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    08th June 2005 - 05:02:27 PM    
16069 : Mr. Belding
Screech, report to my office for some fierce fisting. Please bring some astro glide with you and bring Kevin the robot. I am so horny for you, you sweet little bitch you. I can't wait to shoot my seed all over your jew fro and shoot it in your eyes so you look like a little China boy, than I'll really get down to business.

    08th June 2005 - 06:34:36 PM    
16070 : Fagbusters

    08th June 2005 - 09:05:18 PM    
16320 : Fagbusters

    08th June 2005 - 11:37:21 PM    
16323 :

    09th June 2005 - 12:09:56 AM    
16324 : Bella LAPPEMARK
A Saga on the Plunderers who still destroy the civilization and looting the oppressed peoples' wealths all over the world for instance most fallen area colonized Laponia in the EU...


- Dear listeners, readers, tv-viewers! Welcome! A new saga is shining here... Brave people makes these forums available to encourage intelligent and open democratic debate platforms. Users are requested to participate in the spirit of good fellowship and tolerance. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of saga tellers.... "Living tales broadcasting" does not mean "fantastical fairy tales", but aims to offer a solution for "living questions of humanity" and one of them begins here, today's well-documented tales!.. Notice it respectfully, please; this is a SAGA; man don't need to be stressed... Avoid to show incredible angry attitudes or overwhelmed happy on such tales.. Test your self-control! Well, we are aware, there are a kind of interesting types, which fanatically programmed to see the similarly robotics and they can not accept the creative brains... Compare yourself with them! Take it easy; don't to be imprisoned of "mass-medial brainwashing campaigns"... In normally case there are different open-views, artistically creations, poetry, approximate to the social cases in community; listen to them... If you want to criticize these stories, feel free; do that!.. No doubt!. This is a form of literature to create essays; of course built a bridge to say out your opinion; do that, please!.. Other-ways, you will just a living witness here; yes, here seems many aggressive robotics making shit after my tales; let them stay on this page as my best evidence.. People needs such testimony; who tells saga, who has shit in his mouth; discover on internet around my saga texts... They are not only my enemies, because I have nothing private conflict with them... In fact they are the fanatical enemies of human-being; this is the question... My Grandfather had piggies at farm; all the animals had name there and selected examples prized by true ID cards... I see that Grandfather's true piggies were more respectable than human faced piggies&doggies... Let's these doggies shitting here on internet, mostly using false sexual announcements; let's people witness what a kind kinky planet the two-legged piggies dreaming.. Keep the evidences should be apparently pasted there on internet page, although it's not friendly; all after checking this attack it'll easier to struggle against thus kinky character, who beyond this dirtiness!.. Go on to tell what the newest!.. In fact, we have much more exciting broadcasting tournaments... You see; the fanatics of system are so eager to bite your heel.. No doubt, its typical attitudes of bulldogs and lapdogs of judaized imperialism... But criticism welcomes.... Of course there are different opinions.. Discussion is better than warplanes... Let's create new saga examples and try to build a wonderful socialistic saga-world for whole human-being; yes, for human, dear!.. Solidarity regards from saga-teller, additional works of studio-guests, followers on friendly tv channels...


Chapter -I-


- Joke hours on Tv Channel Independent Laponia... An anthropologist comes up to an Lapon and asked him.
- What did the Laponians call Sweden before the Wikings and their parasites Jewish whores came?
The Laponian replies;
- Ours !!

- I don't like such jokes...
- Why, sir?
- Because I don't like Laponians...
- So , maybe you should imagine indians, Palestinians, Tchechenians...
- Enough... I don't like such...
- Oppressed peoples, you mean...
- I don't know... I hate only... I hate...
- ?!


- Iraqis Robbed, reports Christopher Bollyn on 21 april 2003
- Let's listen!..
- The wholesale looting and destruction of Iraq's cultural heritage—described as a "global catastrophe"—occurred when U.S. military forces were withdrawn from sites, allowing the plundering to continue.
The U.S. military, which became the occupying power after ousting the regime in Baghdad and other cities, is being blamed for allowing the wholesale plundering and destruction of Iraq's museums and libraries. Because the U.S. military chose not to protect important cultural sites, places that it had been advised in advance to guard, while it protected others, some say there appears to have been a secret agreement to allow Mesopotamia's cultural treasures to be stolen or destroyed.

Adding to the controversy, a number of historians and archaeologists have claimed that some of the looters targeted specific priceless artifacts and had keys to vaults.

"It looks as if part of the looting was a deliberate planned action," said McGuire Gibson, president of the American Association for Research in Baghdad and a University of Chicago professor. "They were able to take keys for vaults and were able to take out important Mesopotamian materials put in safes. I have a suspicion it was organized outside the country."

The looting of the National Museum of Iraq, considered to have been the world's greatest repository of Mesopotamian culture with thousands of artifacts up to 7,000 years old, began early on Thursday, April 10, according to media reports, and continued through Friday.

"This is a terrible tragedy," Dr. John Curtis of the British Museum said. "Iraq is the cradle of civilization and this was a museum which contained a large portion of the world's cultural heritage."

At midday on April 17, Raid Abdul Ridhar Mohammed, an Iraqi archaeologist went looking for U.S. troops to come to the museum to stop the plundering. As reported in The New York Times, Mohammed found a U.S. Abrams tank in Museum Square. Five Marines followed him to the museum and opened fire over the heads of the looters.

This drove several thousand looters away in minutes, Mohammed said, but when the Marines and the tank left after 30 minutes, the looters returned and the plundering continued.

Nothing more was done to prevent what became the total destruction of the contents of the museum. Not a single pot or display case remained intact, according to witnesses, after the 48-hour rampage at the museum.

Patty Gerstenblith, law professor at Chicago's DePaul University, said the looting of the museums of Iraq was "completely inexcusable and avoidable."

Mobs wrecked and sacked Baghdad's government buildings, hospitals, museums and libraries, while U.S. troops protected the Ministry of Oil and Ministry of Interior.

Arsonists torched Iraq's National Library, in which countless priceless artifacts and books were lost. Even the Ministry for Religious Affairs, where a building housing thousands of Korans, many of them illuminated and hand written, several thousand years old, had been burned to a charred shell.

"When Baghdad fell to the Mongols in 1258, these books survived," said Abdel Karim Anwar Obeid, the ministry's general manager, "And now they didn't survive. You can't put a price on this loss."

Many Iraqis are convinced that U.S. troops encouraged the looting, according to Financial Times reporters in Baghdad. "I told the American major, you caused this," said an Iraqi who leads a neighborhood committee in Baghdad. "You wanted to overthrow the government, so you should have taken responsibility for security. If you'd put just one soldier on each government building, this wouldn't have happened."

