuclear waste, usually crapped and evacuated and filled with specks of shit, but is now filled with thick clouds of steaming urine. Darkness is everywhere except for Princess Peussie's toilet bowl which glows in the strange moonlight. Only the torches in the temple provide a flicking light. The slave, a foreigner, a pale skinned male is walked to the wedding bed of MJ and forced to lie there with his face buried in one male servant's asshole. His attendants, dressed in simple cotton opera gowns retreat to the restrooms of the temple. Everyone waits as the musician play the "jazzy fuck music" required for this training session. Incense drifts from the air, a combo of opium and hashish, yet the air is still and almost rancid with the previous night's orgy of violence and Love. There is a speck of light, almost like an insect that hovers behind the slave who lies still on the refrigerator and looking like a fairy in the dell. In an instant that speck of light transforms into a cum-glob. There is no sound, not even the sounds of men breathing as the sperm drop turns into a river. IT is a laughable sight even when Jesus Savior appears dressed as Aunt Gerry. NO, he is not dressed at all but appears in his nude shape like Mother Teresa. The River? Who the fuck is talking about a river?or the Pot you've been smoking while writing this story, Culo??? Only his body is human, his head is an elephant turd. No one dares to speak, or make a sound. The smudge is about to spread like Montezuma's revenge. No one is positive if this is a jizz-river, or a cattle-call, or a rat pile.....It is true, the Object, the being, the TURD, the spirit has materialized and smells like nothing on earth. Slowly, in the motions of a cat, the perched Good Little Strummer comes to life. He steps from his jeep, he approaches the offering lying in his cat box upon some rather new turds. Sniffing, looking about, wary as a frog in a bed of lettuce, he positions himself with his big ding-dong ready for action. Yes, this is what he desires, a piece of boy-ass. He moves to the hump of the altar, he grasps the ankles of the docile slave. Raising the ankles as he pulls the body towards his groin. Already his cock is stiff, pulsing, desiring the pink pucker of the slave's bleeding ass. Again he pauses, then issues a feline cry, like "Eeechoooo-tooshys syhnanonron" and plunges his cock into the offended slave who scream out "Damn, this is just like the time I had that vision of being fucked by Jesus and his boyfriends". Again and again he plunges, satisfying himself, roughly, savagely on the youth who doesn't know if he's coming or going. The boy doesn't cry out until his cock begins to dribble with urine, then explodes in a fountain of piss and goo. He moans with a pleasure that belies a bag of potato chips. This is the work of a kindergarten prankster for sure. All those who witness this are moved to the cat box where everyone stands in a circle farting in counterpoint. There is not a limp cock in the house. Then there is a cry, like none any of the witnesses have heard. The God has satisfied only the little boy on the stage, again on the stage. He has filled the slave's ass with pudding and some jello just for the 'kicks of it'. The slave lies still, like Princess Peussie during act 2 of Fluff's opera "Rimmers Delight". As mysteriously as the prick-head materialized he is gone. Only the slave is there lying on the ice cubes. All of the men who witnessed this have now moved closer to the slave and the altar. There is nothing there of the God but a blob of sperm, semi-hot and smelling like a symphony of Bruckner. The High Priest and a senior priest grasp the slaves ankles and spread his legs until his nuts explode. From his redden ass pucker they see the seepage of cum, divine cum and some pudding, the only evidence of the Gods presence at least during that picnic. |
02nd May 2005 - 05:16:15 PM |
13389 : Yussel |
Hello Dustin, I am a 14 year old boy from Isreal and I just started watching you on the television show "Saved By the Bell" I think you are very funny and handsome. I must tell you that I get a tingle in my pants when I watch the show.My mama sometimes walks in to find me with my hand in my pants. One time my sperm hit the matzo balls mama was cooking and we all ate it. At school the other boys call me faggot because I get a erection in the showers while watching them. I bet this happened to you before. DO you think it makes me faggot because I play with myslef while watching you. I want to spend next Passover with you Dustin and you can get me drunk and take full advantage of me while I shit on your hair. Does this sound good my new friend? |
