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    01st December 2004 - 03:02:42 PM    
11441 : Jason Ross
Oh yeah did I mention that I want to daisy-chain with you, Mark-Paul and Jaleel and have you three cum, shit and piss on my face.

Oh by the way I have Down's Syndrome. Does that turn you on???

    01st December 2004 - 03:23:19 PM    
11442 :
yes, Jason, retarded guys are really uber hot. I will nibble on your taint.

    01st December 2004 - 05:01:18 PM    
11443 : disgusted
Understanding that this site has absolutely no affliation with Dustin Diamond, I'd still like to leave him a message, because I truly believe he is sad enough to read things like this about him. So, Dustin, if you're reading, here goes:

You are the biggest douche bag on the planet. I was debating whether or not I should even take the time to write you, because you really aren't worth the effort. In the end, I decided that I have to write you, because someone has to tell you what an asshole you are. Listen, I have some advice for you: GET OVER YOURSELF. You treat people like shit because you're bitter about being Screech. Well, you wanna know something? You are Screech. Or at least a washed up child star who leads a sad and lonely life. People think its so cool to meet you, because they figure that you're a nice person. That's what happens when people assume, I guess. You're mad that people still identify you as Screech, but that's never going to change. GROW UP AND MOVE ON

    01st December 2004 - 05:05:30 PM    
11444 : Gay Zack
I emailed this to pastor Jim, you all should flood him with homoerotic emails - next I will email him that I can't stop anal sex and get really graffic in my fantasies. Dear Pastor Jim, as you can tell by my email address, I'm a homosexual. I took the time to read your site and I now know that I must stop my sinful ways of ass fucking and rimming. I cried tears of disgust and tears of joy upon reading about the glory and love of God. I cry when I think about all the times I've had penis in my anus, or the times I've sucked on penis until sperm shoots in my mouth. One time I even allowed a complete stranger to take a shit on my stomache. No more, I denounce being a fag and I will live for Jesus Christ the Almighty! Thank you Pastor Jim for being the wake up call I needed to get my worthless sinful life in the right direction. I know I will miss the taste of cum, but with the strength from God, I will find orgasmic pleasure in praying and serving our Lord. No more tossing salads or hot carls, or even masturbating while watching Saved By The Bell re-runs. I am on the highway to heaven and I will tell all my former gay lovers that they need to change their ways before they spend an eternity burning in hell.

    01st December 2004 - 05:26:30 PM    
11445 :
disgusted (11443) - make sure you leave your comments on Dustin's new site ( when it's up and running!!

    01st December 2004 - 05:50:36 PM    
11446 : Buck Studly
Subject: Help!

Dear Pastor Jim

I need help to find the true path of righteousness. I feel that extreme right-wing Christianity and hatred and intolerance of those different to me (as you preach) is the only way out of my moral minefield. Only when I learn the ways, memes and ideologies of Bible-belt Middle America will I truly become what God has intended - a scared, small-minded, utterly repressed, Bush-voting shell of a person, committed to closing minds everywhere, making the rest of the world hate America, spreading our failed ideologies and generally devolving the human race by a few thousand years. Hallelujah!!

    01st December 2004 - 05:55:46 PM    
11447 : Buck Studly

You see, I'm a flaming homosexual, and there's nothing I like more than hanging around dumpsters and public restrooms and having unprotected gay sex with the random men who turn up. Sometimes I let them do me in the ass and blow their filthy semen deep into my digestive tract; other times I will suck on their penises until their hot, slimy loads shoot down my throat and my stomach bloats with their filthy, sinful seed. I also really enjoy being excreted upon - a true act of defilement! There's nothing I like more than some random dude taking a nice, big steaming shit (pardon my French!) right on my chest. Man, that really turns me on. I'm getting a dirty, sinful ERECTION just thinking about it! Get thee behind me, satan! I just love being defiled!! I'm flaming gay!!!!

Take some fucking mushrooms, dude!