The German Embassy and the French cultural center in east Baghdad appear to have been left unprotected and were totally plundered. John F. Burns of The New York Times suggested that Iraqi mobs attacked the German and French buildings for political reasons rather than attributing it to the fact that they were left undefended by the U.S. military forces that controlled the capital.

Burns also suggests that the looting of UNICEF, the UN agency that has worked to relieve malnutrition and improve the welfare of Iraqi children, was done for bizarre political reasons rather than the more obvious lack of protection.

Under international law, the military occupation force is responsible for protecting embassies and cultural sites. The 1954 Hague Convention, which has not been ratified by the U.S. or Britain, requires the occupying military power to protect artistic and cultural treasures in wartime.

Robert Fisk of The Independent (UK) visited the looted museums and libraries shortly after they had been plundered. "The looters had gone from shelf to shelf, systematically pulling the statues and pots and amphora of the Assyrians and the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Medes, the Persians and the Greeks and hurling them on to the concrete floor.

"How could they do this? Why, when the city was already burning, when anarchy had been let loose—and less than three months after American archaeologists and Pentagon officials met to discuss the country's treasures and put the Baghdad archaeological museum on a military database—did the Americans allow the mobs to destroy the priceless heritage of ancient Mesopotamia?

"The Iraqis did it," Fisk claims. "They did it to their own history, physically destroying the evidence of their own nation's thousands of years of civilization. Not since the Taliban embarked on their orgy of destruction against the Buddhas of Bamiyan and the statues in the museum of Kabul—perhaps not since World War 2—have so many archaeological treasures been wantonly and systematically smashed to pieces."

Fisk, however, does not say how he knows that it was Iraqis who were responsible for the wanton destruction of Baghdad's libraries and museums. Why Iraqis would indulge in such wanton destruction of their cultural heritage is not easily explained.

Glass cutters not available in Iraq were found in the museum and a huge bronze bust weighing hundreds of pounds missing its head which would have required a fork lift to remove it indicate that well organized professional cultural thieves were mixed in with the mob.

The missing artifacts are worth billions of dollars on the world market. A group of antiquity dealers and collectors known as the American Council for Cultural Policy has been lobbying the U.S. government to relax legislation that protects Iraq's heritage by preventing sales abroad.

William Pearlstein, the group's treasurer, said that Mesopotamian antiquities will be safer in American museums and private collections than in Iraq.

The Archaeological Institute of America, considered to be "more responsible" by serious archaeologists, has argued strongly against this.

While the large pieces will be harder to sell, the smaller unpublished items such as coins, cuneiform tablets, pottery, figurines, and bronze weapons are likely to dominate sectors of the antiquities market, according to David Keys, archaeology correspondent for The Independent.

"They will probably end up at the art markets of Paris, via Jordan, Israel, and Switzerland, New York, London, and Tokyo." With billions in profits to be made "the more unscrupulous" dealers will find ways to erase the Iraqi provenance of the stolen objects, Keys said.


- SvekJa Kingdom's public service been plundered by the Jews, comments by tv Independent Laponia...
- Ehrenkrona&Berner affair? - Yes, it's!... But folks talk about a coup, a sect; I forget it's originally name...
- Frimurar? Mason longues, well-legalmasked plunderers......
- That's right!.. But how you did know?
- I parents practiced in Jew York, Brisbane and the occupied Middle East!...
- ?!
- Did you know why the Swedish prosecutors and judges release the thieves when thief is member by the zionist lobbies?
- Because the rats can not attack the familiar rats...The swedish justice never showed any example who should be nominated a courage cat!..
- A whole people can not be traitors flock...
- It's not the people who admire on the oligarchical system, but the zionists and collaborated lobbies...


- International Jurist Federation representant visited Scandinavia but he rejected to sake the dirty hands of ICJ-Sect of Zionist lobbies... - I met him during his wonderful conference hours... - He is very clever to describe the plunderers... He left a statement to our Tv redaction team.. The statement is full of courageous expressions of humanism towards USraeli Mafia and its collaborators, who are called "Zionist occupatioanl gang", "the robbers of the twentieth century", "the killers of children, women and the elderly", "creators of international terror", "land plunderers" to quote a few examples. - Wonderful.. We need such jurists, not the EBADI&DEHDARI whore instruments... - I understand what you mean.. You interpreted our dream... We have very simple humanist wishes; yes, we don't like corruption, homo prostitution, rutted Amnesty bolaget and fake anti-racism.. We don't wwant see the fascists on our streets.. We don't need human faced swine flocks... We don't like the freak chiefs like Lion Club's chiefs, false asylumssekers, Polska piggies... - You describe exactly this kinky figure... - I see; definitely symbolized ridiculous traitor is Polska Lion Club's elderly chief, this piggy idiotic Stig WALLIN... - That is right!..