02nd May 2005 - 05:35:25 PM |
13390 : The I.R.S |
Hi Dustin, my name is Dick Chute from the IRS and I've been trying to get in touch with you. It seems that you didn't file this year, after looking a past taxes, I found you made ,000 in 2002, ,000 in 2003, but nothing this year? Is this correct that you didn't make a dime this year? Gather up all you paperwork to meet me to discuss your case. If in fact you made nothing, I can help you find a job (if you catch my drift) I need someone who will go balls deep and isn't afraid to get messy - get a hold of me and we'll discuss how to rectumfy this situation (ie. we need to fuck) |
02nd May 2005 - 11:36:39 PM |
13391 : Ox |
Screech, remember that episode where you wanted to try out for Bayside's band? Remember how you were so distraught because you thought that your mom was too poor to afford to purchase a musical instrument for you? Remember when you went into Mr. Belding's office and explained your predicament? Remember when he put his middle-aged arms around you to comfort you? Remember when his wandering hands reached into your Zubaz and he inserted several gumballs into your rectum that he had just purchased from the gumball machine in the cafeteria? Remember when he forcibly removed the gumballs from your nether region and made you eat them, completely against your will? Remember when Mr. Belding said "Screech, I have a wonderful idea! How about a Russian Trombone?" Remember when you didn't know what a Russian Trombone was? Remember when you said "Are you going to give me a Russian Trombone?" Remember when he said, "no, you're going to give me one, FAGGOT!!!" Remember when he threw you on you floor, dropped trow and then made you give his a Russian Trombone? Remember when he'd had enough and 90 minutes later said "that's enough Screech. Now's it's my turn to give you something! How about a 'Dizzy Gillespie'!" Remember how you didn't know what he was talking about? Remember when he sat on your mouth and farted? Remember when your cheeks filled with his smelly ass gas, and they puffed up like Dizzy Gillespie's when the famous musician would play his trumpet? Belding sure got you good that time! Special thanks to Ox Fan for the support. |
03rd May 2005 - 08:26:52 AM |
13392 : Dustin Diamond, FOR REAL |
03rd May 2005 - 12:19:20 PM |
13394 : Dustin\'s official response |
I see that my board is still an uneasy mix of spank-worthy homosexual content (e.g. the stories of Ox et al) and complete and utter SHIT written by people who should be horrifically slaughtered (e.g. Princess Peussie, spam, Turkish protest wank). Some things never change. Keep fighting the good fight, queers! I need spank fodder, stat - the dog-eared naked pictures Mark-Paul and Mario gave me of themselves when SBTB wrapped don't really cut it after 10 years and 10,000 loads. |
03rd May 2005 - 12:25:22 PM |
13395 : Tsuyoshi-kun |
03rd May 2005 - 12:56:18 PM |
13396 : |
dizzy gillespie... fucking brilliant, ox |
03rd May 2005 - 03:00:14 PM |
13397 : |
I am a Hollywood producer trying to get in touch with Mr. Diamond to see if he'd like to star in a little indie film I'm doing - it's called Phantom of the Anus. Dustin would play a disfigured queer who lives in the dumpsters behind a Denny's in West Hollywood. He falls in love with a young latino cook at the Denny's and soon finds himself taking it in the ass for food. He lurks in the shadows until someone comes to the dumpsters with some sort of offering for anal. It's kind of a romantic comedy and I think it will be good for your image to help you break that tightcasting as a loveable nerd. Give me a call and we can talk business on my couch ( I'll even give you some coke and anal play) |
03rd May 2005 - 03:03:45 PM |
13398 : Tsuyoshi-kun |
03rd May 2005 - 04:21:38 PM |
13399 : |
Ox's stories are great but Maxwell Nerdstrom needs to write more as well - his story about Milo made me lose a liter of semen all over my monitor |
03rd May 2005 - 04:39:27 PM |
13400 : The Complete Works of Maxwell Nerdstrom |
