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    29th May 2005 - 05:41:07 PM    
13835 : Dian
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure spyware

    29th May 2005 - 09:41:44 PM    
13836 : Dian
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure hardcore movies

    29th May 2005 - 11:03:01 PM    
13837 : Dian
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure diazepam

    29th May 2005 - 11:14:41 PM    
13838 : Manuela MOELLERMANN


German language version


"Bush bringt der Welt den Terror"


Amerika wurde die Lizenz erteilt, Völkermord und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit straffrei zu verüben
Lüge ist Wahrheit und Wahrheit ist Lüge, Konzept der neuen Menschlichkeit.

Jeder Straftat liegt ein Motiv zugrunde und die großen politischen Weichenstellungen werden von mächtigen Interessens-Kartellen gesteuert. Vor dem Hintergrund der immer düsterer werdenden Weltpolitik stellt sich die Frage, vor welchen Karren sind die waffenstarrenden US-Imperialisten gespannt worden? Die Antwort darauf geben u.a. zwei prominente Persönlichkeiten:

1. Ariel Scharon, Israels Premierminister: "Wir, die Juden, kontrollieren Amerika, und die Amerikaner wissen das." (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - WRMEA - 10.10.2001)

2. Helmut Kohl, Ex-BRD-Kanzler: "Amerika hat durch den Irak-Krieg das Leben seiner Soldaten mit eingebracht ... zur Sicherheit der Zukunft Israels." (FAZ, 14.6.2003, S. 8)

Allerdings ist die Einflußnahme der jüdischen Machtzentren auf die US-Politik kein neuartiges Phänomen, sondern existiert, seit es die USA gibt. Derzeit ist diese Einflußnahme nur offener zutage getreten als in der Vergangenheit. Bereits der erste Vernichtungskrieg gegen den Irak durch Bush I wurde für Israel geführt, wie der damalige BRD-Kanzler Helmut Kohl auf einer Pressekonferenz im Rosengarten des Weißen Hauses am 16.9.1991 mit Stolz verkündete: "Ich kenne keinen Präsidenten, der mehr für Israel getan hat und mehr riskiert hat, sogar einen Krieg [den ersten Irak-Krieg]." (ZDF, Heute Journal, 16.9.1991)

Und wenn wir weiter in der Geschichte zurückgehen, stolpern wir immer wieder über Amerikas Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit im Interesse bestimmter Interessens-Kartelle. Der Krieg gegen Adolf Hitler wurde geführt, weil sich der Reichskanzler weigerte, sein Volk der globalistischen Ausbeutung zu überstellen: "Der eigentliche Kriegsgrund für die Führung der USA ... war die Hitlerische Störung einer funktionsfähigen Weltwirtschaft." (Henry Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche, Ullstein, Frankfurt 1989, S. 21) Auch der 1. Weltkrieg wurde im Interesse dieser mächtigen Einfluß-Kartelle geführt, zur Vorbereitung der globalistischen Weltordnung: "Die Verantwortung für den 1. Weltkrieg liegt ausschließlich auf den Schultern der internationalen jüdischen Bankiers. Sie sind für Millionen Tote und Millionen Sterbende verantwortlich." (US. Congress-Record 67th Congress, 4. Sitting, Senate Document nr. 346)

Gerechtfertigt werden Amerikas Vernichtungskriege stets mit wiederaufbereiteten Lügen. Immer geht es angeblich darum, einen sogenannten Tyrannen oder Diktator niederzuwerfen und ein Volk mit Bomben und Feuersbrünsten zu "befreien". Im 1. Weltkrieg wurde eine Gaskammer-Lüge erfunden, um Amerikas Kriegseintritt gegen das Deutsche Reich zu begründen: "Grausamkeiten in Serbien - 700.000 Opfer ... Ganze Bezirke, Städte und Dörfer, wurden durch Massaker entvölkert. Frauen, Kinder und alte Männer wurden teils mit Giftgas erstickt." (Daily Telegraph, London, 22.3.1916, S. 7) Die Rechtfertigung für Amerikas Eintritt in den 2. Weltkrieg stützte sich ebenfalls auf Gaskammer-Grausamkeiten: "Mehr als 700.000 polnische Juden wurden im Zuge des größten Massakers der Weltgeschichte von den Deutschen ermordet ... Die grausamsten Einzelheiten über den Massenmord durch den Einsatz von Giftgas." (Daily Telegraph, London), 25.6.1942, S. 5) Selbstverständlich handelt es sich gemäß deutschem Strafgesetz bei der Telegraph-Meldung von 1942 (im Gegensatz zu der Meldung von 1916) um eine Tatsache. Wer die Gaskammer-Geschichte aus dem 2. Weltkrieg anzweifelt, wandert in Deutschland bis zu fünf Jahren hinter Gitter.

