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    01st December 2004 - 12:57:10 PM    
11432 : Gay Zack
Pastor Jim is clearly a repressed homosexual who is in love with black men. I wish his page had a guestbook to queer up, emailing him would be pointless because I want everyone to read what the Pastor has to say. He believes Alf is a show of demonic worship and homosexuality. I would love to take a shit on Pastor Jim's face while his family watch. Than I would insert a "kong" (dog toy that makes a great butt plug) into his ass, he would scream with enjoyment as his boyhood dream of anal play is happening in front of his love ones. Pastor Jim is a hate monger and if he were a true christian he would know that condeming people to hell and judging others is not for him to decide. He clearly could benifit from a donkey punch that would render him to the state of a retarded monkey, than every gay black man can take turns ass raping him, better yet we can all wear ALF costumes and give him a bukkake while his church watches.

    01st December 2004 - 01:28:01 PM    
11433 : Rocco
Gay Zack I 100 percent agree. I would love for Pastor Jim to meet me by the bowling alley dumpster where I would dress as Alf and bone him while blasting the song who let the dogs out. I then would felch my spooge from his ass and give him a beautifull snowball! He would love it. I bet he would pop would the instant he saw me cock hanging out from the alf costume! Mabey he would like it better if Gay Zack and I double teamed him so he could feel cocks in his ass and mouth at the same time. I could dress as diamond and Gay Zack could be Slater. Oh Im gonna dream about this idea tonight!

    01st December 2004 - 01:38:37 PM    
11434 : Rocco
Check out the pic on this page!
What is Pastor Jim doing with his hands? And why his his kid smiling like that and leaning forward from the waist? I think Pastor Jim is a bad man who needs some SBTB action!

    01st December 2004 - 01:59:17 PM    
11435 : Rocco
I sent this email to the pastor encouraging him to visit. So lets queer it up for him!

Dear Pastor Jim,
I recently discovered your enchanting site and would like to welcome you to visit a favorite site of mine at I believe that you would be very interested to see the guestbook that is there and I believe that you could add some terrific input! Please visit soon and let me know what you think. I know you are a busy man but I hope you can find a few moments to visit. I look forward to your response.
In Jesus Name,

    01st December 2004 - 02:42:37 PM    
11436 : Gay Zack
Pastor Jim, I've been reading your website and I feel that I need to repent and change my sinful ways. I watch the wiggles and masturbate while watching them! I've had sexual anal intercourse with black men! I've often had homosexual fantasies involving ALF. Your God sounds like someone I don't want to piss off with my sinful evil ways. In fact this minute I'm thinking of licking apple sauce off your taint. Please pray for me Pastor that I can have the strength to stop with the gay ass fucking and live a more pure life of hating blacks and condoming people to hell who arn't as rightious as yourself. Your have shown me a better way to live.

    01st December 2004 - 02:49:55 PM    
11437 : Jerry Falwell
After looking at the picture of your family, my gaydar flew off the map after looking at your son. I fear he is flaming gay - you need to take him out hunting, or nigger beating to toughen him up and take the gay out of him, otherwise you may have to kill him to save him from an eternity in hell. Death to that faggot purple teletubbie! And niggers and jews - I'm with you all the way Pastor Jim.

    01st December 2004 - 02:52:20 PM    
11438 : Pastor Jim
Dear Heathens


Your friend,

Pastor Jim

PS check out this website I've been jacking off to's hot as fuck!!

    01st December 2004 - 02:57:14 PM    
11439 : Jason Ross
I think you are the funniest and also the best Saved By The Bell television nerd character of all-time. Screech Powers which you play on TV as a Bayside high school smart to nerdy
genius student. And also don't forget Screech's best friend named Zack Morris to you also played by Mark-Paul Gosselar. You kind of remind me of another nerdy type TV comedy character that I remember also. Like this black child actor named Jaleel White from Family Matters who played Steve Urkel. On that show he also played a next neighbour to the Winslow family. And Steve Urkel was also a high school nerd with a smart I.Q. talent for anything. Which he liked hobbies of his own and the same things just like Screech did. For example from insects, saying stupid to dum things
by accident which you don't mean to say about that for real. Building science inventions and to a funny weird laugh sound that Steve does on every episode. And the way that he laughs like a snorting ONK, ONK! pig animal too it.

    01st December 2004 - 03:00:58 PM    
11440 :
Jason Ross, I know Urkel and he his a fag. I'm serious, we played dr in grade school, he jerked me off and said "did I do that?" - thats how he got that catch phrase. When he got older we got into anal penetration. I've tasted his cum.

    01st December 2004 - 03:02:42 PM    
11441 : Jason Ross
Oh yeah did I mention that I want to daisy-chain with you, Mark-Paul and Jaleel and have you three cum, shit and piss on my face.

