11th May 2005 - 08:45:52 PM |
13499 : Gordo, ready to kill 13490 |
I've had it...and that CURSE of Princess Peussie wasn't worth shit, Man....those fuckers are still here and OX is the only one I TRUST Now for some news worth attention, you packaged pieces of rat shit:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_sjot a;; tje wau! For sure, Maria!! I'm here again at the Monkey Cave, yeh it's a cave, NOT a hut or a toilet, al;though we sure got lots of action there when the lights are dim and the johns don't flush. I remember seeing Mommy accompanied by Princess Fluff doing the "Dance around the Turds" in the men's room there in Miraflores and we damned near laughed our butts off when she slipped on that used rubber and fell to her knees, praying and screamin "Fuck the pope". The good ol' days for damn sure. I recently attended a castration opera at Maria's Ass-Temple with little Boy on the Stage, again on the stage, and we had a lovely time. He even got in on the action and fucked a camel. Other than that: times are hard (so am I, yeh Smiles, turds) but we keep a pushing along and singing those dumbass Pat Robertson hymns....shit, that old fag doesn't have a clue about god or jesus or buddha or even Madre Loki's hot actions there on the Waikaka beaches during police raids. oh well..fuck it, one tries even though even Nana Bezerka says "don't waste yer time little Stumper.." God Bless that greased door knob here at the Shimmer House of Whack-offs, it sure do come in handy when you got to fill a hole or two. Over and very out! GORDO |
11th May 2005 - 08:58:06 PM |
13500 : Rite ON, Motherchucker of OX |
OK< who sent this one to my email address? The first bar THIS FRUITCAKE was right outside, a half a block away. HE WAS in this car, but had taken all of my clothes from me in the toilet...and now I was standing there naked with just some toilet paper hanging from my butt crack. The second bar, I walked out, with the owner coming out after me cursing me out, saying "hand out the cock and balls, boy or just don't come back. We like action here and not diddling". I walked one block, along very brightly lit street...he wasn't there, My Master and Savior, the guy I called BINDOO BOY, the guy who had planned to sell me the two children for 0 each. There were cars passing, and honking horns. Each passerby, while hardly sober, yelled, "Look at me too, Mr. Jackson. I'm an asshole and can sing from this orifice better than you can!". The next block was a taxi stand....lots of people on the brightly lit street..I continued my nude walk to laughs, yells, and screams, stating that I was "an asshole, that YOU don't have a clue about doing the bunny-hop". By now I was nervous and my penis had gotten semi-hard at about 1 inch long, as I was into the third block, approaching a very busy wide interesection, and he was no where to be seen, this guy I had loved like no other lover, since last week, and I could still smell his stinking body as he plowed my useless butthole. Who is that, I asked myself? Was it Christ I was looking for, or just another lover-boy who wants to take me for 'a fucking great butt-ride'? Christ NO, I answered. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. I SHALL NOT WANT MORE PRICKS THAN TWO OR THREE AT A TIME. AMEN.... I was afraid, trembling, but still hard, turned on and driven. More people pointing, laughing, calling me pervert, etc. I came to the intersection. I was so scared now.I really caused a stir, as on that corner hundreds could see me. I finally saw him, lover of my soul and body, was then accross the avenue, in his car, and laughing hysterically. He must have taken more crack on his peanut butter sandwhich along with the LSD tabs in his diet coke...because I had never seen him having so much fun at my expense. I crossed the avenue, still stating to people loudly, that I was an a shit-stained pervert and out looking for some sauce. Which ofcourse was kind of true, friends. I cried out "Oh Jesus, take this monkey from my nuts". I got to the car, and he said, "fuck off , little Michael, you're going to have