Nichtsdestoweniger "leugnen" prominente Juden die deutsche Strafrechtsgeschichtsschreibung in Sachen Holocaust. Die weltberühmte jüdische Journalistin Gitta Sereny sagte in einem Interview mit der Times, was einen Deutschen für viele Jahre hinter Gitter gebracht hätte: "Warum nur in aller Welt haben all diese Leute Auschwitz zu einer heiligen Kuh gemacht ... Auschwitz war ein schrecklicher Ort - aber es war kein Vernichtungslager." (Times, London, 29.8.2001) Der jüdische Professor Norman Finkelstein schreibt in seinem Holocaust-Schock-Buch "Die Holocaust-Industrie" folgendes: "Damit wird nicht nur die Zahl von '6 Millionen' immer unhaltbarer, sondern die Zahlen der Holocaust-Industrie nähern sich rasch denen der Holocaust-Leugner." (Seite 133) Finkelstein greift damit das Allerheiligste der Holocaust-Industrie an der Wurzel an, die 6-Millionen. Das Buch erschien in Deutschland im jüdischen Piper-Verlag. Deutsche wagen solche Aussagen wegen der deutschen Holocaust-Sonderjustiz nicht zu machen.

Die von Bush II eingesetzten Mittel zur Durchsetzung des Irak-Kriegs machten die amerikanische Propaganda unglaubwürdig. Zu offen war das Kriegsziel, Raub des irakischen Öls, erkennbar geworden. Darüber hinaus enthüllten die Medien die Brutkasten-Lüge von Bush I. Mit dieser Greuellüge erzwang George W. Bush sen. seinerzeit den ersten Irak-Krieg. Amerika verbreitete damals über die Medien, irakische Soldaten hätten Säuglinge aus Brutkästen kuwaitischer Krankenhäuser gerissen und sie auf dem Boden zerschmettert. "Nach dem Krieg dann die ganze Wahrheit: Die Baby-Morde hat es nie gegeben, alles reine Erfindung. Die Oscar-verdächtige Zeugin: in Wahrheit die Tochter des kuwaitischen Botschafters. Die ganze Greuel-Story frei erfunden, hier in Manhatten, von den Werbeprofis der Agentur Hill & Knowlton mit guten Kontakten zur US-Regierung." (ARD, Panorama, Nr. 622 vom 6.2.2003) Also erfand die Washingtoner Kabale diesmal das Schreckensszenario "Massenvernichtungswaffen", mit der Saddam Amerika und die Welt bedrohen würde: "'Die Wahrheit ist, resümiert nun Wolfowitz den Entscheidungsprozess in Washington, 'dass wir uns aus Gründen, die viel mit der Regierungsbürokratie zu tun haben, auf das Problem festgelegt haben, auf das sich alle einigen konnten'." (Der Spiegel, 25/2003, S. 134) Doch die Behauptung, Saddam würde mit Massenvernichtungswaffen den Westen bedrohen, ist die "größte Staatslüge der letzten Jahre" (Der Spiegel, 24/2003, S. 22)

Die Wahrheit sieht u.a. so aus: Das irakische Öl wird in Zukunft Israel zu einem erdölexportierenden Land machen: "Pläne, eine Pipeline zu bauen, die Öl aus dem jetzt eroberten Irak anzapft und nach Israel leitet, werden derzeit zwischen Washington, Tel Aviv und der potentiellen zukünftigen Regierung des Irak diskutiert. ... Die Haifa-Pipeline existierte als Traum, wurde als Traum wiederbelebt und wird jetzt Wirklichkeit'." (The Observer, London, 20.4.2003)

Um sich die Rohstoffe der restlichen Welt zu sichern, hat sich Amerika vom UN-Sicherheitsrat die Erlaubnis erteilen lassen (Deutschland hat nicht widersprochen), sogenannte Präventiv-Kriege führen zu dürfen: "Die Doktrin der US-Regierung, präventive Kriege zu führen, ersetzt 'die Welt der Rechtsstaatlichkeit durch das Konzept der Rechtslosigkeit. Die Staaten der Welt sind somit vom Wohlwollen des US-Präsidenten abhängig'." (Seymour Hersh im New Yorker, Ausgabe vom 31.3.2003)