Oh by the way I have Down's Syndrome. Does that turn you on???

    01st December 2004 - 03:23:19 PM    
11442 :
yes, Jason, retarded guys are really uber hot. I will nibble on your taint.

    01st December 2004 - 05:01:18 PM    
11443 : disgusted
Understanding that this site has absolutely no affliation with Dustin Diamond, I'd still like to leave him a message, because I truly believe he is sad enough to read things like this about him. So, Dustin, if you're reading, here goes:

You are the biggest douche bag on the planet. I was debating whether or not I should even take the time to write you, because you really aren't worth the effort. In the end, I decided that I have to write you, because someone has to tell you what an asshole you are. Listen, I have some advice for you: GET OVER YOURSELF. You treat people like shit because you're bitter about being Screech. Well, you wanna know something? You are Screech. Or at least a washed up child star who leads a sad and lonely life. People think its so cool to meet you, because they figure that you're a nice person. That's what happens when people assume, I guess. You're mad that people still identify you as Screech, but that's never going to change. GROW UP AND MOVE ON

    01st December 2004 - 05:05:30 PM    
11444 : Gay Zack
I emailed this to pastor Jim, you all should flood him with homoerotic emails - next I will email him that I can't stop anal sex and get really graffic in my fantasies. Dear Pastor Jim, as you can tell by my email address, I'm a homosexual. I took the time to read your site and I now know that I must stop my sinful ways of ass fucking and rimming. I cried tears of disgust and tears of joy upon reading about the glory and love of God. I cry when I think about all the times I've had penis in my anus, or the times I've sucked on penis until sperm shoots in my mouth. One time I even allowed a complete stranger to take a shit on my stomache. No more, I denounce being a fag and I will live for Jesus Christ the Almighty! Thank you Pastor Jim for being the wake up call I needed to get my worthless sinful life in the right direction. I know I will miss the taste of cum, but with the strength from God, I will find orgasmic pleasure in praying and serving our Lord. No more tossing salads or hot carls, or even masturbating while watching Saved By The Bell re-runs. I am on the highway to heaven and I will tell all my former gay lovers that they need to change their ways before they spend an eternity burning in hell.

    01st December 2004 - 05:26:30 PM    
11445 :
disgusted (11443) - make sure you leave your comments on Dustin's new site ( when it's up and running!!

    01st December 2004 - 05:50:36 PM    
11446 : Buck Studly
Subject: Help!

Dear Pastor Jim

I need help to find the true path of righteousness. I feel that extreme right-wing Christianity and hatred and intolerance of those different to me (as you preach) is the only way out of my moral minefield. Only when I learn the ways, memes and ideologies of Bible-belt Middle America will I truly become what God has intended - a scared, small-minded, utterly repressed, Bush-voting shell of a person, committed to closing minds everywhere, making the rest of the world hate America, spreading our failed ideologies and generally devolving the human race by a few thousand years. Hallelujah!!

    01st December 2004 - 05:55:46 PM    
11447 : Buck Studly

You see, I'm a flaming homosexual, and there's nothing I like more than hanging around dumpsters and public restrooms and having unprotected gay sex with the random men who turn up. Sometimes I let them do me in the ass and blow their filthy semen deep into my digestive tract; other times I will suck on their penises until their hot, slimy loads shoot down my throat and my stomach bloats with their filthy, sinful seed. I also really enjoy being excreted upon - a true act of defilement! There's nothing I like more than some random dude taking a nice, big steaming shit (pardon my French!) right on my chest. Man, that really turns me on. I'm getting a dirty, sinful ERECTION just thinking about it! Get thee behind me, satan! I just love being defiled!! I'm flaming gay!!!!

Take some fucking mushrooms, dude!

    01st December 2004 - 06:04:37 PM    
11448 :
f u
mada faka east side

    01st December 2004 - 08:36:14 PM    
11449 : Jannie, another GOOD CHRISTIAN
You guys of no faith are horrible. This Pastor loves Jesus and wants you all to stop sinning, and you just say horrible things about gay marriage and bad stuff about the BIBLE and this Pastor. You are filled with sin, and are never going to make it to Heaven! This Dustin sounds like a real loser, but not as much as you all are. And if you don't like me saying this, because IT IS THE TRUTH, then you can just write me and trust me: i'll answer you, everyone filthy homo email I get.


    01st December 2004 - 08:47:59 PM    
11450 : Tina Fudgebutt, looking for Xmas in my Asshole
OK you's one where you can send an email direclty to Jerry and tell him WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM. I did ....and that fucker didn't answer me. Guess he had his head up his asshole and praying to god! Send him to Dustin for some soul searching and vomit!

    01st December 2004 - 09:00:29 PM    
11451 : Shar Pee Lomez


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