** - What are you thinking on these incredible scenes?
- We must know that our weakness is Imperialism's strength, I understand here again...
- I agree with you, Comrade Jonas HÅLLÉN!
- You are welcome, Comrade Lars TÖRNMAN!
- I think, democracy should work better!.. Criminals and collaborators should be arrested!
- Should we arrest the criminals?!. Don't make me laugh! - Well, I see the double roles and false rules of the juridical instruments... What a shame we been forced to label it "democracy"... How thus majority of people, thus living creators, stinky mass could be so incredible nonsense blind meanwhile all the enormous fraudulent process?!.. Unbelieveable!... This is a glaring injustice!.. I wonder, what goes wrong by the juridical instruments... How can I say?! It is very strange!... You now, if you see all these incredible cases, thick-headed attitudes... - How? Do you explain? What is concrete that you remember?
- Yes, I remember that David JANZON, a redactional worker of Radio Islam, was sentenced to 4 months' imprisonment in October 1992, for the station's agitation "against an ethnic group". Are the provocators of Capitalist Fascist lobbies are really a ethnical group?!
- There is so specially groups? Okay, Jews!... It's the overclass group, nobody can imitate such shurks...
- But when you been oppressed so your accusation can only be refuseed... The shurks are the masters 'cause they experinced a lot of cruel methodes since many years... You can only suffer like many freedom fighters...
- Concrete cases?
- Very much!... The judges of system who play dirty rolls... It is extra incredible on Swedish justice-scenes that many foolish judges been corrupted by Jewish authorities and they play extra horrible rolls as pycho-proff doctor magister at policlinics... I can not meet all the judges nor observate all the cases but I met many high-staff at Golf Club Tenerrife, they explained... Shameful!... I can not explain here what they say on the corrpted colleges, so awfully shameful... ... Court material look likes simetrical sences, reasons are too similarly... Many papers of court been published by the Bonniers, Nordstedt... Same mechanism publish as basic Zionist propagand material, too... EU-membership... After 1995 impressed it by the democratical authorities of other countries?
- Unfortunately, it's in all frauds, much more dirty now... If any true jurist goes to United Nations related commissions or the independent justice authorities, so we shall most interesting scandals...
- What kind of scandals?
- For instance Osmo VALLO&Tony MUTKA and other members of the "assassination on the so called Resande Folket" cases... Märta Pettersson and others who murdered by the "imported criminals" like Bengalian Zionist Mafia mobilized in the EU; similarly recruitment cases... Remember; what the relatives of Tony DEOGAN, Dagmar HAGELIN, Anders GUSTAFSSON demand... - Don't make me worry with examples, don't list please much more!.. - It's not me who create the official shame lists!.. Did you hear Osmo VALLO's two brothers and all other relatives are arrested, too... The victims and witnesses were been arrested instead of murderers... Otherway, many freedom fighters forced to be jobless and living under minimal standards... Most famous concrete case is Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV who labelled as "laborious"... There are many examples... The Work Rights fighters Jimmie ÖSTERGREN, delegated adviser (former grafiker) Bengt PETTERSSON and Ahmed RAMI, because of these bravehearts criticized the thieves by the Capitalist Jewish lobbies... Laponians who fight for their own mark and minority rights, therefore prisoned their representative character Olof T. JOHANSSON... Remember the true Socialists like Bengt FREJD, Sara LIDMAN, Staffan EHNEBOM, so-called the "Free Speech Fighters", anti-Capitalist demonstranter like Jan HATTO, Sten ARNE-ZERPE, Dietlieb FELDERER... Even the independent movements who struggle against the weapon-handlers and main figures of such groups, like Henrik Westander (before he got professur-chair gift) and by his side likely flexible Calle HÖGLUND... Don't forget the Anti-Imperialists, like Hannes WESTBERG, Herman SCHMID, journalists Staffan BECKMAN, Stefan HJERTÉN, free-mind intellectuals like Ernst Rainer HOLM, Linus Brohult, honoured priest K. G. HAMMAR and hundreds of the anti-Zionists who were been registrated, pursued and attacked by the lobbies...
- What is common with them?
- Also! When a Fascist accuse them so judges punish the reviewers, immediately... But when the oppressed people leave any accusation acceptance, can easily be refuseed ... The requests of them almost been absolutely refuseed... Read two different cover of assassinations for example one of the victims called Daniel WRETSTRÖM and second one Tony DEOGAN; so you'll be shocked if you discover many incredible freakness, parallel points; for instance how the prosecutors and judges corrupted by financial lobbies and how all the gang members released, how the evidences disappointed, witnesses forced to go in silence or they disapponted, too...
- Why the DN, Expressen and other big papers awoid of to publich these true stories?.. They awoid of to show the real discrimination?! Schindler's List was only a filmatic illusion, actually the true boss never gave a chance peace in communities... You know, Bonniers, Wallenberg, Bilderberg-gangs and "Bulldogs" drive the Swindlers' lists, means all the honoured intellectuals been registrated on their computers... Therefore Stockholm-Canberra changed to be second plot area of Jew York-Tel Aviv's armed Mafia...
- Yes, it's!.. But what a lucky I have been warned before! - The authorities are blind on such actions.. Why?
- Because every big shurk drives by the big lobbies in this big SvekJa zionized Kingdom...
- ?!
- How can we could informed and know the truth!?...
- I can't reply all in two minutes?!
- Well!... I understand better... It's a modernised version of enormous hypocrisy... And I understand why the world couldn't react when Jews slaughted people in Sabra, Shatila, Jenin... Everybody watched on tv meanwhile druck Coca-Cola, chips, bonbons...
- Like the film-druged idiots?..
- No, Sir!... We have incredible reactions and collaborated feelings too, remember, we all cried when we watched on the Swindler's list, whole lies master-piece on scenes... - Shame on double-moral masters!.. Where are the all good peoples now?! - No way to Pessimism, please!.. Well, I see a positive case here on the Scandinavian Jewish DN, Expressen, Menorah pages; Maximum sentence for the desecration of cemeteries - an outrage which traditionally targeted Jewish cemeteries - was raised from 6 months' imprisonment to 2 years. Yes, the prisonment period raised in 1993, Spring. Then...
- It should not calls for case; it's simply provocation... There is no any single case in SvekJa, means nobody sentenced, nobody imprisoned for desecrations.. - Maximum sentence will be 2 years! Isn't good?
- I want not talk on the sentences good or not good... But I'm coming from Skaane and I witnessed who targeted the cemeteries...
- Who?
- Jews!... I saw them... They were there and porovoced very succesful so they manipulated sitation... Therefore there is no prisoner after this pharagraph ' cause they aimed change the rules... - I remember some similarly case, my mother witnessed and told us about the foxy Jews who played theatre at the street on 30 November in Germania... It was before WW III, Jewish fanatics crashed own glass and won enormous generous compensation by the reasurance firms... But their media manipulated the world by the help of american Imperialism so all the analphabets crying on every 30 September worldwide, every year like a crying festival, meantime the Zionist boss' laughing behind the windows...
- This is not the Cold War but a form of ongoing Cold War, what drives now by the lobbies... This area demands the prejudiced scientists... - Why the oppressed folk don't protest or discuss these problems... - Ever and never! This is not the results of the football matches... People need knowledge on biological developments... - Biological? But the lobotomies and sterilization methodes were only in last century?! - System has now most advanced methodes for instance isolation, registration and systematically persecution and such injustice affairs... Only two thousand youngs become suicide in SvekJa Kingdom, two times been a short news.. - Youngs?... But adults?
- They never counts by half officially pools.... Animal lover bourgeoisie have sex-partner-dogs, counts for identification and health rights, but not the discriminated persons... Never mind!...
- There aren't really a single one modernized democratical institution?
- ?!
- I wonder why many immigrants sets to work without language courses meanwhile many others been discriminated because of their language is not "wonderful, brilliant"?..
- I met many people too... For example after Warszawa pakt's collapse fleed many biologs to the occupied Middle East, Australia, SvekJa and specially the laboratory workers sets on the jobs without any oppression... - Did you found any explain about this subject?..
- Not directly... I met a family in SvekJa, who calls for BOLDTs, escaped from Baltics by the way of so-called "official Al CAPONE Raoul WALLENBERG" Co's false Finnish passport and corrupted authorities in Kingdom by the way of Jewish lobbies... A cunning mature, drives "Invandrar Publications", like Sesam weekly... She explained that all these scientists had already one or two international languages what been respected...
- She lies!.. I know a true writer, who can six or seven language but SvekJa system set him too the cleaner-catch boy courses...
- Yes; I understand... Jolin replied this case too; "maybe the writer criticised the oligarchical targets..."
- And she publish these subjects on the Invandrar Tidningen? Bravo!... - You will be shocked; she help to the lobbies to registrate opposite... - Was she biology-worker in Baltics...
- No!... But system need such families to follow the people and therefore she didn't go to the claenar courses and nor any language course although her vocabulary is worst when I compare with other immigrants... Nowadays fixed this family a credit possbility by the lobbies and Swedish American authorities,looks like a support to publish weekly propagand bulletin, called "Sesam"... - Is it a propagand bulletin which the redacteurs in Jew York recommended? - Yes!... Worst and most dangerous in the world... - Do you explain; what you discovered by Sesam or chief Jolin BOLDT or Jusek/jurists' syndical sect, which completely Evangelist/jew-dominated and its periodcal media runs by Göran BOLDT Co. although this zionist gangster never had a single one scientist in the family!.. - Yes, it's!.. But such chiefs are clever to use the regularly credits of system... I am an ordinary people and regularly reading all the issues of Sesam/Jusek falsification magazines and look at on these pages, what these gangsters provoce: "Immigrants always have problems.. They must complete their education and integrate to the democratical values..." Very provocative...It means if you never been accepted as true citizen so you must think that your education is low, complete it... If immigrated person is non-judaic originated must complete cources to be disher, even if man is professor.. But other immigrant who came from Warszawa and presented himself as academician, accepted to be professor wit´hout a true diplom.. If you criticize this dirty deal, riskable to be labelled that you collapsed on integration... - A kind of tregistrated psycho?
- Definitely!.. This is a kind nonchalanted crocodiles' market... The masters of this neo-liberal "smiling faced fascist process" show no pardon... Since many years the Swedish immigrant publications run by the fascist zionist readcteurs, collaborators and inseminate false imagination... This is a insemination what the Zionist Fascists do against thesecond class people in Tel Aviv... In SvekJa Kingdom, by this shurk-coup drivessame project... Look at these pages, even the Laponians counts like the second class people and never discuss serious their minority rights, work rights by the industrial investigations of Kingdom... They handled often like the Gypsies,more worst; they handled like prisoners on its own marks like the Palestinians who prisoned his own haoses there in the occupied Middle East... Do you discuss your rights here on Immigrant pages? Never... BOLDTs had easier credit opportunities by Sparbank and Nordea's Jew chiefs... Why? Because, BOLDT-gang is the best flexible which uses like a condom against Human Rights...According of these shurks there is no any Zionist Occupational Gang in the world, but Palestinians been counted as problematics... Palestinians described like the immigrants there, what the oppressed people behandles here in SvekJa Kingdom... BOLDT and her lapdogs manipulate the questions of immigrants and never answer thequestions although there is two pages for responses... - I know a Jewish paper in USA, redacteur send letters himself and replies later instead of the true readers...