12935 : Maxwell Nerdstrom Screech, remember the time you first realised you had feelings for Mr. Belding? Remember how it was after we'd had computer club, and you and I were walking down the corridor of Bayside, when we saw Belding strutting towards us? Remember how he had a bad Village People mustache and was wearing a brown corduroy suit with a pink shirt, wide lapels and slightly flared trousers? Remember how you were stopped short by his beauty, and stood there with your mouth agape? Remember how your teeny-tiny little cock went instantaneously hard? Remember how you had a major crush on him for a few weeks, until one day you finally decided to go to his office and come clean? Remember how you burst through the door of his office and walked in, only to see Belding ass-fucking Slater over his desk? Remember how the sight was so arousing, you shouted 'ZOIKS! I'M GONNA CUMMM!!' and pulled down your pants and immediately blew your load all over the two of them without even touching yourself? Continued... 12936 : Maxwell Nerdstrom - continued from below Remember how Belding was so incensed he pulled his dick out of Slater's ass, walked over to you and shouted 'LEARN TO KNOCK, YOU PUFFY-HAIRED FAGGOT!' in your face before slugging you in the gut? Remember how you groaned and went down, and Belding thrust his still-erect penis into your mouth? Remember how it tasted of burritos and guacamole from being in Slater's ass? Remember how you were shocked at first, but then remembered your feelings for Belding, and started giving him the blowjob of a lifetime? Remember how Slater said 'Hey preppie, where's mine?', went round behind you and stuck his smelly mexican erection up your ass? Remember how they spit-roasted you for a good 15 mins before showering you in semen? Remember how you thought you had died and gone to heaven? Remember how that was until you discovered that I had secretly video-taped the whole thing, and one day I rigged the video up to play over Belding's school-wide PA system and put captures from the film up all over the school? LOL I PWNED J00!!11 12940 : Maxwell Nerdstrom Screech, remember the time Belding was sodomizing you over his desk and, unbeknownst to you and he, I was hiding under the desk the whole time? Remember how, just as the two of you climaxed, I reached up and turned on the microphone for the PA system and the whole school heard the following dialogue? - Belding: Oh yeah! Take it all the way in, you faggot! You: Zoiks! B: Uhhn!! Oh God! I'm gonna cum!! You: Oh yeah, do it in my ass, big daddy! B (climaxing): OH GOD!! UUNNNNNGGGGGHHH!! You (climaxing): UH-OH, SPAGHETTI-O's!!! Remember how you had no idea why you said that when Belding came inside you, but for about 6months afterwards, whenever anyone saw you they said 'UH-OH SPAGHETTI-O's' until you tried to kill yourself? LOL j00 goT PWNED FAGG0rt!!!11! 12967 : Maxwell Nerdstrom Hey Screech! Do you remember when we used to go to Computer Club after school with Mr. Tuttle? Do you remember how you used to enjoy using scanning in yearbook photos of Zack, Slater, and the rest of the guys from the Bayside gang, and then using image manipulation software to put their faces onto the bodies of studly male models and gay couples? Remember how you also used to use MS Paint to create crude drawings of yourself sodomizing AC Slater with a greatly-exaggerated horsecock? Remember how you used to put the pictures on a floppy disk and take them home, where you would masturbate to them in your room? Remember how I found all this out because I came to your house one day, and Mrs. Powers said "he's up in his room, Maxwell, dear" so I went upstairs and walked in on you jacking off to a picture in which you had taken Slater's face and put it on the body of a very well endowed black man? Remember how, the next day, I decided to play a trick on you, so I told Mr. Tuttle about your homemade gay porn and how you kept it on a disk in your pocket? Remember how, just as the class was about to end, he confronted you in front of the rest of the class and demanded that you show him "the 3 1/2 inch floppy you've got in your trousers"? Remember how you were quite nervous, so without thinking you unzipped your fly and flopped your cock out? Remember how it was actually 3 1/2 inches, and the whole class started laughing at it? Remember how Tuttle made you stay after class and forced you to show him the disgusting pictures you'd made, so he could come up with a suitable detention? Remember how you