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    19th June 2006 - 09:16:51 AM    
77905 : WWE Superstar: Bobby Lashley!

    19th June 2006 - 09:23:41 AM    
77906 : fan
the company that wrote the letter to this dustin i believe they are just plain greedy, they waited for the right moment for property values to increase like 300 percent then start sending letters that you owe us this amount of money

    19th June 2006 - 09:36:40 AM    
77907 :
yes ali, dustin is really gay, he doesn't admit it in public because he's afraid it will hurt his career. dustin, stop being such a homophobe and come out already!

    19th June 2006 - 10:16:17 AM    
77908 : Mark Diamond
Dustin, remember when I robbed you of all your money you made on saved by the bell? Remember how I broke all contact with you and have spent all your money?

I sure got you good that time son!

    19th June 2006 - 10:28:15 AM    
77909 : hung fag
this site made me cum:

    19th June 2006 - 10:28:30 AM    
77910 : #1 Fan
Diamond, what happened to

    19th June 2006 - 10:35:43 AM    
77911 : Gay Zack
Screech, Let's fuck and eat ass.

    19th June 2006 - 10:53:09 AM    
77912 : Neil Diamond
Screech, I'm your real father, not Mark Diamond. Your brother Mike D from the Beastie Boys and I are having quite a few laughs at your expense as you are about to lose your house. Maybe I'll write a followup to my hit song "Sweet Caroline" call "Sweet Diamond" or "Sweet Screech." I'll let you know soon, son.

    19th June 2006 - 10:58:10 AM    
77913 : #2 Fan
This old post made me laugh:

21st July 2005 - 10:56:54 PM
55257 : Ox
Screech, remember that episode where you fell asleep in Mr. Tuttle's class at Bayside? Remember when you dreamed that you were in the navy and were the captain of the U.S.S. Zubaz? Remember when Maxwell Nerdstrom, your first mate, detected an incoming torpodeo? Remember when you yelled out "all hands on deck"? Remember when you dreamed that you tried to evade the torpodeo but were just too slow to react? Remember when you dreamed that the torpodeo broke through the hull of the U.S.S. Zubaz with a direct hit? Remember when you dreamed that hot seawater rushed into the U.S.S. Zubaz? Remember when you woke up and discovered that Mr. belding was doing you in the butt with his middle-aged "torpodoe" while Zack was pissing all over your Zubaz and Mr. Tuttle was tea-bagging you? The Bayside gang really got you good that time!

    19th June 2006 - 11:11:20 AM    
77914 : whomever
once you star as a geeky, nerdy, loser on t.v you never really ever gain a cool image again.

    19th June 2006 - 11:54:45 AM    
77915 :
Diamond, what have you done to fagbuters and dner? please release them immediately.

    19th June 2006 - 12:12:29 PM    
77916 : concerned citizen
Yeah dicknose! Did you trap them in your mighty ass? If so release them or I will forced to call in Belding dressed in a British Bobby costume to come stick his billy club up your ass to force you to release them! We need them back to lead the way in our quest to re-queer this guestbook to its maximum potential!!!

    19th June 2006 - 12:44:07 PM    
77917 : Arby\'s Manager

I understand that you are in a horrid fight for your house right now. I also know that you come into the store 4-5 times a day buying multiple bags of Beef 'n' Cheddars to satisfy your whale-like fake wife of yours. I know that this has to be draining your pocketbook in these desparate times.

Although I am not prepared to help you monitarily, I am offering you something that could save your house... FREE BEEF 'N' CHEDDARS FOR LIFE!!!!!!

All you have to do is meet me behind the dumpster with a couple of my mulleted latino employees (some damn good Slater if you ask me) for some unprotected buttsex. That is all I ask.

Please consider this. I am serious about this, but am afraid to bring this up in person. I know you read these messages from your queer fans because you told me once. I want to help you.

    19th June 2006 - 12:44:46 PM    
77918 : GMMB fan
screech, i liked the episodes with you and milo from good morning miss bliss. do you still hang out with milo? have you ever used the handle of his mop as a chair?

    19th June 2006 - 12:47:30 PM    
77919 : Gay Zack
Diamond, remember when you met the comedian Ant and you showed your penis to him? Remember how he told you stories of how him and his lover bring homeless guys home, clean them up feed them and have sex with him? Remember how you told him that you do that too, but keep it on the downlow. Have you ever been assraped by Ant? He thinks you're an ugly hook nose jew bastard. Does it hurt you that Ant will fuck homeless guys but not you?

    19th June 2006 - 12:57:01 PM    
77920 : Gay Zack
Screech, are you going to take up the beef and cheddar offer? It sounds like a win win situation. My offer to spray you with a Taco Bell tsunami still stands. I will dress up like Slater and talk mexican to you as you eat my spicy manchilada sauce.

    19th June 2006 - 01:01:12 PM    
77921 : Slick Rick the Insurance Salesman
Diamond... here's my idea of a way to scam some money. Sign up one of your homeless dumpster buddies for life insurance and kill him. I've got some ideas to shoot by you. E-mail me soon...

    19th June 2006 - 01:50:12 PM    
77922 : Mike Eastwood
Possibly this D. Diamond guy is going to get another break . . .because "any publicity . . ." you know the saying. He could possibly succeed in a dramatic role or something intense.

The guy who runs this site will get what is coming to him . . . "what goes around . . ." you know the saying.

    19th June 2006 - 02:52:42 PM    
77923 : carole
je me demandais ce que tu devenais!

    19th June 2006 - 03:11:10 PM    
77924 : Gay Zack
Possibly his Diamond guy loves to ... "suck cock....." you kow the saying. He could possibly succeed in getting a lead in a sequel to Brokeback Mountain.

The guy who runs this site will give Dustin a ... "reach around...." you know the saying.

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