- Similarly tactic!... What Big Brother do, Swedish hypocrites just imitate it... Not only this fetty imbecill's Sesam, all other creit-addicted papers administrations making copies of ordinary people's letters... mostly all these half-officially "Invandrar" publication industry "brain washing instruments on the immigrants" running on this line... what thelobbies, so-called "registrationsnaemnden" and the collaborators by the Swedish ministries like much and therefore pumping money.. - Now I have a little question; is BOLDT-gangs are Jewish originated... - More dangereous... Members, so-called "edsvurna" by the Zionist lobbies!...But how you guess about the origins of these shurks?!
- I am not so stupid although I like sometimes discuss football, too... - ...and maybe a private question, too!.. How you can be so close to Jolin!... - She like small and younger Africans like a tradition by the bourgeoisise fetties nowadays and it was plus point when she discovered I am from Ethiopia... - More question?
- No more, 'cause I have already all the answers on this area specially experiences by such kind of chiefs who need my massage... This is biology, too; bio-physique... - But why all these lobbies hate Rainer HOLM?.. Rainer is not immigrant.. - He registrated because of the critics againt the system and projects..
- What kind of system? Whose projects, whose rules?
- Kidding?
- ?!
- Different faces but same play on the dirty scenes!.. - That is right!.. Unfortunately, a crow goes but another crow comes... Betrayers love eacht other and they always have supporters by the financial lobbies... For example Sparbank, Nordea, Associates thieves Co, Citibank/CitiGroup, even CSN and other similarly zion-dominated betrayers, lean-mousetraps... - More dangerous than all other classical mafia examples... Because all these liberalized instruments have both legal and illegal leagues, different faces on the different scenes...
- Flexible fascism!..
- Not only this case and such victims, all the anti-imperialists are the potentially criminals, according to the registrators of lobbies...They are suspicious in all cases, on all the connections...
- They are suspicious perhaps only on our duties... Otherways I met an interesting gay, he talks perfect Persian like a true Iranian citizen, practiced around of Gulf... - DEHDARI? KAMALI? TAGAWI?
- Bijan FAHI MI!.. This gay, Persian Zionist case enough to explain any connections between many Swedes... Such "imported instruments" help to compare with the opportunities and benefits for example these persons systematically been discrimined: Staffan EHNEBOM, Jimmie ÖSTERGREN, Ahmed RAMI, Ernst Rainer HOLM (regime critic worker, disappeared in Gaevle city just after May Day 2003), Henrik WESTANDER, Osmo VALLO (murdered by police torture in Malmuu-city) and his prisoned brothers, Tony DEOGAN and Anders GUSTAVSSON (both murdered by system supported violence leagues and prosecutors didn't accuse anyone because these poor boys weren't from bourgeoisie cathegories in the community and both criticized sytem by any articles before), Bengt FREJD, Olof T. JOHANSSON, Sara LIDMAN, Calle HÖGLUND, Belay MEKKONEN, Hannes WESTBERG, Linus BROHULT, Sven WOLTER, Gunnar THORELL, Murat YILDIZ, Bodil Margret LINDQVIST, Staffan BECKMAN, Ísmet CELEPLÌ, Juan FONSECA (when he hadn't concern so intensive interest on money), Ditlieb FELDERER, Stefan HJERTÉN, Stefan Dimiter TCHOLAKOV...
- Is it dangerous to have same name? - Very riskable!.. Nephew Stefan forced to be psyhico because one of the his relatives in Balkan were the anti-Zionist guerilla leaders... One of the guerillas had same name forced for Independent Makedonia and jailed by false accusations of two Jewish judges from Bulgaria just after 1945. Guerilla leader had no possibility to defence himself, Jewish judges published only the false accusations, including fictive movements who leaned weapon from Germania under WW II. Although many corrupted judges and prosecutors were the traitors, this power manipulated history; nobody succeed to choose what is right what is wrong by medial campaigns... Guerillas, like "Uncle Tcholakov" sentenced without any minimal evidence.. He died there... We see another Tcholakov in Scandinavia, immgrated, but pursued and falled in incredible troubles... This nephew TCHOLAKOV, "immigrated heimatlos Stefan" borned in 1944 as Dimiter, become a brilliant academical carrier in Sofia university and fleed to SvekJa Kingdom, completed 180 university points but prevented from work life, pursued, isolated, discriminated by the the Jewish registrators, lobbies, specially the collaborators of Clas LILJA "genetical-researcher Zionist clan" members in the Waexsjö city university... I can add other figures, too; for example the victims from West Front like Robert Malecki as true Vietnam deserter and as second category; Jan MYRDAL, Teddy John FRANK, Frank BAUDE, Peter BRATT, (his cell-shared-comrade Jan GUILLOU pissed off from lists because he is a multi-milliarder rich, reached to be droged creatur at last), Dagmar HAGELIN (been pursued by Zionist lobbies who collaborated with dictators of South America and murdered there by fascist military of ASTIZ.. Dagmar murdered because her father listed as Marxist and very interesting now, his family affected by persecution, all the relatives troubled similarly case and systematically hunting by the Zionist lobbies), Torsten LEANDER (only this one pursued person compensed as symbolic maneouver), Work Rights Fighters Jimmie ÖSTERGREN from Högdalen and his ombudsman Bengt PETTERSSON from Folks house Raagsved Ghetto district, Lilian GUSTAFSSON who is mother to Anders, 17, murdered by torture methodes of bulldog Anders CARLBERG's well-paid bastards at Fyrshuset trainee center in Hammarby bourgeoisie area of capitol. After that Anders CARLBERG been prized as Integration chief and poor mother Lilian still betrays by the Jewish manipulation center Expo's "professional liars"...
- It looks like a living history...
- That is right and tv redaction collected much more figures, the names of the victims, all the almost anti-imperialists...
- The "Human enemies" will not like to talk on such cases.. They hate the truth... - It's true!... The profiteers of system hate human being... We collected here hundreds of names... Count please the victims of Estonia ferry, which used to transferring the nuclear weapons to the West and sinked by an explosion; prosecutors hunted the criticer intellectuals not the criminal propagandists of Jewish DN-Expressen-Menorah falsificators nor the boss of weapon markets...... Why thus people counts in two different categories and what is difference between two oppressed or only been registrated followed people I don't understand... But you can notice much more if you visit Veritas Co. Veritas fraud league is a computer and distribution which serve the falsificators, Swedes call him "Jankele Pirat kopiormästaren!", means "Bitch falsificator masters' bastard"...
- What is common with all these plays? What is the connection but with our tennisplayer monkey?
- That is the question... They don't know anything and therefore we are on the duty, means their unknowledge is our gain...
- Game?!
- You need go to the ear specialist, my friend; Nordic climate is not fit to your upside... - ?!
- Please, my friend!... Take these coverages back to the archives!.. Explain nothing there, outside;please! I'll do tanksgiving because I have only ond year to be retired.. - Wait!.. Wait!.. My son and daughters already at AMS and their fiancees fixed places at Länsarbetsnämnden, Migration teater's integrationsverket.. It was difficult to be staff there, without any true exam, nor really job interviews... We mustn't leave their situations on risk!..
- ?!
- I witnessed any related cases... But a woman who formated this explain she was been guilt, instead of the suspected persons... Don't make laugh on such stories, please!... One of these writers named Bodil Margret LINDQVIST wrote a saga/story and faced PUL when the Evangelist coup of Swedish church spioned her... But folks insist to be solidarised with Bodil Margret LINDQVIST... Did you know, why? Resistance against discrimination... Saga on Ulf BERG , for instance, this saga is a strong file of Bodil's works... Saga-files are a kind of action; yes, I should remember that Bodil was VPK-follower rebel...
- VPK?
- Vaensterpartiet kommunisterna.. Main European leftist parties changed themselves but traditionally hate clans of zionist imperialism didn'rt change the persecution process on the antiimperialists...
- They hate human being...
- That's right!.. This is one of the reasons; yes, she was a famous member by Communist Party... There are any related explains on her own homepages what she been attacked and therefore cleaned many pages.. As a brand new example about the first story pages of Bodil Margret LINDQVIST:
- Bodil's ordinary corrected (nicked...) short reserv stories online; here, Bodil and her friends still inform community on true criminals, for example incest&pedophile figures:
- There are many solidaríty groups around such anti-imperialist figures for example, Solidarity Group, EDRI:
EDRI-gram against Echelon in Russisch language:
Solidarity in Scandinavia:
Juridical Solidarity in Bruxel:
The readers' notices to the story teller Bodil:
Bodil's close friend Comrade Jörgen "Snegroy" (second nick: Dr. ROBNSON) built a support page:
Individual Solidarity for example Anders R. OLSOON, struggles against corruptial authorities:
Individual Info Blog for example Bengt O. KARLSSON:
Official info pages, like German-spoken jurists in Belgique:
Individual Infor pages in German language, for example the site of Christoph Andersson:
Analysis by EU authorities:
European Court discuss Bodl-case:
Registration question, discuss by Britannian authorities:
Half-officially indivudual infos online, for example Taylor WESSING:
Governmental explanation of Swedish hypocrisy:
Free-researchers from Scandinavia:
Free-International researchers, like Sidley Austin BROWN:
Commercial effects searched by S. J. BERWIN:
Human Rights effects of Bodil case, discussed in Russisch language:
Intellectual Rights or Crime by EU? Discuss in French language:
Communicational Rights, dicuessed in French language:
Bodil case analyses in French language as Social Law question:
Institutional report (for EU) by Leiden University, in Dutch language:
Academical discuss at Law Faculty-Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; in Dutch language:
Internet Newsletter for Lawyers:
Bodil case analyses as a voluntary recruitment question:
Comrade Bodil M. LINDQVIST case awarded one of the contemporary courageous antisemite figures:
Bodil case helped to expose the BrainWashing wall on Internet:
Bodil case helped to expose the Censor on Internet:
Bodil case helped to expose the Racism of dominational judaic System:
Bodil case helped to expose the falsifications of Nobel-committee:
Bodil case helped to expose the ugly face of Zion ruled Media:
Bodil case helped to explain the terminologie of "Civilized Darkness" etc.:
Bodil case helped to explain the fraudulent of comercialized Amnesty International and Red Cross' Swedish sections:
- far you works on Internet, it's possible that anybody try to manipulate it.....
- That is right!.. Tere are many fanatics like "religious fanatic manipulators' Livets ord" and other fascist leagues who attacking the anti-imperialists. - Definitely!.. Bodil's works been attacked by Livets ord... There are many server, like Maccabi Jewish staff and provocativa AFA (real Fascists who using the Anti-Fascist labels) homepages... They still contunie to manipulate... This is the true terror, advanced by technical support lobbies...
- Sometimes we see good friends, who show very useful solidarity for instance Jörgen K.; he is Bodil's close friend, struggles well. - This is the "True Living history"...
- If you have any question so I recommend you'll call to this civil-courage symbol, "Story-teller".. Here is the directly phone: Bodil Margret LINDQVIST tel. 48 03 e-mail:
- 031?
- Mölndal, Vetlanda...
- Wet? Land?
- Yes, it's is a piece of SvekJa Kingdom!...
- Even it's not acceptable!.. My heart says; "No!.."
- What is most unfair?
- To be handled like the animals in the farm of George ORWELL.. Look at all these masters of swindler who have two-legs only difference between the other kind of piggs...
- I understand your reactions!... But if you insist to go on the last two legs, riskable that you can be sanctioned.. Did you heard that many people gone suicide? - Media didn't explain......
- Whose media? Anyway there are many people, even an ordinary list can take many pages of newspapers... Advertisements are important than suicide victims, nowadays... - You mean that the system can piss off...
- Legalized cleansing by modernized methodes... Hundreds of people commit suicide only in last year...
- Human?
- ?!