sat there, hugely embarrased, flicking through all the pictures, with Tuttle watching the screen over your shoulder? Remember how, when you'd finished, you looked round at Mr. Tuttle, and he was salivating and had a deeply lustful look in his eye? Remember how you looked down and noticed that he'd popped a huge erection? Remember how he grabbed you roughly, bent you over the desk and sodomized the living daylights out of you for 30 mins straight? Remember how I secretly took photos of your tryst and stuck them up all over the school? LOL!!1! SCREETCCH GOt PwnXX0RRREESD!!1!!one 12969 : Maxwell Nerdstrom ...and do you also remember the time that Windows 3.1 came out, and we were really excited becuase we were both enormous computer geeks? But remember how you actually used to get sexually excited over it, even though it was just a piece of software? Remember the time we were going through all the new features, and you started to breathe heavily, and I looked over and you'd pitched an enormous tent? And do you remember the time I came round, and your mum sent me up to your room, and I caught you jacking off over a picture of Bill Gates? Remember how you really loved and idolised him, and wrote him telling him so? Remember how excited you were when you received a reply, inviting you to an exclusive tour of the Microsoft offices in Seattle? Remember how you were reading this letter in the school cafeteria, and you loudly shreiked like a girl and came in your pants, so you had to go home and get new pants with everyone laughing at you? Remember when a limousine pulled up in front of your house a few days later, and Bill got out, flanked by security guards? Remember how you answered the door to him, and almost passed out? Remember how he took you all the way to Seattle in his limo, and you thought you'd died and gone to heaven? Remember how he kept putting his hand on your thigh and winking at you throughout the trip, and you thought he was just being friendly? Remember how suprised you were when you got to the Microsoft offices, and Bill put a chloroform rag over your mouth? Remember how, when you came to, you found that Bill had locked you in a dungeon, where you spent a month as a love-slave to Bill and the rest of the MS staff? Remember how Bill took lots of pictures of your pasty, malnourished body being whipped and violated by numerous men in masks, and posted them all over Usenet? Remember how everyone in your school and your family saw them, and disowned you as a worthless piece of human excrement? ZOMG!!! B1LL.G PWEND j00 GOOD FAGGORTT!!!! 13008 : Maxwell Nerdstrom Hey Screech, remember the time Ox beat the shit out of me after a football game because I'm a complete dork? Remember how I came to you, bruised and bleeding, and you said 'Nobody treats a fellow nerd like this!!' and went off to the changing rooms to give Ox a piece of your mind? Remember how, after 15 minutes, you still weren't back, so I assumed he'd beaten the shit out of you too so I thought I'd go see if you were OK? Remember how I got to the changing rooms and heard you and Ox having squelchy, soapy, unprotected butt-sex in the showers? Remember how I went and got my camera, and covertly took lots of pictures of you and Ox 'inflagrante delicto'? Remember how I made sure to take lots of close-ups of your exceptionally small penis? Remember how you came in to school the next day and found out what I'd done when you saw hundereds of copies of the pictures plastered all over the school? Remember how you went to Belding's office to complain about me, and you walked in on Belding beating it to a picture of Ox fucking you in the ass while giving you a reach-around? Remember how he held up a picture of your miniscule genitalia, and said 'Damn, Powers, I remember you being small but not this small'? Remember how you tried to expain that your penis had shrivelled in the shower, but Belding just laughed, and then slugged you in the gut for no particular reason? Remember how later that day you heard that Ox had tried to hang himself from the goalposts because he couldn't stand the humiliation? OMG PWND!!!!1! RFOLLECOPTER!!!!!!11 13026 : Maxwell Nerdstrom Hey Screech, do you remember Milo the black janitor? Remember the time you were hanging out with me, Zack and Slater, and Milo came by, and Zack and Slater started calling him names because he was a total fucktard? Remember how, goaded