Nicht nur, daß Amerika vom UN-Sicherheitsrat die Erlaubnis erhielt, "präventiv" in jedes Land der Welt militärisch einzufallen, wurde der Washingtoner Kabale auch noch zugesichert, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Völkermord straffrei verüben zu dürfen. "Vor einem Jahr drohte Washington mit der politischen Blockade aller UN-Einsätze per Veto im Sicherheitsrat und bekam schließlich für ein Jahr eine Ausnahme gewährt: US-Soldaten genießen volle Immunität bei ihren UN-Einsätzen. ... Die UN-Resolution 1422 zur Immunität von US-Soldaten steht nun zur Verlängerung an. Um die Unterstützung für das ICC (Internationaler Strafgerichtshof) nicht unglaubwürdig zu machen, hält das federführende Außenministerium ein Ja zur Verlängerung der UN-Resolution für ausgeschlossen. Zugleich ist den deutschen UN-Diplomaten aber klar, dass 'die Amerikaner ihren Willen bekommen werden'. ... Es bleibt also nur eine Enthaltung als Kompromiss zwischen Glaubwürdigkeit und Realpolitik." (Die Welt, 12.6.2003, S. 4)

Selbstverständlich wurde die UN-Resolution 1422 vom Sicherheitsrat abgesegnet, die deutschen Gutmenschen widersprachen nicht. USrael hat somit von der Weltgemeinschaft die Lizenz für Völkermord und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit erhalten. Während das Täterland Amerika künftig in jedes Land der Welt einfallen, Menschen massenweise töten und sich die Rohstoffe der unterworfenen Nationen aneignen darf, wird die jeweilige Staatsführung des überfallenen Landes vor den Internationalen Gerichtshof gestellt und wegen "Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit" abgeurteilt. Mit derartigen Schauprozessen soll der Welt die gesetzlose US-Hegemonie als rechtsstaatliche Handlung verkauft werden: "Einige der führenden Figuren, inklusive Saddam, könnten im Falle eines Schuldspruchs zum Tode verurteilt werden." (Times, London, 18.6.2003, S. 1)

Daß Sieger sich zu Richtern über die Besiegten aufschwingen ist gewiß nicht neu. Neu ist die geballte Verlogenheit und die Heuchelei, mit der diese Verbrechen begangen werden. Der Zivilisationsbruch geschah mit dem "Terrortribunal" der Sieger in Nürnberg 1945/46. Für ihre eigenen Verbrechen bescheinigten sich die Sieger in einer Art Prozeßordnung (Londoner Statute) Immunität bzw. sie verhängten das prozessuale Verbot, die Verbrechen der Sieger während des Verfahrens anzusprechen. Den Besiegten wiederum wurde das Recht verwehrt, sich zu verteidigen. Jede Anschuldigung der Sieger mußte als offenkundige Tatsache hingenommen werden. Unschuldsbeweise durften nicht vorgebracht werden. Artikel 19 des Londoner Statuts lautet: "Der Gerichtshof ist an Beweisregeln nicht gebunden." Und in Artikel 21 heißt es: "Der Gerichtshof soll nicht Beweis für allgemein bekannte Tatsachen erheben, sondern sie von Amts wegen zur Kenntnis nehmen." In Folge verwandelte sich selbst die Kriegspropaganda der Sieger in "offenkundige Tatsachen".

Diese Art Prozeßführung wurde sowohl in Sieger-Schauprozessen als auch später in NS-Prozessen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vielfach angewandt. Und damit die in den Sieger-Prozessen abgesicherte Kriegspropaganda nicht aufgedeckt würde, mußte sich die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Überleitungsvertrag (Artikel 7,1) gegenüber den Alliierten verpflichten, daß "alle Urteile und Entscheidungen in Strafsachen, die vor einem Gericht oder einer gerichtlichen Behörde der Drei Mächte ... gefällt worden sind oder später gefällt werden, in jeder Hinsicht nach deutschem Recht rechtskräftig und rechtswirksam bleiben."

Die Moral der Geschichte ist: Alles, was wir an Greuelgeschichten aus USrael gehört haben und hören, ist nichts als die reine Wahrheit. Schließlich schreibt das deutsche Strafrecht in Einklang mit dem Überleitungsvertrag 7,1 dies so vor. Heil USA, Heil Israel, Heil Holocaust Industrie - verdammt sei Adolf Hitler und Saddam Hussein sowie alle jene, die in nächster Zeit von USrael als Bösewichte herhalten müssen.