- Ziondominated lobbies still betray both the authorities and the oppressed masses... - It's a tradition, Jesus Christ described in Matthew 24. Jesus speaks of how the Jews will betray and hate one another. And that because evil is going on all around them, there won't be much love. - The Jews continually betray religious institutions, too!.. They hate human being and this dirty character is the ground traditional rule of this flock's. - What If Hitler had never been born? - I don't know, because I grown up only with pentagon model faculty education.. It does mean, I know only judaized ameracan lies intead of true history on human being. For example the gas chambers at the work camps... Foolish lie!.. Anyway Hitler didn't shoot anybody... - In fact, the Jews, allied Imperilaist power areresponsible for Hitler's death and massacre on the millions of Germans... - The foxy thieves saying that six million Jews died at the jeb centers; it's lie...Many of them fleed to other countries and contunied to plunder, steal, lie, manipulation, corruption skills there for instance occupied SvekJa Kingdom. - I agree with you!.. I can't believe Western, what the imperialist rats pump on Hitler. But I think Hitler played an important role like a brake... Germany administration were been brake against Jewish imperialism... - Unfortunately, the brake rod of civilization been broken by Britannian American coalition. - If Hitler had never been born, civilization should create another Hitler... II mean, if it had not been Hitler, it would have been someone else, because the whole Europe awakened on these Jackals' financial powerty... - I think a bite different... If Hitler had never been born, those Jews would have been more terrible spared all on the countries... Dangerous than AIDS!.. Hitler stopped this kind of virus, temporary... - Details of history would surely be different if Hitler never existed. But so long as the conditions existed that created Hitler, someone else would have stood in as democratical choosen leader like "brake adjustment". The lesson we are supposed to learn from this history is that "we" must never again let American-Britannian coalition come to destruct our own leaders like Germany 1945, Palestine 1948 and Irak 2003. Imperialism set its marionettes on the satellites and occupied areas of the world. - That's right!.. But the real lesson is not that we must choose marionette leaders or even that power corrupts, it is that wherever there exists an institutionalized means of evangelian collaboration, like SvekJa Kingdom authorities will be used. - Democrasy is a bluff in such staellites today.. Corrupted ministrial puppets look like the druged instruments, look at the face of Premier Fatty Imbecill G.rån Petsion!... A living monument of shame... Elections aren't enough to change the regimes in satellites, although people hear many phantasies and ideas... People feel betrayed in such countries... - People needs not the corrupted staff, people needs true heroes, true revolutionaries, braveheart humanists against the zionist imperilaism... - This is the question!.. **
- US Forces deliberately encouraged the Looting, comments Ole Rothenborg Tales broadcasted by Tv Independent Laponia on 11 April 2003.
- I listened and copied a clip... Khaled Bayomi looks a bit surprised when he looks at the American officer on TV regret that they don't have any resources to stop the looting in Baghdad. "I happened to be there", he said, just as the US forces told people to commence looting.
- Let's watch his testiomonies!..
- Khaled Bayomi departed from Malmoe, Sweden to Baghdad, as a human shield, and arrived on the same day the fighting began. About this he can tell us plenty and for a long time, but the most interesting part of his story is his witness-account about the great surge of looting now taking place.