on by Zack and Slater, you called Milo a 'big dumb jiggaboo' and a 'smelly black bastard'? Remember how Zack and Slater laughed, and we all went to class, but you started to feel really bad about what you'd said to Milo, so you went off to find him and apologise? Remember how you found him crying in the cafeteria? Remember how you put your arm around him and said you were really sorry? Remember how he looked up and smiled, and then started looking you up and down and licking his lips? Remember how he mumbled something about 'payback'? Remember how, before you could work out what he said, he started dragging you to the Janitor's closet, and then threw you inside? Remember how you hit your head on a shelf and lost consciousness? Remember how, when you came to, Milo was standing over you with his erect penis sticking out in front of him? Remember how it was the size of a Pringles can, and his testicles were as large as tennis balls? Remember how he lubed up his gargantuan member with engine oil, and said "now Milo's gon' get HIS"? Remember how he pulled you up by the afro, prised your jaws apart, slid his huge cock into your mouth and started throat-fucking you? Remember how his cock was too large for you mouth, and you felt your lips and jaw begin to tear, and your throat muscles being horribly damaged? Remember how your moans of pain made him think you were enjoying it, and he started saying things like "yeah, jus' like a white bitch" and "suck it harder, snowflake"? Remember how he kept saying "yeah, Milo likes dat shit"? Remember how, after a few minutes of horrible pain, Milo said "oh shit, Milo gots to CUMMMMM!!!!!" and bellowed like a hippopotamus? Remember how he unleashed a torrent of semen so vast and powerful it gushed down your throat like a sperm Niagra, destroying your damaged throat muscles? Remember how his load tasted like stale beer and rancid TV dinners, and it caused your stomach to swell like a balloon filling with water? Remember how, when he'd finally finished, he pulled out, and you fell to the floor, cough/vomiting semen and blood? Remember how you couldn't gag or speak properly because your throat had been destroyed? Remember how Milo tired of your horrible gurgling sounds, so he donkey-punched you unconscious and left, locking you in the closet? Remember how it was a week before anyone found you, half-dead and emaciated? Remember how you had to endure months of painful surgery to repair the damage done by Milo's horse-cock, and on your return to school you went to Mr. Belding to tell him what had happened and to get Milo fired? Remember how Belding didn't fire Milo, because Milo had a history of psychosis and child molestation, and had done hard time, and as such was willing to work for next to nothing? Remember how Milo terrorized you for the rest of your school days? You know, I think Milo taught you an important lesson about respecting people of different ethnicities that day. PWNDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13151 : Maxwell Nerdstrom Hey Screech, remember Kevin, your robot room-mate? Remember the time I borrowed him for a 'science project'? Remember how, when I gave him back, you found that I'd made a couple of modifications to Kevin - namely giving him a fully functional set of male genitalia and programming him with a raging homosexual lust? Remember how, after that, Kevin was constantly trying to rape you with his mighty robo-cock? Remember how you had to switch him off every time he tried? Remember how, after the 84th or 85th time, you just gave in to his advances and decided to give him a blowjob? Remember how you smoked on Kevin's cold, metallic hard-on, and after a few minutes Kevin said 'AHHHHH...OH...SCREECH...I'M...GONNA...CUM', in his staccato synthetic voice? Remember how you felt him cum in your mouth? Remember how horrified you were when you realised that Kevin came oil? Remember how the oil-cum shot straight down your throat? Remember how you started to vomit profusely, all over Kevin's dripping phallus? Remember how you had to go to hospital and have your stomach pumped? Remember how you nearly died? LOL!!! KEV1n PWNED j00!!!!!1!one |
03rd May 2005 - 07:40:13 PM |
13401 : new york vacation |
Hallo friends! Really nice place here. I found a lot of interesting stuff all around. Just what I was looking for. Great joy! new york vacation http://new-york-vacat.hotmail.ru/ |