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    20th June 2006 - 11:36:57 AM    
77965 : Rachel
Wow, what a great site. Quality.

    20th June 2006 - 11:39:40 AM    
77966 : Bayside Basket Case
LOL @ Screech the charity case. What a friggin' DOUCHE you truly are Diamond.

    20th June 2006 - 12:10:46 PM    
77967 : Lance
Gay Zack, what ever happened to the "Scatplay Dustin Diamond" and the "Let It Steep In Dustin Mouth" Yahoo Groups?

    20th June 2006 - 12:15:47 PM    
77968 : Gay Zack
Lance, I've been neglecting those groups, I've been too busy rimming at dumpsters to work on the groups. I want to, I hope that there's some hot scat stories on their.

    20th June 2006 - 12:23:04 PM    
77969 : sccreech eats AIDS for breakfast
screech, I'd rather wipe my ass with my money than give it to you for your fucking house fund. you are one pathetic piece of shit. i hear haskins has lots money from all the karaoke contests he's been winning recently, why not go give your ass to him and he might throw you a couple bucks.

"don't fuck with the D-man", haha yah really I'm glad arthur giraldo fucked you over, now go get a fucking dead-end job like the rest of us and stop subjecting the world to your "comedy". fuckhead.

    20th June 2006 - 12:28:41 PM    
77970 : Lance
Gay Zack, those groups appear to have been deleted by Yahoo. :(

    20th June 2006 - 12:40:01 PM    
77971 : Lance
Angry Fan (message 77962), Diamond did try to get this website back in 2004 and he LOST! You can read all about it here:

    20th June 2006 - 01:18:32 PM    
77972 : Ant

Ant reported he was once standing at a public urinal, when Dustin Diamond came in and urinated in the urinal next to him. Ant then corroborated Dustin’s claim that his penis is 10 inches long, adding he had to “hold it up” to prevent it from hitting the urinal. Ant also said the only penis he’s ever seen that was comparable in size to Dustin’s was James Woods’, but pointed out Dustin’s face would prevent him from ever wanting to have sex with him, despite his “bigness.”

    20th June 2006 - 02:18:45 PM    
77973 : Pissed
How dare you try to get people to pay for your house!!!! What about those of us who are lucky to put food on our table for our children. Get a life Screeech!!!!!!!! If you want to sell t-shirts, try working at Walmart. What a discusting human being you are. Or are you human?? No brain and no heart, maybe your not. How sad you are.

    20th June 2006 - 02:48:16 PM    
77974 : faghater
There is no way he'll sell that many shirts. Hey screech you fuck up! you should join zach and the latino juice monkey at the best western cleaning rooms for a nifty wage. can you say Housekeeeeping?

    20th June 2006 - 03:10:39 PM    
77975 : Anal Cum Slater
Screech, you want some help? I can give it to you, but you have to help me. I'll give you 500 if you let me piss all over your face and spray your face with diarrhea. We don't have to have buttsex, the water sports and scat will be fine, but if you want to give me anal, I can kick in an extra 100. I've heard that Dennis Haskins urinated on you once and the pee was all over your jew fro dripping into your face. I wish I had a picture of that, I'd jerk off to it and send it to you so you can ass it to those beef and cheddars you seem to love. FAg.

    20th June 2006 - 03:22:37 PM    
77976 : Burrito Burner
Diamond, drop by my place tonight in west Hollywood for a "Slater hot Surprise". I'll be eating 4 Cheeze & Bean Burritos, 1 side order of Pintos w/Hot Sauce, 2 Jalapeno Tacos, and there'll be NO toilet paper in the bathroom! Can you guess what happens after I've eaten that hot feast? Sounds tasty huh, buddy?

    20th June 2006 - 03:32:45 PM    
77977 : Tommy Turdface
assfucking is a fun and healthy activity that makes you go poop and then the semen cums out with the shit.

    20th June 2006 - 03:39:40 PM    
77978 : Lance
Here's an article about Screech posted on Yahoo. The message board for this article is decidely against Screech. But it could still be queered up a bit more.