- I had visited a few friends that live in a worn-down area just beyond the Haifa Avenue, on the west bank of the Tigris River. It was April 8 and the fighting was so heavy I couldn't make it over to the other side of the river. On the afternoon it became perfectly quite, and four American tanks pulled up in position on the outskirts of the slum area. From these tanks we heard anxious calls in Arabic, which told the population to come closer.

- During the morning everybody that tried to cross the streets had been fired upon. But during this strange silence people eventually became curious. After three-quarters of an hour the first Baghdad citizens dared to come forward. At that moment the US solders shot two Sudanese guards, who were posted in front of a local administrative building, on the other side of the Haifa Avenue.

- I was just 300 meters away when the guards where murdered. Then they shot the building entrance to pieces, and their Arabic translators in the tanks told people to run for grabs inside the building. Rumours spread rapidly and the house was cleaned out. Moments later tanks broke down the doors to the Justice Department, residing in the neighbouring building, and looting was carried on to there.

- I was standing in a big crowd of civilians that saw all this together with me. They did not take any part in the looting, but were to afraid to take any action against it. Many of them had tears of shame in their eyes. The next morning looting spread to the Museum of Modern Art, which lies another 500 meters to the north. There was also two crowds in place, one that was looting and another one that disgracefully saw it happen.

Do you mean to say that it was the US troops that initiated the looting?

- Absolutely. The lack of scenes of joy had the US forces in need of images on Iraqi's who in different ways demonstrated their disgust with Saddam's regime.

But people in Baghdad tore down a big statue of Saddam?