"Bush bringt der Welt den Terror"
Filmemacher Michael Moore während der Oskarverleihung. (Mirror, London, 24.3.2003, S.. 12)


    30th May 2005 - 12:59:37 AM    
13839 : Movement of DEMOCRACY INSTEAD DEMO
BarZIONI-clan members Co gangs are the most sadistic Trojan horses of judaized Imperialism


Kurdistan as an independent country = fiction ?

By Desert Man

The fact

One must be aware of the fact that a conutry with name Kurdistan never has existed, doesn't exist and probably never will exist.

Just look at how Barezani sells himself to Turk facsists and the Butchers in Baghdad to secure his political power in the area against Jalal Talebani's PUK and also the emerging Kurdsih islamists.

How and why the so called Kurd issue is treated in western media and western politics depends completely on how Kurds and kurdish groups can be used for western imperial and colonial purposes.

When the western states were behind Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran and the iraqi Kurds allied themselve with Iran and joind in Iran's defence efforts, then the "Hiroshima" in Halabja was not worth a piece of shit for the humanistic minded western world.

The kurds were spendeble and had to blame themselve, because anybody can support the islamic revolution without paying for it. In the case of kurds in Turkey, everyday the turkish armey kills at least tens of "kurdish rebells" inside and outside Turkey, without meeting any reaction from the "world opinion".

When iraqi kurdistan get invaded by turkish army, then it's ok. But if Iran intervene in the same area to protect Iran's national security then it's condemned by the US as a violation of international law and they send their naval forces (Nimitz) to counter-balance Iran. But if a bunch of Iranian kurdish separatist supported by western countries get killed in Germany, then you see the "Mykonos" case, with all those diplomatic consequenses between Iran and European community.

Of course, now the EU has send back its diplomats back to Tehran, without gaining anything, because as Germany's Kinkel several times has stated: Iran is too important to be ignored.

The facts speak for itself. So don't expect or dream too much about an independent state in Kurdistan.

One thing is sure, the countries in the region will never allow creation of a kurdsih state, the kurds are too divided and dependent to different power centers and the colonial powers are too disabled and powerless to create a new Israel in the Middle East.

I think you as a moslem agree with other moslems in the world that even one Israel is to much.

At best, Kurdistan can be regarded as part of the Iranian world as the case is in today's Iran. As a matter of fact, many iraqi kurds have began to call themselve iranian.


One question

What makes Iranian KDP a democratic party in the eyes of the western states and a terrorist organisation of the turkish PKK? Why have the so called 'democaratic experiment' in Iraqi Kurdistan failed?

Why should Iran (the 'indoeuropean' Arian country you seem to hate most of all) have to pay the price for the internal conflicts in Kurdistan and open its border for hundred of tousends kurdish refugees?

What do your beloved US/NATO do to help you?

One can always pick up cheap points by critisizing Iran. I'm aware of the shortcomings in today's Iran, but I also admit that the condition of democracy in Iran is not worse than those in the Western countries.

But the democaracy situation (despite the current interanl conflict) in Iran is improving, but the democracy in West is deteriorating.

As a matter of fact, even those being critical to Iran admit that the freedom of speach is the highest in the Middle East and people can without fearing anything speak out and they do.

Even your fellow "opponents" to the Islamic Republic have realised that the democracy in west is unable to operate as you and your masters want it to.

Despite the US/Israel/Mojahedin Khalq/KDP's severe pressure on EU countries to break with Iran, they finally preferred to accept to send back their ambassadors to Tehran, according to Iranian conditions.

The French ambasador gave his german college company as the last ones to arrive. Do you remember the Rushdie case and how EU was humiliated by Ayatollah Khomeini?

Why did they come back? Rafsanjani explained it already for seven months ago: "Europe is like a 60 years old made. We should not run after her. It's beyond our dignity.

She will come back sooner or later. She has nowhere else to go." AND SHE CAME BACK.

So who are you to critisize the GREAT NATION OF IRAN? Iran is the only and last hope for the moslems of the world and something the entire human race to be proud of.

Iran is the worst nightmare of the US administration, Israel and the rest of world imperialism and zionism. If you want to share their misery the islamic revolution of Iran have caused to western impoerialism, then it's your problem. I don't mind. Be my guest.

What concerns the kurdish issue, Iran has been the only nation in the world that has assisted kurds, only because of humanitarian reasons, despite allt the problems the kurds has caused Iran as well as themselve.

I'm sorry to admit that the kurdish people have several times demonstrated their lack of political maturity by believning in ideologies imported from East and west and leaving their fate in the hands of corrupted clan leaders serving as clients to foreign powers.