    20th June 2006 - 03:46:32 PM    
77979 : Lance
I guess they found the Diamond Love forum:

    20th June 2006 - 03:52:47 PM    
77980 : Lance
Screech,Gilligan of Saved by the Bell
by: wavx_titanic 06/18/06 07:05 pm
Msg: 265 of 465

The hot chicks of the show had no interest in him because like Gilligan, Screech was gay and one ugly looking dude. It seems like Screech is gay in real life which Gilligan was not. Screech is a butt pirate and like Gilligan he was just an idiot on the each show. Gilligan should have been knocked off by the Mr. Howell or Ginger and someone should have kicked Screeches ass.


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what a loser...
by: urnot2nome 06/18/06 06:49 pm
Msg: 260 of 465
2 recommendations

in his letter, this loser says "Let's face it, if he can't find the time to work on a mortgage for a famous celebrity, how will he handle the average person?"

come one, if you were such a "famous celebrity" then you wouldn't be in the predicament you're currently in...right? which means one're not even an "average person"'re a LOSER!

by: miss_demeanor17065 (32/F/Mt. Holly) 06/18/06 06:47 pm
Msg: 259 of 465
3 recommendations

Live within your means JERK!! You werent funny then, aren't funny now, you aren't even cute..and there are enough people struggling in this country who didn't have the opporutnities that you had. Sorry about your luck GO GET A JOB and pay your own bills like everyone else

Geek loses house/sells t-shirts
by: tigertiger_ca (47/M/canada west) 06/18/06 02:50 pm
Msg: 210 of 465
5 recommendations

It amazes me that the most forgetable person on the show, the person with the least talent, should look to " his fans" to bail him out. He dude... most people change careers three times at least during their lives. Go to community college, get retrained and get a job. Nobody owes a loser like you anything.

    20th June 2006 - 04:01:52 PM    
77981 : Lance
The guy is an arrogant geek
by: griffinneubauer 06/17/06 10:46 am
Msg: 6 of 465
4 recommendations

I've seen interviews with Screech were he comes off as this arrogant motor mouth geek. Remember the two hot guys on the show? Well, Screech was talking all over them and making it sound like he was the star of the show. The guy was typecast as a geek because that's what he is in real life.

    20th June 2006 - 04:02:35 PM    
77982 : Kelli
Dustin. Marry me plz. Thx.

    20th June 2006 - 04:26:39 PM    
77983 :
Good to see this site back as the number one search for Diamond on Google.

Enjoy this:


Screech, who also goes by Dustin Diamond and once starred on the teen sitcom "Saved by the Bell," is presumably a little friendlier - although he did decline to let a bunch of reporters inside the house they were helping him save the other day.

When I showed up, the blinds were all drawn pretty tight and, although his girlfriend answered, she quickly came out on the front porch and closed the door behind her so I didn't even ask, particularly since I hadn't paid my . Plus, to be honest, I didn't want anyone to call the police.

Screech, you see, has been known to do that. He, or somebody at his address, has made no fewer than six calls to the Port Washington Police Department since moving there in July 2003.

• On July 16, 2003, according to a police report, he said "he was on a television show for many years and in th

    20th June 2006 - 04:45:02 PM    
77984 : Lance
Hey 77983, thanls for the link!

This is my favorite part of the article:

Screech, you see, has been known to do that. He, or somebody at his address, has made no fewer than six calls to the Port Washington Police Department since moving there in July 2003.

• On July 16, 2003, according to a police report, he said "he was on a television show for many years and in the four days of living in the city, he is already having problems with younger-aged people driving past his residence continuously" and yelling.

• Two days later, he reported that somebody yelled from a truck that they were going to get him.

• On July 20, 2003, he added that somebody in a car threatened to kick his butt.

The kids admitted calling out his name but one of them told police he was shocked Diamond had made that claim. He said, actually, "he was really excited about seeing Diamond because he had never seen a celebrity before and wanted his autograph" and added that he did not want Diamond "to think that the city that he had just moved into had bad people."

• On July 24, 2003, Diamond made a report about two young males. They conceded walking 10 steps onto his property and were cited for trespassing.

• In March 2005, Diamond told police somebody rang his doorbell and took off and possibly threw something at the house.

Intentionally bringing national media attention to your house after all that seems a little odd.

Only once so far, though, has the place actually been infiltrated.

On Aug. 11, 2003, according to a police report, Diamond "called the station requesting assistance with some pink, hairless babies in his garage."

"Officer Keller responded and put the baby mice in the Diamond yard."

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