    01st December 2004 - 06:04:37 PM    
11448 :
f u
mada faka east side

    01st December 2004 - 08:36:14 PM    
11449 : Jannie, another GOOD CHRISTIAN
You guys of no faith are horrible. This Pastor loves Jesus and wants you all to stop sinning, and you just say horrible things about gay marriage and bad stuff about the BIBLE and this Pastor. You are filled with sin, and are never going to make it to Heaven! This Dustin sounds like a real loser, but not as much as you all are. And if you don't like me saying this, because IT IS THE TRUTH, then you can just write me and trust me: i'll answer you, everyone filthy homo email I get.


    01st December 2004 - 08:47:59 PM    
11450 : Tina Fudgebutt, looking for Xmas in my Asshole
OK you's one where you can send an email direclty to Jerry and tell him WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM. I did ....and that fucker didn't answer me. Guess he had his head up his asshole and praying to god! Send him to Dustin for some soul searching and vomit!

    01st December 2004 - 09:00:29 PM    
11451 : Shar Pee Lomez


    01st December 2004 - 09:24:48 PM    
11452 :
hey faggots, i checked outpastor jim's website and it looks like a parody website to me. but it would still be funny if he were to post buck's emails.

it's too bad that the thought police over at delete queer messages right after they are posted. it's unfortunate, as that website has many readers who need to be exposed to gay saved by the bell fantasies.

    01st December 2004 - 09:35:21 PM    
11453 :
obviously pastor jim's website is a parody. read his explanation of what the earth is flat:

    01st December 2004 - 10:33:30 PM    
11454 : Ox
[continuation of story from message 11423]

Screech, remember how excited you were after practicing kissing on Mr. Belding's blow-up doll and how much you were looking forward to your date with Lisa? Remember when you were about to leave Mr. Belding's office to return to class when Mr. Belding said "Screech, there's just one more thing - I think you should know that girls have really stinky breath." Remember how you found that surprising because you had never noticed your mother with really bad breath, but you just shrugged it off because Mr. Belding was your idol? Remember when you showed up at the Bayside gymnasium on Friday evening for your date? Remember how ususual you thought it was that Lisa wanted you to meet her at the gym for your date? Remember when you walked into the gym and discovered that it was pitch black because all of the lights were off? Remember when you heard Lisa call out, "Screech, I'm over here honey?" Remember when you fumbled until the made your way toward here until she called out and told you to stop? Remember when she grabbed your hand and said she wanted to kiss you, but that she wanted you to walkfive feet to your left first? Remember when she told you to put your hands behind your back, often your mouth wide and stick out your tongue? Remember when you did and as you got close to here face you noticed that it smelled like ass? Remember when your tongue touched her lips and it felt really weird? Remember when it felt as though her mouth shit on you? Remember when the lights turned on and you discovered that Mr. Belding was standing facing away from you on a chair directly in front of you and you realized that you had just kissed his butthole and he had shit on you? Remember when you also saw Lisa, Jessie, Slater, and Mr. Tuttle and they were all busting up laughing at you? They really screwed you over that time!

    02nd December 2004 - 12:17:03 AM    
11455 :

    02nd December 2004 - 05:32:41 AM    
11456 : Buck Studly
Oops...I posted that e-mail without checking the site out first...still, it's kind of in keeping with the tone of the site - not to mention writing it was a highly erotic experience and I ejaculated into my jockey shorts several times, so all is not lost!

    02nd December 2004 - 05:40:54 AM    
11457 : dogpoo
i wanna fuck tiffany amber-thiessen

    02nd December 2004 - 08:05:50 AM    
11458 : fuck jew & white people
fuck jew & white people
fuck jew & white people
fuck jew & white people
fuck jew & white people
fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people fuck jew & white people

    02nd December 2004 - 08:27:09 AM    
11459 : ass clown
Mr. Diamond, why do you mention this website during your comedy act? The gay males who post here are not disillusioned. They are just huge fans who would like to have hot man-on-man sex with you. What's wrong with that?

    02nd December 2004 - 08:29:42 AM    
11460 : Gilbert Svenson
Afraid THAT website IS not a parody. Some friends showed me this PASTOR JIM (or is it Disaster JIM) and mentioned that the Pastor had spent some time in jail for molesting kids. NO these folks are sadly for real.....and they seem to hate everyone.
Just go there and say the dustin way!
YEH....fuck 'em good.

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