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    27th June 2006 - 09:02:41 PM    
78181 : starships-1
jemery, dustin is a lozar dont marry him! mary me i lovve you and i want to eat youre poo-plops

    27th June 2006 - 09:12:35 PM    
78182 : Concerned Citizen
This board isn't nearly as queer as it used to be! Fags get off your fannies and start queering this place up. Right now we've got Greg Louganis gay, we need to quickly get to Liberace gay!!!! Damn I wish they made a buttplug in the shape of Diamonds schnoz!!!

    27th June 2006 - 10:07:07 PM    
78183 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey starships-1, let's hook up for some hot and sweaty unprotected buttsex! I will show you my "vacuum cleaner" queer sex move in a gas station bathroom. I'll do you in the ass wheelbarrow style, and then I will push you hard into the stall, so that your arms give out and your face hits the floor. Then, with my hard penis still lodged in your cornhole, I will push your face up and down and all around the bathroom floor, kind of like the way one vacuums a room! I'll make sure that it's a really dirty bathroom with caked-on urine, shit, and queer jizz on the floor. By the time I was done with you, your face will be coated with the old urine, shit, and queer jizz! Let's have sex!!!!!!!!!!

    28th June 2006 - 12:03:41 AM    
78184 : Ant
Screech, remember when I saw you pissing at a urinal? Remember when you pissed on my foot and then I kicked the shit out of you and raped you and gave you AIDS?

    28th June 2006 - 12:19:49 AM    
78185 : starships-1
PPPPPPPPPLORP UH-OH I made poopie in my drawers. kurt yes you can vacum clean my apratment if you like it is very untidy tho and there are pictuers of jemery millar every wher that ive done sex-wee on. desipte whwat my psots on imdb board say im am very gay and i LOVE JEMERY AND WNAT TO MARRY HIM. PPHHHPPPPPPFFFPPP UH OH made poopie again.

    28th June 2006 - 01:20:19 AM    
78186 : starships-1
i want all you queers to come flame me! gimme everything youve got fagggots!!!!!

    28th June 2006 - 01:35:36 AM    
78187 : Steve
Hey screech, have you ever been to the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi-Gras? My gay pal Brion was there in '01 and he says you were wearing an all-zubaz sailor suit, and you sucked each other off in a back alley. That's great, I didn't know you were gay buddy, all the best with your coming out when you decide to do it.

BTW you might wanna look into some kind of penis enlargemnt techniques, Brion tells me you only had 1.5 inches and your pop-shot was a dribbler. I mean, I'm just saying, but that's pretty damn small. Still, if you're happy like that then more power to ya.

    28th June 2006 - 03:43:23 AM    
78188 : Ricardo
Hey Screech, remember me? I was the pale-skinned, starry-eyed young latino boy you picked up in that bar a few years back. Remember how we chatted, you kept buying me drinks and wowing me with your mega-stardom, and we just really hit it off? Remember how you wound up taking me back to your place for some hot man-on-man action? Remember how I was apprehensive at first because I was a virgin, but eventually I let you slide your jew-pole up my tight young pink-chute? Remember how, after the love-making, you held me in your string-bean arms and I told you that even though we'd only just met, I thought I was falling in love with you? Remember how we fell asleep in each other's arms and you thought that this would be the start of something really special?

Remember how joy turned to horror the next morning when you discovered I wasn't there, and that I'd ripped off all your valuables and cash? Remember how you also discovered a note I'd left, saying that I wasn't a virgin at all but was in fact a hardened Puerto-Rican hustler, and congratulations cos you now had AIDS? Remember how you I'd also left a huge, corny shitlog on your sunken hairless chest?

I sure zinged you good that time buddy!

    28th June 2006 - 06:14:09 AM    
78189 : Fondler
Diamond, how about that time you bought your stand-up act to the West End of London? Remember how excited you were to be performing at all those high-end London venues? Remember how you thought Old Compton Street was the cutting edge of the comedy circuit? Remember the first time you pulled up outside the venue called Escape in your hired limo, and felt like a champ?

Remember how puzzled you were at the way the men were dressed, how they all had coloured handkerchiefs hanging from their back pockets, skin-tight white T-shirts and tight 501's, and how none of them had girlfriends? Remember how they were all drinking alco-pops?

Remember when you got up on stage to start your act, and a hi-NRG disco version of the SBTB theme was pumped over the sound system at deafening volume? Remember how all the guys ripped off their T-Shirts, took a hit of amyl nitrate and started dancing along to the music in a really aggressive, predatory homosexual fashion?

    28th June 2006 - 06:21:08 AM    
78190 :

Remember how you tried to make a sharp exit from the stage, but it was too late and you were already being held aloft by a sea of queer hands? Remember how you struggled at first but eventually gave in as the prying hands touched every part of your hairless virgin body, including your 1.5" maggot?

