20th June 2006 - 06:13:35 PM |
77985 : becca |
Dustin, the only advice I can give you is to go the Lord with your troubles. I do not know you, but I do know you were a great comic relief for many kids when you played on Saved by the bell. Please don't let all the negative emails bring you down, and shame on you all who are so criticizing to him. He needs our prayers, not our negative nasty comments. I'm praying for you Dustin! Becca |
20th June 2006 - 06:28:08 PM |
77986 : Senior Pervert |
Becca, did you mean to say that "I do know you were a great relief for many kids" rather than "comic relief"? I know I relieved myself a LOT to Diamond on SBTB when I was a kid, and so did a bunch of other homosexuals who regularly post on here. Thanks for your input anyway. |
20th June 2006 - 06:50:39 PM |
77987 : Queer Police |
Again, Becca, I'd like to point out to please keep posts down to homosexual fantasies or to thrashing Dustin and calling him a loser. the queer police is on the prowl beware! |
20th June 2006 - 08:21:03 PM |
77988 : 100% faggot |
Can I cum in your ass SCREEECH???????? |
20th June 2006 - 09:08:45 PM |
77989 : Rocco |
Diamond, Today I was daydreaming about your mighty jew-fro and I came up with a magnificent idea. I was wondering if you would be interested in myself and 10 of my queer friends coming over to your place and gang fucking your jew fro? I feel that it's immense nature could easily handle 10 cocks in it at one time. Your head would be tossed in all directions while we pound away at the fro, I will even try to fart on your gonzo nose while banging the fro. When we cum we can all cum in your fro, or if you prefer on your face or in your mouth! That's your choice fuckface! Before leaving I'll be sure to drop a deuce behind your couch so you have something to remember me by. Sound good? Get back to me soon ass nugget! ROCCO |
20th June 2006 - 09:31:34 PM |
77990 : Nick Lauria |
What the fuck. |
20th June 2006 - 10:02:09 PM |
77991 : Kurt Steinberg |
Listen to this interview of Diamond from KROQ. mms://kroq.wmod.llnwd.net/a168/o1/kbaudio/screech.asf Diamond whines about his financial situation, blaming his parents for his problems. When asked if he shared any blamed for his bad credit, Diamond changed the subject. Diamond also claimed that the guy about to foreclose on his property is doing "shady" stuff. Diamond, grow up and take responsibility for your actions! You made a shitty deal and you have yourself to blame for it. If the lender violated the law, then you should tell everyone about it. If you keep defaming him, he should sue you! Wouldn't that be funny! |
20th June 2006 - 10:07:28 PM |
77992 : Kurt Steinberg |
By the way, Diamond mentioned in the interview that the reason he ended up being on the hook for 0,000 in medical fees is because he didn't have any health insurance. What an idiot!!! In case that link doesn't work, you can find it here: http://www.kroq.com/kevinandbean/sounds.html |
20th June 2006 - 10:24:13 PM |
77993 : Kurt Steinberg |
Diamond, remember that time when you thought you'd save a few bucks by not having any health insurance? Remember when your fiance ended up having serious health issues with a pregnancy and you ended up on the hook for 0,000? Sure you got screwed over that time! |
20th June 2006 - 10:42:01 PM |
77994 : corey |
hello i herd u need help saveing ur house email me and i can help some |
20th June 2006 - 10:48:23 PM |
77995 : |
Why doesn't he just buy a smaller house? Or buy a condo? Oh, that's right! He feels entiitled to a big ass house like the one he is trying to keep. Most of the homeowners that I know have a house about a third of that size! Millions of people are in the same predicament because they lost their jobs or due to illness. This spoiled Hollywood brat has never worked a day in his life, so he really needs to stop calling himself a "working man" on his site. |
21st June 2006 - 02:00:18 AM |
77996 : Rod Belding |
screech, have you told anyone about the time you walked into Mr. Bleidng's office and caught he and I in the 69 position showing each other brotherly love? You'd better not tell anyone about that or I will go on Stern and tell everyone about what I saw you doing to Hound Dog. |
21st June 2006 - 03:16:26 AM |
77997 : Maxwell Nerdstrom |
Hey screeech, I like how you call yourself a "working man" when the only thing close to work you've ever done in your life was when you worked your throbbing jew-cock up Hound Dog's tight canine ass. You piece of shit. Also I think the SBTB creators should hurry up and copyright "Screeech" (with 3 E's) and then sue his sorry ass for copyright infringement. |
21st June 2006 - 05:09:47 AM |
77998 : Belding\'s Diaper |
Diamond, remember that time you went on Stern begging for money? Remember how you thought people would help you out and buy some of your T-shirts? Remember how it all backfired and the entire internet told you to get fucked? Remember how you went online only to find out that this guestbook was active again, and is the number 1 result for "Dustin Diamond" on Google? Life sure fucked you over that time, buddy! Call me for a reach-around sometime! |
21st June 2006 - 06:56:16 AM |
77999 : Jake |
Weird |
21st June 2006 - 07:27:14 AM |
78000 : Mr Powers |
"I'm *NOT* Screech DAMMIT! -- Unless, I have to sell shirts, in which case, I *AM* Screech and let the cash-in commence! -- Give me your money, I have a big home, bad credit and a big loan to pay off but can't be bothered to get a job, or go on a reality TV show to make up my loss in earnings... but I'm a great stand-up comic -- that stands for something, right? right?" |
21st June 2006 - 10:33:09 AM |
78001 : dick slurp |
hey screech, I realise this isn't your site but i figure you're the type of asshole who probably reads it looking for people to sue, so I thought i'd just say - you aren't famous, your stand-up fucking blows, you are deserving of everyone's ridicule, get a job fucko. |
21st June 2006 - 10:35:20 AM |
78002 : Vic Alex |
Buy cigarettes HERE the cheapest prices!!! I SWEAR Marlboro cigarettes .99 http://www.buy-cigarettes-online.biz http://buy-cigarettes.com.md/ http://cigarette-store.tripod.com/ |
21st June 2006 - 10:36:14 AM |
78003 : Gay Zack |
Hey Screech, if you kill yourself please leave the face alone because I would like to skull fuck you and pump your eye sockets so full of my man juice that it pours out your ears and mouth. I heard you were once ass raped by Kevin the robot, please write about it. Fag. |
21st June 2006 - 10:42:50 AM |