If the kurds want to save themselve, they have simply to get rid of their narrow-minded nationalism (or to be correct tribalism) and those "democratic parties" claiming to represent them.

Even Barzani´s "liberal" masters in Europe, state that "democaracies never fight each other".

The most deadly enemy of the kurdish people are the kurds themselve.

By telling these things, I more and more understand why many Iraqi kurds call themselve "iranis".

The question is when the Kurds in Turkey begin to call themselve "iranis". If you want to remain a "mountain turk", then it's your problem. The Iranian border is still open.

Desert Man


    30th May 2005 - 07:32:07 AM    

Here are some rules. Fill them IN, Piggies, and get with it:






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to answer some questions....


    30th May 2005 - 09:39:32 AM    
13841 : Movimento l\'Humanitas&Derechos Humanos pour la In
ManipulaZional FEMINISM///"The MEN are ANIMALS!", says top-chief of ROKS (Jew/Evangelist whore dominated Scandinavian halfofficially Feminist gang)


- Nowadays system is very busy and many instruments at task, we see, they work eager to build many different etiquetted organizations and main centres, specially in the satellites...
- I undestand!... There are a lot of GNGOs in EU and ROKS is an umbrella on the system-connected woman leagues...
- ROKS is a form women centre but we see, there are several collaborated "male-admired" organizations too for instance CMR (false anti-racist gang)/NMR (second one...)/Exit (shadow gang under control of AIPAC/ADL) etc etc...
- What is the reason, imperialism invest for such organisation?
- They are the sof tools to undermine institutions... Unfortunately, European Union transferred a kind trainee area of GNGOs... NGO does mean "independent movement"... GNGO is different... Actually ROKS and CMR/NMR all together working by the side of oligarchie, had fast connection with dominational power in system and therefore it calls for GNGO... Women's biggeset betray-gang GNGO is ROKS, when we analyzed Sweden... These leagues betray people for enoormous money and VIP specialities... ROKS last year, received 11.7 million kroner in government support, and organises two/thirds of the womens organisations in Sweden.
- The top-chief of ROKS, Mammele Ireen von Wachenfeldt said; "Men are animals"... She claims men are animals, machines and walking dildos (her words).
This sick Jewish women hating men. It's more interesting, minister Margareta Winberg said it's not enough to hate me... She said that she always been suprised that not more women hate men, because of the lousy treatment they get from men. She wonder why not so much hate the men...
- Actually all the Working Class is foolish animal , because teher is no strong protest against the shurks... Therefore I say, all the Scandinavians are animals, when they gave so much money to the Jewish whores!..
- Is she Jew?
- Her clan fleed from Germania, when they steal gold just under World War II. They settled in Holand... But after war, many countries collaborated for search such looting cases, therefore this clan fleed to Sweden...
- Her background is stinky?
- Looter!... Wanted criminal clan member...
- ROKS members are sleeping?
- Druged!.. BONNIERS media rules such members... Organisation ROKS had an classical agenda... ROKS, however, is an organisation that praises Zionist-ruled gang according to the documentary. Through proffessional lobbying activities in parliament they with the help of Margareta Winberg managed to transform the false feminisms' ideas into real Zion-Capitalist provocation centre. In 2006 the womens organisations are going to share 100 million kroner according to an agreement between the social democrat government, the infiltrated Jews by Green party and the collaborator Mo$$ad instruments in the leftist party.
- It looks like Soviet Union; Jews always infiltrated and ruled money, meanwhile Socialist ordered Humanist conferences... They deserted whole system and slaughted millions of peoples...
- Traditionally the Jewish Fascists and Evangelist piggies know well what they do, but oppressed people goes druged...
- I wonder what is the reason, chief said; "The Man are Animals!"?
- Well; in Roks magazine, the false feminist provocator Evangelist Valeria S is hailed in a recent review.
- Okay!... She did what she learned form her BrothelMammele...
- Yes!.. She writes in her manifesto: "To call a man an animal is to flatter him: He is a machine, a walking dildo, a biological mishap."
- Then tv playground...
- Just a minute!.. In the documentary, the chairman (chairwoman, I guess I should say before I get sued: translator note) Irene von Wachenfelt is asked whether she agrees with provocator assistant Valeria S.


- Yes, men are animals. Don't you agree? says Ireen von Wachenfeldt to the reporter.