to get home nude, if you can, I hope the cops get you first. So long sucker!" And he pulled off in his car. With my clothes, leaving me nude, on a very busy intersection. I didn't know what to do. I was very humiliated, embarrassed, and terrified. So I just bent over and took one huge dump right there on the highway. I was sure I was going to be busted. Ruined. Probably fucked by the cops. I had no place to finger-fuck myself , and it was a half hour subway ride on the train home. Another ride, another fucking by some stranger. Very far and without hope and love. Christ, YOU are my savior, but sometimes I just don't get the punch line to this very delicious joke. And, I was still hard with my dick about to snap off! but along came Mojo with Robert McFerrin, dudes and fuck-buddies from the Ranch, and they gave me a ride back to the Ranch on the condition that once there, we'd call out the ranch hands and have one BIG AND HOT ASS-EATING TIME FOR ALL. Calls were made...and LOVE could be smelled in the air!! Can one ask for better friends? I can't....even though I've been dripping cum globs for days now. Amen!! |
11th May 2005 - 09:15:14 PM |
13501 : Dner |
Hey Dustin, is it true that you worked at a Denny's in West Hollywood? Is it true that you were the busboy there? Is it true that every Thursday a drunken Dennis Haskins would come into your Denny's and asks to see you? Is it true that no matter how many times he's done you wrong you'd always come to him for fear that your homosexual fantasies would never come true? Is it true that he'd always asks you serve him instead of doing your typical busboy duties? Is it true that your boss would chews you out all the time because Dennis was always distracting you from your assigned tasks? Is it true that one night he came in all fucked up on cocaine and alcohol and asked to see you? Is it true that he told the manager to fuck off in a inebriated rage screaming that he already at a delicious meal at Taco Bell? Is it true that he screamed "SCREECH!! MY OFFICE NOW!!" and stummbled into the bathroom? Is it true that you blindly followed him into the bathroom? Is it true that once you guys were into the bathroom he pulled down his pants letting his middle aged wrinkled cock flap in the breeze? Is it true that you thought your dreams were finally coming true and you quickly stripped off your Denny's work clothes and went to work on sucking his cock? Is it true that he grabbed your fro, pulled his cock out and did a 180 planting your face in his ass? Is it true that he mumbled "here's a taste from south of the border busboy scum..." and he let a stream of Taco Bell shit all over your face? Is it true that you lapped it up like a dog? Is it true that your engraged boss came barging in on you and grabbed you by the neck and screamed "YOUR FIRED YOU PERVERTED FAGGOT!!!" and threw you out back by the dumpsters? Is it true that there were homosexuals having unprotected anal sex by the dumpsters? Is it true that one of them was Ed "Max" Alonzo? Is it true that you grabbed your ankels and yelled "COME AND GET IT BOYS!!" and they all tore your asshole a new one? Is it true that Dennis walked back there still naked with a stream of shit running down is leg and stuck his cock in your mouth? Is it true that when everyone was ready to cum you sat down and they all came all over you? Is it true that you had so much fun that night that you continued the tradition every Thrusday night in celebration of your making it with Dennis? Is it true that thats how the dumpster parties got started? Boy, you sure created an American tradition! |
11th May 2005 - 11:17:42 PM |
13502 : |
dner's really gay |
12th May 2005 - 12:40:44 AM |
13503 : mr. tuttle |
screech, lick the skidmarks off my underwear |
12th May 2005 - 02:05:59 AM |
13504 : Çocuğunuzun maliyetini hesaplar mısınız?!.. |
