19th June 2006 - 04:08:53 PM |
77925 : Andy |
You're the man now dog! |
19th June 2006 - 04:46:28 PM |
77926 : Gay Zack |
Screech, you will now bow down before all the queers you ignored and never gave as much as a reach around to. We could have propelled you to Tom Cruise status, but instead you chose to blow your money on star wars figures and beef and cheddars for some fat scamming whore. We could have gotten you a lead in Brokeback Mountain. We could have gotten you a show on the Logo network, but you blew it all because you didn't want come out. Now you're going to lose your house, much like my load you never got in your eye so you can see where I come from. Bitch. |
19th June 2006 - 05:28:13 PM |
77927 : Vinny |
This is some crazy ass shit right here. Is this Dustin Diamond dude really gay? Serious question. |
19th June 2006 - 05:37:46 PM |
77928 : James Lipton |
Screech, when you were on "Inside the Actors' Studio," you mentioned that your favorite curse word is "frosted nuts" and that you hated it "when someone throws garbage or feces at you." Is that still your favorite curse word, and have you learned to enjoy it when feces are thrown at you? |
19th June 2006 - 05:55:53 PM |
77929 : |
www.getdshirt.com |
19th June 2006 - 06:19:23 PM |
77930 : Billy Elliot |
I read this in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dustin_Diamond): "On June 15, 2006, he conducted a phone interview with the Toucher and Rich radio show on WBCN in Boston. Despite repeatedly attempting to promote the sale of his t-shirts to save his home, the hosts ridiculed him and would only refer to him as his Screech character. Diamond ultimately hung up in apparent disgust after making his frusturation apparent, and the ridicule continued after the hangup. The interview coincided with Diamond's promoted appearance later that night at a Boston-area bar in which was to simply hang out and drink with the patrons." Is this true? I haven't heard about it. |
19th June 2006 - 06:24:38 PM |
77931 : Gay Zack |
Hey Dustin, I met Dennis Haskins one night at a local college after his standup and he was all drunk from doing body shots with young co-eds. He kept saying you were a fucking hack who steals all your material. He also said that once on the set, Mario Lopez brought a mentally retarded Puerto Rican boy to the set so he could watch how a show was made. He said that security caught the boy in your room with a cup of Jesus juice that you had given him, except the Jesus juice was really your semen. He said that you had to buy off the family and that's why you have no money. I laughed when he told me that. He alo said that he fucked your mom in the ass a few years before she passed and your dad watched and stroked his cock. Also he said he once caught you dry humping Kevin the robot in your dressing room, which was only a janitors closet. Does that make you sad that everyone else got nice dressing rooms, but yours was just a broom closet that you had to share with Hector the janitor who used to ass rape you. |
19th June 2006 - 06:48:16 PM |
77932 : Howard Jewstein |
Hello Dustin, I'm Rabbi Howard Jewstein and I just want to say you're a disgrace to jews all around. What kind of jew isn't good with money, business or comedy? A faggot jew, thats who. I bet your mother is rolling in her grave. Than that beast you lay down with? You are an embarrassment. |
19th June 2006 - 08:31:07 PM |
77933 : Weasel |
Hey- If a famous actor like you is taking donations, you could at least say some of it was for charity. No, you want the world to help you pay for your house because you squandered the money you made from TV on crack whores and ice. If you can't afford a 250K house, maybe you should sell it and take up residence in your local trailer park. When you get there, say hi to Leif Garrett for me. |
19th June 2006 - 08:37:36 PM |
77934 : Crazy Alice |
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you Dustin. |
19th June 2006 - 08:37:45 PM |
77935 : Evan Stone |
Hey Dustin, remember me? I played drums in Salty the Pocketknife with you. Remember how we used to shoot up and suck each others dicks? Remember how you got so high you shit your pants and the club owner kicked us out? Remember when I caught you with another man and it broke up the band? You really fucked us all up with that buddy. We could have still been teabagging playing rock, but you fucked up and will now lose that house of yours. Fuck you, your former gay lover, Evan Stone. |
19th June 2006 - 08:41:27 PM |
77936 : |
hey wat up gangasta G. u kno my crib aint as tight as urs ya kno. wel wanna say u a gangsta to but not as tight of a ganasta as da one and only me.tight talk 2 u l8er G. |
19th June 2006 - 09:31:38 PM |
77937 : a real working man |
i think maybe you should go out and get a freakin job to pay for your house. i'll bet you make fun of homeless people too, when all youre doing is begging. Youre no better than the homeless drunk on the corner. |
19th June 2006 - 11:13:30 PM |
77938 : Cornhole |
Hey Dustin- Damn bud, when we gonna go felching again? Remember the last time when you yanked your 10" cock out of my ass and it was covered with corn, peanuts, and streaks of my shit? Damn that was hot. I long for the day when I can get ass-raped by your kong dong again. Keep it warm for me. Thanks bud. Oh yea, fuck you get a job loser. |
19th June 2006 - 11:55:14 PM |
77939 : Jeebus |
You have got to be one of the most pathetic pieces of shit I have ever seen. Beggar... Got get a fucking job. |
19th June 2006 - 11:56:29 PM |
77940 : Ass Plunderer |
Hey bud, I heard you on Stern last week. That's a cool name you made up for yourself - "D=man." D-man, I know you're hurting for cash, so I'd like to offer you a couple bucks to me me in the rest stop just north of Madison. I'll be sitting naked in the third bathroom stall on the semen-covered seat waiting for you. When you get there I'll give you a Dirty Sanchez and then bend you over to show you why the queers call me "assplunderer." |
20th June 2006 - 12:36:19 AM |
77941 : Come |
This site is in no way affiliated with Dustin Diamond Losers |
20th June 2006 - 01:12:36 AM |
77942 : Rod Belding |
Screech, you're a faggot. My bro Richie Belding (Mr. Belding to you) and I are gonna spit roast you at an all-school assembly today. You're gonna get AIDS today, chucklefuck! |
20th June 2006 - 01:31:02 AM |
77943 : feaf |
hahahahahahahah greetings from germany |
20th June 2006 - 03:11:10 AM |
77944 : Rusty Trombone |
So last night I travelled to an out-of-state Denny's I hadn't been to before looking for ass. I went dressed as Bo Duke from Dukes of Hazzard. I didn't get any restroom action so when it came time to leave I left money for the bill and discretely took a nice healthy shit in the booth I'd been occupying, and then got the fuck out of there before anyone noticed my 'tip'. I went round the back and found a homeless dude named Ezekiel rooting around in the dumpsters. He stank of cheap liquor, BO and cat piss. I asked him with a grin if he fancied making a quick buck; he said sure, so I dropped trow presenting my shitty buttcrack and told him to get licking. To my suprise he went at the task with relish - I think it was the closest thing he'd had to a meal in days. I was jacking off whilst he was doing this and I gave him a nasty suprise by turning round suddenly and blowing my stringy load all over his face. Then I kneed him in the windpipe, took out a dollar bill, wiped my ass with it and threw it at him as he lay squirming in pain. I took a piss on him as well and then left. Textbook evening, all in all. |