- What does it mean?
- It's classical play!.. OrganizaZional BETRAYAL machinery's piggy chief Ireen exposed; well, ROKS rocks on the oppressed peoples in the EU


- Definitely; men are animals, working class is animal, minorities like Laponians and such indigenous peoples are animals, true immigrants-true patriots-lkegendary hiumanists-honored artistsand independent scientists are animals... Who built civilization, its animal.. ONLY THE JEWISH/EVANGELIST IMPERIALIST ARE HUMAN... Who steal our money, its HUMAN, OK!...
- Of course!.. Who annihilate moral values and produces ANIMAL PORNO, THEY ARE ALL TOGETHER OVERCLASS, OVER HUMAN in THUS KINKY FARM... Well, judaized Imperialist System began to rule and kidding with humanity!..
- Maybe we reach a kind Golden Age of Jewish freakness, nothing else!..
- Definitely!...
- Who says that?
- A Mammele, Irene von HORNYWITZ...
- Do you tell me about Irene's backgroiund?
- Well, her men are animals, true animals, she like to lick the penis of Rottweiler doggies...
- Her backgrand, I mean, Sir!
- Background; okay; her Mammele (mother) came from Germania becaus ethey were wanted plunderers there...
- Thieves?
- Traditionally Jewish attitudes, yes; plunderers; under World War II
- ..and then?
- Settled in Scandinavia, already works for USraeil, often travelling to Kibutz on the occupied Miiddle East...
- Enough, Sir!.. I undersatnd, we are animals and we are really idiotics.. Because such thieves get our health, deserved our wealheakts, we never tried to charge them. There are many Trustor cases but not a single one Jew in the jail...
- Terrible!...
- They dominate all the medial lie fabrics like BONNIERS kartels and they still work as BrainWashing maschiney.. So, we must truly accept that WE ARE MOST IDIOTIC ANIMALS!...


- "Män ä djur", in another words; MEN ARE ANIMALS!...
- Who says?
- A Jewish/Evangelist BrothelMammele, called Ireen von HORNYWITZ!..
- What does it mean?
- This is tjhe cruel panorama... read Aftonbadet Daily Newspaper, please; here: "Roks får i år 11,7 miljoner kronor i statligt bidrag."... We, oppressed Laponians and Swedish people, giving 11,7 m. SEK to the enemies... In 2006 the women's organizations are going to share 100 million kroner according to an agreement between the Jew dominated parties... These traditionally enemies of human-being began to shit on our civilization and meantime this whore kidding with people, she says "The men are animanls!"...

- You described this situation, that "Woman betrayed by the judaized system"... I think its wrong; the Jews/E´vangelist donkeys betray not only women, nor men.. THese thieves BETRAY WHOLE PEOPLE,,,
- I agree with you!.. Judaized Imperialism triumphed and betray whole world!..
- Shutzpach!..
- Sorry?!
- Shutpach is Hebreic word, it does mean Freakness!... When the Jews kidding whole world, they describe he situation with such special terms...
- Shutzpach!.. They are eating our moiney and shitting on the face of oppressed masses!.. Really schutzpach!..

- ROKS looks like AIPAC/ADL/Exit coup, which runs by USrael... It's a traditionally classical Jewish coup and ROKS' freaks rocking now on the oppressed peoples n Scandinavia!.. Rock Mammele Ireen, Rock, this is the Golden Age of plunderer-flock!...
- I think, both Men/Women were been betrayed!.. Imperialism uses both men/women, like the toys, nothing else!..


Joint movements…and Tv Independent Laponia recommends the selected short films via Internet:

"The Truth is your ammunition", said Comrade Ali SHARIATI :

In Fact human needs fact:

Are there any true Justice Minister in the EU Circus?

Is Swedish Kingdom a kind of Helge FOSSMO ruled sect paradise or USraeli Mafia's sex paradise?


Movimento l'Humanitas&Derechos Humanos pour la Indigenous Lapinos (oppressed Sapmé people)

    30th May 2005 - 01:28:22 PM    
Movimento of the Bowels: get behind he dumpster with the dustin look alike, drop the panties and fuck like dogs. All feminists everywhere: BANNED!!!


Let's have a party and not go. Let's have a party and slow grow. SMILES to you KURT and your turkish tooters.
OX, looks like this place is a losing shit-battle.

OY.....must be another zionist movement other than the bowels, no?