Çocuğunuzun maliyetini hesaplar mısınız?!.. Bir haber beni şaşkına çevirdi. Belki hergün meydana gelen trafik kazalarından sonra açılan davalar ve ardından gündeme gelen tazminat taleplerinde hep aynı manzara yaşanıyordur. İşin bu boyutunu, hukuki sürecin nasıl işlediğini tam olarak bilmiyorum. İnsan bilmediği bir konuda tavır sahibi olamıyor. Ancak gazetelere haber konusu olan bir davada bir çocuğun trafik kazasında hayatını kaybetmesinin ardından ailesine ödenmesi söz konusu tazminat gündeme gelince bunun hesaplanması için konu bilirkişiye gönderiliyor ve bilirkişinin raporuna göre de ödenmesi gereken tazminat belirlenecek. Ne var ki, bilirkişiden öyle bir rapor geliyor ki, ölen çocuğun ailesi yapacağı masraftan kurtulduğu gibi bir değerlendirme ile karşı karşıya kalıyor. Gazetelerde yer alan haber bu ve bilirkişinin raporu ağırlık noktasını oluşturuyor. Lafı uzatmayalım. Haberi görmemiş, görmüş iseniz bile belki detayını okumamış olduğunuzu düşünerek sizlere olayı aktarmak istedim. Mekki iki yıl önce 8 yaşında iken bir otobüsün çarpması sonucu hayatını kaybediyor. Yapılan inceleme sonucu kazayı yapan otobüsün sürücüsü yüzde 75, Mekki ise yüzde 25 kusurlu bulunuyor. Mekki'nin babası 4.5 milyar lira tazminat talebinde bulunuyor. Bir evladın acısının bırakın 4.5 milyar lira ile, para ile telafisi mümkün olabilir mi? Ancak, otobüsü sigortalayan şirket bu parayı ödemiyor. Mekki'nin ailesi de bu defa mahkemede tazminat davası açıyor. Sözü uzatmayalım.. İlk duruşmanın ardından kusur ve tazminatın hesaplanması için dosya bilirkişiye gidiyor. Bu çok bilmiş bilirkişi inceleme sonucunda raporunu hazırlayarak mahkemeye veriyor. Bakın bilirkişi raporunda neler var neler. İsterseniz habere bir göz atalım: "Ayaz ailesinin çocuğunu büyütmek için 55 milyar 926 milyon 240 bin 197 lira masraf yapacağını, buna karşılık çocuğun 18 yaşından sonra ailesine katkısının 13 milyar 234 milyon 447 bin 990 lira olacağını belirtti" Bu rakamlar hangi hesaba ve ölçüye göre ortaya çıktı o ayrı bir konu ancak biz raporun gerekçesini yine gazete haberinden aktarmaya devam edelim: "Yörenin ve ailenin sosyal konumu gereğince çocuk üniversite eğitimi almayıp, 18 yaşından sonra çalışmaya başlayacaktır. Nüfus kaydına göre 1995 doğumlu olup olay tarihinde 8 yaşındadır. Kalan ömrü 55 yıl 10 ay 3 gün, muhtemel ömür sonu 2050 yılıdır. 18 yaşını doldurduğunda çalışmaya başlayacak, 2015 yılında askere gidecek, dönüşte 2 yıl evlenmeyecek, daha sonra evlenerek aileye destek oranı azalacaktır." Bu tespitin ardından raporda belirtilen şu husus karşısında aman sıkı durun: "Mekki'nin ölmesi nedeniyle aile 42 milyar 691 milyon 792 bin 207 lira masraftan kurtulmuştur." Bu rapor ve ifadeye göre sanıyorum Mekki'nin ailesi kaza sonucu çocuğunun ölümüne yol açan şoföre bu parayı ödemesi gerekiyor. Söyler misiniz bana böyle bir mantık ve yaklaşım hangi ölçüye sığar? Bunun hukukla bir ilgisi olabilir mi? Şunu hemen belirteyim ki, bir defa rapor baştan sona falcılığa dayanıyor.. Çünkü, yöre durumu ve ailenin şartları gereği Mekki'nin yüksek tahsil yapamayacağı kabul ediliyor. Bunu bir insan ne kadar bilmiş olursa olsun nasıl bilebilir? Nice yoksul aile çocukları biliyorum, hatta ailesi olmayan yakınlarının yanında büyüyen çocuklar. Bunların pek çoğunun yüksel tahsil yaptığını da biliyorum.. Bir de ölen Mekki'ye ailesinin yapacağı masrafı nasıl olup da kuruşuna kadar hesaplayabilmiş bu bilirkişi onu da anlamakta zorluk çekiyorum. Maksadım bilirkişiyi yargılamak değil. Elbette onların elinde de bir ölçü vardır.. Ancak, hazırlanan raporda ailenin çocuklarının ölmesi ile 42 milyar liralık bir masraftan kurtulmuş olduğu gibi bir sonuca ulaşılmasını hiçbir ölçüye ve gerekçeye sığdıramıyorum. Çünkü, hiçbir aile evladının kendisine neye malolduğunu maddi bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutmaz. Çünkü, bizde evladın değeri madde ile ölçülmez. Birileri çıkar da bunu maddi bir ölçüye vurmaya kalkarsa toplumu derinden yaralayan bir görüntü ortaya çıkar. Kaldı ki, otobüsü sigortalayan şirketin de istenen 4.5 milyar liralık tazminatı ödememesini anlayabilmiş değilim. İnsanımız ve toplum bu kadar mı maddileşti? Bu kadar mı insani değerlerlerimizden uzaklaştık? Evlatlarımız birer gelir ya da gider kaynağı olarak mı algılanmaya başlandı? Eğer böyle olmuşsa, alın medeniyetinizi başınıza çalın.. Ben ilkel bir toplumda yaşamaya razıyım. |