Remember how you looked at that queer black guy the wrong way, and he signaled to all his queer buddies to drop you on the floor? Remember how the entire room was pissed off with you for dissing their black 'bro? Remember how they all took turns to violate you by ripping handfuls of your 'fro out as they sodomized you?

You sure got a lesson in the Queen's English that time, buddy!

    28th June 2006 - 09:47:37 AM    
78191 : Cyncial Joe
Call me cynical, Screech, but I think the whole "Save my home. I'm getting kicked out. I need to raise 0,000." is an overtly cynical attempt to generate money, publicity and marketing for your character, Screech; a character you've spent years trying to distance yourself from with your blue humor, adult "comedy" and poor sketch shows. I think you losing your home is bad, but the whole way you're going about it is incredilous and cynical.

    28th June 2006 - 09:59:42 AM    
78192 : corn shit explosion
saved by the bell was a huge pile of shit and screech is a complete tool who deserves everrything coming to him. eat shit and die screech.

    28th June 2006 - 10:45:51 AM    
78193 :
17th August 2004 - 10:00:10 PM
9747 : Remember when...
Hey Screech, remember the time when you, Zack, Kelly, Slater, and Jessie all attended the "Murder Mystery" weekend? Remember when you opened the door to the house and the butler scared you so much that you jumped into the warm and comforting arms of Slater? Remember when you had that huge "white man's afro" because you wanted your head to look like a large version of Slater's hairy left nut? Remember when the piano player was killed and you took it upon yourself to unmask the murderer, so you dressed up as Sherlock Holmes? Remember how you smoked a pipe in a pathetic attempt to resemble the famous detective? Remember when Mr. Jamison told you, Zack, and Lisa that the game was over and that you should come to his office for free vouchers for next week's murder mystery? Remember when Zack and Lisa suggested the you go to Mr. Jamison's office by yourself to get the vouchers? Remember when there was a power outage at the time and you couldn't see anything when you got to Mr. Jamison's office? Remember when you fumbled around in the dark until you heard Lisa from the corner of the room and she told you she finally wanted to go out with you? Remember how you excited you were and how you immediately pitched a tent? Remember when Lisa told you to drop your pants because she wanted to warm you up? Remember how weird it felt when you stuck something in your butt and when you asked what it was, she said it was an unlubed dildo? Remember the strange sensations you felt as this went on for several minutes? Remember how confused you were when Lisa removed the dildo and how you heard a deep voice moan and then felt warm liquid spraying all over your back? Remember when the power came back on and you discovered that Mr. Belding had been buttslamming you the entire time and Lisa had helped him to trick you? Remember what a good laugh all of you had because hey, it really was a good practical joke? Remember how much less funny you thought it was 6 months later when the crabs that Mr. Belding gave you that night were finally eradicated? Mr. Belding got you good that time!

    28th June 2006 - 11:06:22 AM    
78194 : Maxx the Magican

Listen up you little shit, every day young adults walk up to me and ask "Why did you disappear after season 3?" and "What happened to the Maxx, Max?" and I lied under my breath about how I lost the company's payroll on the track, when the truth was that Screech told me he had a sell out show in Miami for his hit stand up show and that I could do my magic show.

I was mortified when I saw only 3 drunks and none of them laughed at the adult humor, which I always thought was a little low brow, especally for a family entertainer for Screech.

Well Screech, I'm back; and I want my Maxx back, my money back and I've got a few magic tricks to show you, such as the "disappearing magic wand up your ass" and the "amazing slipknot of doom" as well as the "circular powersaw from hell!"

Get back to me you little fucker so I can make the Statue of Liberty disappear... into your ASS!

    28th June 2006 - 11:53:10 AM    
78195 : Comin\' to get cha
I hate you and you're a prick Dustin, but I'm going to be so happy seeing you on the news getting arrested. You should probably kill yourself.
Cocane is a hell of a drug, you'll have a blast sucking dick for rocks instead of stealing money from non-profit organizations.
Burn in hell!

    28th June 2006 - 02:36:13 PM    
78196 : Belding
Screech, cum down to my office for some hot scat play. I will use your mouth as my persoanl sewer.

Mr. B

    28th June 2006 - 03:03:02 PM    
78197 : Gay Zack
Screech, I'm willing to give you a Turkish snowcone immediatly. Please respond.

    28th June 2006 - 04:11:11 PM    
78198 : Gay Zack
Those bastards at the imdb deleted our Jeremy is fat thread. I wonder if it was my turkish snowcone comment or that fuck starships-1 complained. He's my new bitch.

    28th June 2006 - 05:36:06 PM    
78199 :
Gay Zack, someone finally posted a message at the ScatPlay dustin Yahoo Group. He apparently wants more info about taking a dump on diamond -

    28th June 2006 - 05:46:37 PM    
78200 : Gay Zack
Thanks for the heads up, I've responded to him, I need to work on getting some hot Screech scat pictures together. I'll try to do that tonight. Also starships is asking for a good ol' fashion gang bang by some angry queers. We need to work to make him look like a homophobe who is following us around and harassing us.

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