- They did? It was a US tank that did this, close to the hotel where all the journalists live. Until noon on the 9th of April, I didn't see a single torn picture of Saddam anywhere. If people had wanted to turn over statues they could have gone for some of the many smaller ones, without the help of an American tank. Had this been a political uproar then people would have turned over statues first and looted afterwards.

Back home in Sweden Khaled Bayomi is PhD student at the University of Lund, where he since ten years teaches and researches about conflicts in the Middle East. He is very well informed about the conflicts, as well as he is on the propaganda war.

Isn't it good that Saddam is gone?

- He is not gone. He has dissolved his army in tiny, tiny groups. This is why there never was any big battle. Saddam dissolved Iraq as a state already in 1992 and have shad a parallel tribal structure going, which since then has been altogether decisive for the country. When USA begun the war Saddam completely abandoned the state, and now depends on this tribal structure. This is why he left the big cities without any battle.

- Now USA are forced to do everything themselves, because there is no political force from within that would challenge the structure in place. The two challengers who came in from the outside were immediately lynched.

Khaled Bayomi refers to what happened to general Nazar al-Khazraji, who escaped from Denmark, and Shia-muslim leader Abdul Majid al-Khoei, who both where chopped to pieces by a raging crowd in Najaf, because they where perceived to be American marionettes. According to Danish newspaper BT, al-Khazraji was picked up by the CIA in Denmark and then brought to Iraq.

- Now we have an occupying power in place in Iraq, that has not said how long they will stay, not brought forward any time-plan for civilian rule and no date for general elections. Now awaits only a big chaos.


- Plunderers show same character like epidemie... - Traditionally virus... It's not important you are living in Scandinavia or Korea.. Epidemie find you everywhere because this epidemie calls "Zionism" and this virus hate humanbeing...
- This is the question!..


- Look at this label!..
- CMR!.. What does CMR mean? - Betray.. Fake antiracist centre of many different virus, which collaborated and infected Scandinavia...
- This is freakness and therefore we prepared a new accusation so called "JO anmälan angående Stig WALLIN&Amina EK&Mkyabela SABUNI&Anders BERGMAN bedragarhärvan som stulit lättlurade folkets levebröd i samarbete med vissa korrupta officiella figurer bland andra riksdagsmän&integrationsverketsmissbrukarligan som spelar listiga roller så att underlätta bidragsstöld under en rad välplanerade falska antirasistiska etiketter först och främst fräckaste fallet CMR-Centrum mot rasism (sick).. - Don't make me laugh!..This is the satellite of judaized imperialism.. Don'ät mind that the jackals shal bite each other!.. - Anyway this is the English version of Saga-formated complaint
- I see!..I testimonied and experienced thattThus Saga based on the Brand New TRUE corruptial affairs; believe in the story teller or not; it's your problem and we still witness the shocking truth that you are the MAIN LOSER, poor Swede, poor Laponian...


- I wonder what is the reason this story-teller uses a strange grammar.. Bad
English, according to the web administrations.... Worst than my chief's school
English level...
- I understand you, too!.. But you know, I met this author, a clever girl who can
talk wonderful.. I mean, she is a successful person when she talks plenty
fluently on other matters...
- But why this girl tells her story in so incredible strange English?
- I try to explain!... Yes, I asked her about this flat language... She replied;
"When I wrote in correct English, pissed off by the bourgeoisie dominated
media"... So, after this explain I checked it and witnessed that she has
- I wonder the majority been masochists nowadays?!
- Ye', it is stranger than language!... ... Maybe we are living in a period
there bourgeoisie living a social sickness like mass masochistically delusion
system... We piss off the normally attitudes...
- Also, you mean the author aims to write good tales in bed grammar to fix the
barriers of establishment on this sick medial world...
- Approximately...
- But she make folks laugh!... Please, watch this clip, super irritable bad
English.. She makes me laugh, too!...
- Sure!.. Story-teller aims it... Otherwise, you are a living evidence that she
succeed to make laugh you like any other pieces of this oligarchic system!..
- What?!..
- ...and at last this story teller added that she believe in "Mankind changed
so much, nowadays civilized people mostly looks like a kind of animal who can
learn during laughing"...
- ?!


- This broadcasting clips remind me of "the Invisible Writers".
- What does "invisible writer" mean?
- Many years ago I knew a grizzled old playwright named Ray. He lived off state
disability checks, carried his manuscripts in brown paper bags, and drank cup
after cup of black coffee, which I poured for him from behind the counter of the
coffee shop where I worked. He had one piece of advice for me: "Read Othello.
If you want to be a writer you must first read Othello." Ray was a blue-collar
guy who had never gone to college, but he had read Shakespeare, checked out from
the public library near the furnished room where he lived. Ray understood plot
because he had lived and experienced it. He was a born writer. Over the years
I've met a diverse collection of writers who have never been published or earned
any academic credentials, yet whose claim to the title of artist is genuine.
These invisible writers are soldiers and bakers, convicts and salesmen, winos,
hairdressers, fire fighters, farmers and waitresses. Their only qualifications to
literary authenticity are their writings and their desire to write. Often the
only time they have is stolen time, and their private scrawls end up on cocktail
napkins, pencilled in the margins of receipts, on any piece of paper handy. I
got to know Tom Carson during the first Gulf War, shortly after his platoon had
been sent to Kuwait. We never met in person. He had written to a co-worker of
mine who had moved on, leaving no forwarding address. When I saw the U.S.
military return address on Tom's letter, I decided to answer it myself. We began
a correspondence that lasted through the war and after he returned to Fort
Benning, Georgia. During a hectic two months, Lt. Carson wrote 39 poems. His
themes were the regimented insanity of military life, isolation and loneliness,
the wind and rain of his soul. Carson wrote his lines in rare solitude, in a
barracks or a tent. During the day, he told me, the thoughts gathered in his
head; he censored them but the forbidden words found expression anyway, for even
the U.S. Army cannot discipline the imagination. People imprisoned in
stultifying, menial jobs can summon, with even a minimal command of language,
something entirely private, unfettered and incalculably powerful. Most
importantly, it is something of their own creation that cannot be taken away.
The sense of purpose and identity that comes with being a writer, creator of a
private world, can be life altering. I've known truck drivers who are
natural-born storytellers; fishermen who paint starkly beautiful word pictures
of life on a crab boat in the Bering Strait. I met a barely literate ex-convict
whose short story about losing his wife and child in a revenge killing for a
gang crime he'd committed was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever read. I met
a ex-alcoholic who wrote about being abandoned by her husband. In a few simple
paragraphs this uneducated woman in her mid-50s expressed a universal sense of
loss in an entirely unsentimental fashion; something that cannot be taught in
any MFA program. My own father, a novelist who was never published, once wrote
about being fired for writing on the job – a chronic problem in his lifetime. He
worked on an assembly line in a factory that manufactured radios, and the
foreman caught him writing one day while the neglected radio parts moved past
him on the belt. "I was only half a radioman," wrote my father. "In my heart, I
was a poet." As Chester Himes wrote in "The Quality of Hurt": "No matter what I
did or how I lived, I had considered myself a writer....It was my salvation. The
world can deny me all other employment, and stone me as an a
disagreeable, unpleasant person. But as long as I write whether it's published
or not, I'm a writer." I met Celia at a roadside diner, where she cooked greasy
breakfasts for travellers whose faces she'd never again see. Writing, for Celia,
was a way of being elsewhere, of undoing, undreaming, her mundane daily life.
The monotony of her job and the deadening rituals she performed daily were the
inspirations for the poems she scribbled on used order tickets. To hate your job
and do nothing about it is a failure of imagination: a true life sentence. A
Frenchman I know who was a maitre d' at one of the Washington's finest
restaurants, possesses a novel he composed in the twilight time between the
lunch rush and the dinner hour. His joy on writing it was immeasurable. That it
may never be published did not faze him. The point is that he created it. He
finished it. It is his. "Fiction completes us, mutilated beings burdened with
the awful dichotomy of having only one life and the ability to desire a
thousand," Mario

