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    20th June 2006 - 03:19:57 AM    
77945 : former SBTB staffer
hey guys, I used to work on saved by the bell as a gofer. i'd like to remain anonymos but i just wanted to say to all the people wonjdering if screech is really gay: one day he came up to me and we were talking and he started looking at me funny, then out of nowhere he started talking about how he`d recently been thinking a lot about his sexuality and how he was confused, and then he started stroking my crotch. i jumped away and told him i didnt swing that way, he looked asahmed and ran off crying, and we never spoke about it again. just thought youd like to know.

    20th June 2006 - 03:30:49 AM    
77946 :

    20th June 2006 - 05:02:48 AM    
77947 :
Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go
Tainted love, tainted love (x2)
Touch me baby, tainted love (x2)
Tainted love (x3)

    20th June 2006 - 05:06:21 AM    
77948 : Brad Pitt
A few of my friends have had run in's with dustin in real life and have all said he was a disrespectful, egomaniacal, a-hole. Not very surprising seeing that he has made a charity for his sorry self when there are serious charities out there that could use donations far worse than this easily solved problem that he has. I would hope everyone laughs at this loser and doesn't waste their hard earned money to help this big headed, ugly, washed up butt munch. I can't believe he actually thinks he's going to get a positive response to this pathetic outcry--I wish this was his real homepage, then he would see what everyone already knows about this guy--he is an a-hole!!

    20th June 2006 - 05:09:07 AM    
77949 : Mike Rodgers
Screech, remember in the College Years where I was your dorm advisor? Remember how Zack and Slater used to kick you out of their room for jacking off with your 1.5 inch penis over them when they were getting dressed and had to spend the night with me? Remember how I used to violently ass rape you and then take long smelly shits into your mouth which you would suck in like spaghetti?

Well I've just came back from my travels and im HIV+! Dump your fake wife and come live with me boyo! Call me!

    20th June 2006 - 06:04:51 AM    
77950 : eat me
Screech you are a loathsome pile of dog feces who deserves everything that's coming to him. I haven't got any money either but you don't see me acting like a fucking charity. Get a job fucker.

    20th June 2006 - 07:01:12 AM    
77951 :
Screech, are you still dating Evan Stone? I always thought you two made such a cute couple.

    20th June 2006 - 07:49:17 AM    
77952 :
Screech, I've heard that your fake wife is actually a man, please confirm/deny.

    20th June 2006 - 09:41:23 AM    
77953 : Clay Aiken
Oh Screech, why don't you look at me when me make love??? Is it because I'm ugly?????? It is, isn't it??? OH, I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

    20th June 2006 - 09:46:48 AM    
77954 : Tipper Gore

    20th June 2006 - 10:33:13 AM    
77955 : Butt Flambé
Diamond, why do you allow your wife to pose for Reader's Wives style pictures like this?

I am right in thinking it's the same woman, right?

    20th June 2006 - 10:35:54 AM    
77956 : fan
Screech, maybe you should use some of the revenue from the sale of t-shirts to fix your wif'es teeth. They look pretty grizzled here:

    20th June 2006 - 10:40:12 AM    
77957 : Angry Fan
This is NOT Screech's site. It's some jackass who highjacked his name. GIVE IT BACK YOU SUCK!

    20th June 2006 - 10:45:31 AM    
77958 : Gay Zack
Hey Angry Fan, you sound angry. Are you a dude? If so meet me at the location of your choice for some rimming and ass play Dustin Diamond style.

    20th June 2006 - 10:49:07 AM    
77959 : Grotbags

I have your dog! Come to my boudair and give me some of that fun loving ZOINKS like you used to ... also, why not take a moment to shove your hand up my green ass much like Rod Hull used to do with that damn bird, EMU...

Here's proof that I have your dog!
[img src=""]

    20th June 2006 - 10:53:56 AM    
77960 : Angry Fan
Gay Zack YOU PERVERT And you are not real Zack!!! I don't play gay!

    20th June 2006 - 10:57:19 AM    
77961 : Gay Zack
Angry Fan, this makes you sad that you are not interested in doing an Angry Dragon. I am real Zack, a very gay real Zack because I'm talking to you and my name is indeed Zack. You should have called yourself Stupid Fan.

    20th June 2006 - 11:06:46 AM    
77962 : Angry Fan
Give Dustin Diamond his web address back! YOU STOLE IT!!!SQUATTERS!!!

    20th June 2006 - 11:07:47 AM    
77963 : Ernie
Hi Screech it's me, Ernie from Sesame Street. You probably grew up watching my crazy antics when I lived with Bert on Sesame Street. But what you didn't realize is I was Bert's bitch on that show. He and Mr. Hooper used to pull trains with me every night even though I would scream out in pain and beg for mercy. Bert also would burn the top of my head with cigar butts while making me suck him off. The abuse eventually stopped when I bought a gun from Grover and shot Bert in his nutsack. Ever since then I've the abuser, no longer am I the victim! I'm cummin' to get you, FAGGOT and break you into my world, mupper-style! You'd better duct tape your ass shut when you go to bed tonight or you'll wake up with my orange cock in there!

    20th June 2006 - 11:20:22 AM    
77964 : Queer Police
Please keep posts only to queer fantasies or calling Mr. Diamond a big loser and telling him to fuck himself.

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