Hoping that your cat is feeling better, Madre loki...and do not forget:


    30th May 2005 - 07:32:37 PM    
13843 : MOJO from the Royal Palace
Well I know we're all out there and looking for some sperm cocktails...Love to have my goblet of sperm with just a dash of soy sauce...and maybe half a teaspoon of piss....OH YEH! Smiles to you fucking princees PEUSSIE...and yeh we know:


You know what I am lookin' for... I.e., your raw dick and your hot, drippin' sperm: gallons of your raw baby batter in my asscunt! When I begin my journey I will no longer have access to e-mail, so will need to secure your contact

The salty, musty taste of your semen is gonna be nirvana. For me it will be fuckin' perfection. Your cock oysters will carry the brine of your being into me.... I WILL savor every drop. Your dick will be my universe, and I WILL worship you as my God--being a total whore to my desire and NEED to serve you with total even reckless abandon. You can talley the loads dumped and pumped and milked into me on my back with a marker, for all to see how consumed I am by you and your sperm.

I desire bathtubs of your piss so that I may bathe in the essence of you. I crave dog dishes of YOUR cum, so I may feast on the juices of you. As your no strings sexual beast, I WILL suck your cum from every condom you use between now and the time we finally meet for you to breed me -- your sperm will be my nutrition.

Beer enemas will make my hole buzz and clean my pussy, making room for MORE of your scum, inside me, where it belongs. Hell, I'd even I eat hot-dogs out of a your ass and bagels off your dick, everything I consume, slathered with your cum... I DESIRE YOUR CUM MORE THAN ANY SUBSTANCE IN THE UNIVERSE! Your sperm is my drug of choice. I pray to your cock and take it without question, as you relentlessly fuck my throat and especially my ass, relentlessly flooding me with the liquids of you, branding me forever as your whore! I am sincere, and truly eager to serve you with total abandon when I am there!

    30th May 2005 - 09:03:53 PM    
13844 : Johnny BLee Johnny, from France
cest vous plait, mon firneds. je suizs le sucre et na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
So you can well imagine what mon tunte blee johnny francais de la tourne fuckhead! Mon Dieu, dooder dingleberry....
What od you have to say abou that:

na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

No, I non possible mon cher peussie! Le comte de vagina teroristes temple de Amour, TURDS!

I have a feeling I have to repeat that for all of the foreigners here including the less than amusing dumpsters and those who really hate Dustin, my dear scumbag friend: well let's try this fucker again, ok?

cest vous plait, mon firneds. je suizs le sucre et na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na n

    30th May 2005 - 11:06:35 PM    
13845 : Mario Schmucker, Israel
Well I've seen some fucked up sites and groups, but this one takes the fucking matzo for sure, DUDES. I that also that Dustin was the worst scumbag under the toilet seat, and damned IF I'M NOT CORRECT! again
and now we have some Zionist movement of the bowels and you can fuckin well imagine how Baron Cohen feels about that one: RESPEK

Yesterday while I was out taking a shit on my new Lexus for the fun of it, this chick came along and asked if I'd ever seen SAVED BY HIS BALLS. Jocker. So I got in my hotshot auto and ran over her. Like SPLAT...and something like POIT, and we know what the slashburger sound is? Urban Dictionary, where is you when I'z needs you! SMILES, ALI....
and low and fuckin behold, along comes this guy dressed like Dustin and he hops in my car, and immediately goes down on me while he's fuckin chewing tobacco. I brought my fist down on his neck and head so fast that he nearly bit the head of my dick off right there. NOT TOO MUCH I reached over and vomitted!!

    30th May 2005 - 11:42:33 PM    
13846 : Mr. Belding
Screech, you are a dirty heeb!!!!!!! I always hated you. I only let you come back as my assistant for all those years because I wanted to give you HIV.

    31st May 2005 - 12:31:04 AM    
13847 :
screech, i typed in "unprotected buttsex" on google and discovered that your website is one of the top search results. thank you for working with google so that homosexuals can easily find this website.

    31st May 2005 - 06:46:42 AM    
13848 : Tia
Hi Dustin, I only seen you on the show "saved by the bell" but I really think you're an amazing actor, you're also cute on "saved by the bell collage days".

P.S. tell Lark(Lisa) I said hi and give her my e-mail address.

    31st May 2005 - 09:21:00 AM    
13849 : from THE ENEMA KING
The article was just released like my stuff bowels and dustin's shit-brains, and I know that enemas are the newest IN thing about the dumpster set, although I've been told that dumpster ass cramming with half eaten pasta, then sucking it all out IS VERY HOT TOO. here is the article, sorry it's so long, but I think you will all get into enemas after reading this including Tia who clearly is some guy with a very small cock.

