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    09th December 2004 - 11:12:41 AM    
11592 : Gay Zack
I went back to that truck stop last night to find my friend with the "I fucked Ashton" mesh hat to get another rim session. It turns out they are really into a 70's show scene. I was immediatly getting my ass felt up by a Fes look a-like, while a Kelso stripped for me. After that an Eric started to suck off the Kelso, he motioned for me to join him in sucking the cock. It was incredible. As I sucked off the Kelso, a Fes came from behind and rimmed me really good. There was even some guys dressed as Red and Bob. It was the most intense scene I've ever been to ,besides the Saved by The Bell dumpster scene of course. The welcomed me,dressed as Slater, into their wonder 70's orgy as one of their own. I think I'm spending quite a winter night until the SBTB dumpster scene starts up.

    09th December 2004 - 11:46:03 AM    
11593 : Blatt
Actually guys I've gotta come clean, of course I know what tea-bagging is - I love it! I'm as gay as Elton John's panty drawer! Queerer than Freddy Mercury's collection of china teapots! More bent than a cum soaked glory hole in an adult bookstore! I'm actually milking out a load of stringy man custard into my Zubaz as I type this, whilst massaging my own excrement into my Jew-'fro for added stimulation! ZOIKS!

    09th December 2004 - 12:12:33 PM    
11594 : Gary
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Email me for some fun! I love to cyber!

    09th December 2004 - 12:25:07 PM    
11595 :
I'm Ashlee, and I'm looking for a hot guy to cyber with. Must be between 17-24, and good looking. No losers or old men. :)

    09th December 2004 - 12:30:36 PM    
11596 :
I'm Ashlee, and I'm looking for a hot guy to cyber with. Must be between 17-24, and good looking. No losers or old men. :)

    09th December 2004 - 12:45:53 PM    
11597 : Hot Karl
Ashlee - unless you're a hot studly gay guy with a Saved by the Bell fixation, no-one here gives a rat's ass! Fuck off!

    09th December 2004 - 01:14:57 PM    
11598 :
Is everyone here gay? or just Karl?

    09th December 2004 - 01:21:19 PM    
11599 : Rocco
I wont move indoors until after Xmas. I enjoy the dumpster scene even in the cold frigid weather. We just make sure to have a few garbage cans aflame to keep us toasty while we pass out the rim jobs and anal probes. It really brings the holiday season to life. Last night I went to the bowling alley and found that there was no one to be found. So i began jingling the loose change in my pocket until a bum appeared. I said "wanna make a nickel?" and he said something that I took as a yes. I quickly put a fro wig and zubaz on him, bent him over and plowed his smelly ass for over three hours! Id say a nickel well spent!

    09th December 2004 - 02:05:00 PM    
11600 : Gay Zack
Rocco, that sounds uber queer indeed. Plowing smelly bum ass is awesome. I like buying them some burger king to eat while I plow their ass. They are more interested in eating than getting ass fucked, so I can do what ever they want, as long as they are eating food. To really sweetin the deal, I give them a bottle of ten high, get them drunk and leave them with a bloody anus. Everyone gets what they want, than in the morning when they wake up they don't even recall what happened the previous night, just hung over with a bleeding ass with dried semen pouring out their ass and dried on their face and hair.

    09th December 2004 - 02:40:27 PM    
11601 : dan
i speaka da english - i'ma hard anda horny righta bout now!

    09th December 2004 - 02:58:31 PM    
11602 : The REAL Blatt
that last message was a fake by some cock sucker. Im here because i find the comments by the homophobes who stumble upon this website by accident very amusing. so whoever put up that fake is a pooter and should be bent over by large angry black people.

    09th December 2004 - 03:04:18 PM    
11603 :
Do you find the comments by us queers even more amusing than the homophobes? I have often dreamed of being bent over by large angry black people, that reminds me of the time I had a three way with two mexicans I met on a gay cruise ship. One of them actually took a shit on the other, it was very homoerotic Blatt. Don't be ashamed if what we say turns you on, everyone has a little queer in them, they just deny themselves the love of another man because they fear being queer.

    09th December 2004 - 06:27:57 PM    
11604 : Hot Karl
Gay Zack and Rocco, I also find homeless guys to be an inexpensive, readily available source of ass. Buy em a cheap bottle of whisky and a Happy Meal, and they'll go all night! Some of my queer friends don't agree, because of the risk of picking up exotic STDs from some smelly bum's scabby, hairy, shit-encrusted ringhole. But I'm not bothered about that. In fact it's kind of a turn on - the more unwashed, the better!

Personally I like to go up to a drunk homeless guy in the street, and before he knows what's happening I'll bend em over, pull his pants down and stick my tongue up his poot-chute! The fleas and crusty shit contained in the average bum's anal beard make for a highly tasty meal! Yummy!

    09th December 2004 - 08:31:42 PM    
11605 : Blatt
Something tells me thats not the case mr mexican 3 way. yes yes u are all very gay stop taking cracks u dyke.

    09th December 2004 - 08:47:34 PM    
11606 : Shaka Zubar

    09th December 2004 - 09:05:51 PM    
11607 :
blatt instead of making smart remarks you should be using that mouth to eat pudding out of my unwiped ass instead.

    09th December 2004 - 11:32:03 PM    
11608 : the BMX queer
Blatt, let's hook up for a hot lunch. I will eat some spicy burritos and then sit on your head and drop ass. Next, I will spray diarrhea all over your face and fart in your mouth. Then I will teabag you and blow my load in your eye.

    10th December 2004 - 12:00:28 AM    
11609 : tub

    10th December 2004 - 12:05:34 AM    
11610 : Doc Phinctoni
dustin diamond became a child rapest at the tender age of forteen. he would molest the little boys then bite of their penis, and shove them up his own ass. it is said that dustin diamond still has little boys penii lodged between his rectal wall.

if dustin is near your child, he will rape and have sex with its ugly fat face

    10th December 2004 - 12:11:25 AM    
11611 : Svengali
old hats, mice and, old men, all can be found reading this mornings paper deep in the cavern that is dustin diamonds ass.


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