12th May 2005 - 02:42:41 AM |
13505 : |
screech, please delete the spam here so that the faggots who read the messages here can find erotic stores more easily |
12th May 2005 - 04:32:52 AM |
13506 : penis enlargement |
Greetings from Sousse http://www.penis-enlargement-methods.net penis enlargement [url=http://www.penis-enlargement-methods.net]penis enlargement[/url] |
12th May 2005 - 10:08:11 AM |
13507 : Hello, My name is Sheeners |
Hello everyone and guess what? My name is Sheeners, not cleaners or Kleenex, and my grandpa invented the actual dumpster you guys love so much. He created the dumpster NOT for garbage but for a place to put colostomy bags. As for these fucking turkish terrorists: the clue is this: Bir haber beni Because this translates into: "Selling Bennies and uppers and downers at the dumpster" so don't worry; these guys are just drug dealers. Aint' that so, Peussie?????? FUCK YEH....right on! |
12th May 2005 - 12:04:30 PM |
13509 : |
http://online-poker-online-poker.net http://online-poker-online-poker.net/online-poker/ online poker |
12th May 2005 - 01:49:51 PM |
13510 : Rocco |
I had a wonderfull experience yesterday at the local mall. It was very similar to the xmas episode where the gang meets a bum. I was in the mall dressed in best zubaz and fro wig and saw some bum pass out on the floor. I rushed over and said Ill take care of this and dropped my zubaz and began to tea bag the bum. People were a bit upset at this but I assured them I knew what I was doing. I then wrapped my asscheeks around his nose and released a torrent of farts and diareahh on him. People began to clammer for the police but all of a sudden the bum began to cough and puke so I bent him over and buttfucked him yelling zoiks over and over. The crowd had turned in my favor by this point and cheered loudly over the protests of the shit covered bum while I pounded his ass. I was quite a hero! ROCCO |
12th May 2005 - 02:48:52 PM |
13511 : Sheeners, always ready with the LUBE |
Rocco, THAT is a splendid event, and I can well imagine even Princess Peussie and her gang of thugs urging you on with blast of jizz and lots of goo with fecal material. You do know the story about Dustin and that bag of M and Ms? YEh seems that someone in the cast dried out cat turds into little pellets, painted them lovely colors then offered them to Diamond who ate them like the little hog he is.....VOMIT everywhere! It was soo cool. Thanks for the offering. |
12th May 2005 - 03:01:25 PM |
13512 : |
I just received my Bayside Tigers Wrestling shirt I bought off Ebay - I can't wait to wear it with my greasy mullet wig and sweats and go out and get loads of man ass. I hope to find a Dustin dressed in a Bayside Wrestling shirt and we can Roman wrestle followed by me giving him a Roman helmet - Rocco - your story made me hard! I must now stroke it while reading some of these great gaycore stories. |
12th May 2005 - 03:57:39 PM |
13513 : FYI |
Sheener, nobody here likes Princess Peussie and her gang of unfunny rejects, so nobody here gives a shit what she might think about us and our homosexcapades, because nobody here gives a shit about her. |
12th May 2005 - 04:13:47 PM |
13514 : Shasta Nasty |
prean mien diet cunt, hosen howser busch. a shit drip smilley face. KIKEY! |
12th May 2005 - 04:18:54 PM |
13515 : Shasta Nasty |
do you lack my perddy teets. oragn juice was georgwe bush's hell, his brother in mexico, they got a drafty back car seat from apollon duggy, where is this mess fort house for wheels bog truckers are carrying lagguage poop jews juice said KIKEY! |
12th May 2005 - 04:25:38 PM |
13516 : Racist Porno |
It'z me, KIKEY! |
12th May 2005 - 04:55:14 PM |
13517 : Master of the Hole |
FYI, speak for yerself, bunghole. Damn I love to hear about that slut and firends and the dumpster scenes in LAk,os fucking tak e a leak....and in case uyou don't get it is then here it comes again, nani ! ! ! ! ! text/search.php?qq=anal">anal">anal">anal |
12th May 2005 - 05:42:54 PM |
13518 : |
12th May 2005 - 06:15:32 PM |
13519 : Dustin heart Zack |
http://tinypic.com/2nr2x5 |