It seems I am the Coffee Enema King. Out of 7,500 websites on the topic at the Google search engine, my essay on the history of enemas is rated number one. I have found my ticket to immortality. When all my books have crumbled to dust, my little coffee enema article will still be kicking around the Internet.   
When I first heard the words "coffee" and "enema" 25 years ago, I almost fell off my chair laughing. At Sloan-Kettering, the big joke was, "With cream or sugar?" Eventually that joke wore thin, when I discovered that coffee enemas were a serious part of alternative medicine (CAM). The National Institutes of Health has even given .4 million to find out if coffee enemas, along with supplements and diet, can fight pancreatic cancer.   
An enema is defined as "a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food." It is one of humanity's oldest medical procedures still in use. Tribal women in Africa routinely administer it to their children. The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, mentions it. Millennia before, the Pharaoh had a "guardian of the anus," a special doctor whose purpose was to administer his enema. This was truly a Royal Flush.   
Enemas sprang up from ancient Greece to India. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre-Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into rubber enema bags and tubes (the world's first use of rubber). It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are also found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver's Travels to Peyton Place. Louis XIV is said to have taken over 2,000 in his lifetime. Could this have been the source of the Sun King's sunny disposition?   
No one knows when the first daring soul filled an enema bag with Java. What is known is that the coffee enema was recorded as early as 1917 and was recommended in the prestigious Merck Manual until the mid-1970s. In the 1920s, German scientists claimed that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. The CAM pioneer Max Gerson, MD, used this clinically as part of his detoxification regimen. The effects of caffeine, he postulated, travel upward to the liver. He noted that patients could dispense with pain-killers once on the enemas. Many people have noted a paradoxical calming effect. But while coffee enemas can relieve constipation, Gerson emphasized: "Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver."   
Coffee enemas are still the butt of many jokes. However, in 1981, Dr. Lee Wattenberg showed that substances found in coffee promote the activity of a key enzyme system that detoxifies the blood. Dr. Peter Lechner, of Graz, Austria, has reported that "coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope."   
Opponents -- and they are many -- claim that coffee enemas can be at least as habit forming as coffee taken by mouth. They say there is also a potential danger to the rectum, since bowel perforation has been associated with hard insertion devices. However, at the Gerson-oriented clinics, they use a short nozzle, which is not likely to inflict any harm. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a proponent of coffee enemas, advocates a soft rubber tube.   
Critics always cite the deaths of two Seattle women, which was attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, following enema abuse. One took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. The other took four enemas daily. Drinking orange or pineapple juice just before taking the enemas should help with the electrolytes. Obviously, one can't go crazy with any procedure and not expect consequences.   
In a coffee enema, the coffee has to be of the regular caffeinated kind and preferably organic. There is even a special brand of coffee that was created just for enema users ( The coffee should be about half the strength of coffee used for drinking, and should be served warm, not so hot as to hurt tender tissues, but not so cold that it will bring on cramps. Finally, one should not do more than one quart per day, except under a physician's guidance. If you have trouble retaining an enema, add a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. One then holds the enema in, while lying on your side for 15 to 20 minutes.   
But which side? The conventional medical protocol is to have patients lie on their left side while taking an enema. But Gerson insisted that patients lie on their right sides, with their legs comfortably pulled up, relaxed and breathing deeply. I have seen grown people nearly come to blows over this question.
Personally I like to take my sons, put them in restraints on their backs, legs over their heads, then with the garden hose, pump vast amount of hot coffee into their assholes. Oh there's lots of complaining for the first few hours, but after that, when they realise that I've hardly started and things might just get worse, they relax into it and evacuate mountains of shit along with the inevitable rivers of piss. No matter how you look at it, I WIN!

    31st May 2005 - 12:21:41 PM    
13850 : ÀñÆ·
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    31st May 2005 - 12:51:06 PM    
13851 :
I need you to lick my taint Dustin, lets meet at the usual meeting spot, I'll bring some honey - Love Evan

    31st May 2005 - 02:13:03 PM    
13852 : Doc ENEMA, Number Fucking ONE in the World
Well it aint' my fault that everyone here is an asshole of the worst kind. Smell and believe it. Believe in the Lord and you too will be shaved!
Evan, you sound like you need a good and solid enema so haul ass and get to:

    31st May 2005 - 02:56:24 PM    
13853 : JEsus, did you take a shit on the floor?
Jesus? did you take a shit on the floor?

    31st May 2005 - 03:36:32 PM    
13854 : Mario Lopez
Yo Screech, slurp my dode you smelly, hairless, one-eyed, paraplegic nigger lesbian. PS this book sucks donkey dongs thanks to Princess Peussie, I oughta go round there and give her a slice of the MARIO LOVE, know'm say'n?? That'd shut her bitch ass up, fo shiz

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