    09th June 2005 - 01:54:03 AM    
16326 : Fagbusters

    09th June 2005 - 03:09:48 AM    
16327 : fdsa

    09th June 2005 - 05:25:09 AM    
16389 : Andrew Lappefalken
Different Faces of Human///Different Faces of Human-Enemies and Different Situation of the Victimized-Human///A Story of Ali, Aisha, Ahmet, Fatima; Against DIFFERENT FACES of Zionism (Jewish Fascism)


A Human-Face (social conditions related...): Current Social tactical-face of Daily Fascism by Occupational Power Mafia...


- What said wise-man when he heard about the Hunger Strike Commemoration?..
- He commented, "Outlawed herds; Zion creatures, when we met first in July 1981 - What should he react when he konw that barbarity continue... - Explain what changed in the occupied Middle East! - Also, I'll began to tell from beginning... I still have the Solidarity Statement to the Hunger Strikers By Palestinian Prisoners in Nafha Prison From The Starry Plough (Ir-a-land) September 1981... The following letter was received from Palestinian prisoners in Nafha prison. It was forwarded to the Starry Plough by the Interational Relations Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. To the families of the martyrs oppressed by the British ruling class, To the familes of Bobby Sands and his martyred comrades, We, revolutionaries of the Palestinian people who are under the terrorist rule of Zionism, write you this letter from the desert prison of Nafha. We extend our salutes and solidarity with you in the confrontation against the oppressive terrorist rule enforced upon the Irish people by the British ruling elite.
We salute the heroic struggle of Bobby Sands and his comrades, for they have sacrificed the most valuable possession of any human being. They gave their lives for freedom.
From here in Nafha prison where savage snakes and desert sands penetrate our cells, from here under the yoke of Zionist occupation, we stand alongside you. From behind our cell bars, we support you, your people and your revolutionaries who have chosen to confront death.
Since the Zionist occupation, our people have been living under the worst conditions. Our militants who have chosen the road of liberty and chosen to defend our land, people and dignity, have been suffering for many years. In the prisons we are confronting Zionist oppression and their systematic application of torture. Sunlight does not enter our cell; basic necessities are not provided. Yet we confront the Zionist hangmen, the enemies of life.
Many of our militant comrades have been martyred under torture by the fascists allowing them to bleed to death. Others have been martyred because Israeli prison administrators do not provide needed medical care.
The noble and just hunger strike is not in vain. In our struggle against the occupation of our homeland, for freedom from the new Nazis, it stands as a clear symbol of the historical challenge against the terrorists. Our people in Palestine and in the Zionist prisons are struggling as your people are struggling against the British monopolies, and we will both continue until victory.
On behalf of the prisoners of Nafha, we support your struggle and cause of freedom against English domination, against Zionism and against fascism in the world.

Palestinian prisoners in the desert prison, Nafha, July 1981.
- It is valid today too what this statement including! - Absolutely!... Human-being should serious demant it against the barbarity!..
- This is an agreement coonected with any international conventions and we discussed on 4 November 1999, too
- Which kind of paragraphs?
- Article II for iinstance, included;
1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction.
2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.
United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
As of November 1st, 1999, 64 members of Knesset have signed a bill specifically authorizing the Shin Bet security service to use "special means" during the interrogation of security suspects, including the use of violent shaking, the handcuffing of prisoners in contorted positions, and sleep deprivation. According to Reuven Rivlin, the chair of the Likud Knesset faction and the man who put the bill forward: "True, I will be introducing torture into the law of the State of Israel."(Ha'aretz 1 November). The impetus behind this bill is the historic High Court of Justice ruling on 6 September, 1999, which stated that "a reasonable interrogation is one without torture, without cruel or inhumane treatment of the interrogee and without humiliating treatment." Declaring that "Our brethren require us to act according to the law," the Court outlawed many of the standard interrogation practices of the Shin Bet, interrogation practices which Rivlin is now trying to legalize through legislation. The issue seems black and white. Obsessed with security, Israel is on its way to becoming the only state in the world which legally sanctions the use of torture. Yet the issue is not so simple, and Rivlin's quotation deserves to be heard in full: "True, I will be introducing torture into the law of the State of Israel. But I am also stipulating that torture may be used only to the right extent, not beyond an absolutely vital need…" The Shin Bet has used "moderate physical pressure" for years, in order to extract information from security suspects. The justification is simple: if shaking a man until he talks results in advance warning about a terrorist activity, then the shaking of the prisoner in the end saves innocent lives. And in a country which lives with a real and present danger of terrorism, such arguments are impossible to dismiss out of hand. Israel's history of using torture to extract confessions is long and complex. After several cases surfaced in the mid-1980s about torture and other Shin Bet excesses, the Landau Committee of 1987-88 set down strict guidelines about what Shin Bet interrogators could and could not do to prisoners. Arguing that these guidelines specifically authorized only the use of "moderate physical pressure," which stopped short of actual torture, Israel signed the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 1986, and ratified it in 1991. The Knesset likewise passed the Basic Law: Human Liberty and Dignity in 1992, which prohibits any "violation of the life, body, or dignity of any person as such."
There are two rationalizations here. The first is that a line can be drawn between serious physical abuse which is torture and that which is not. According to the Landau Commission: "if these boundaries are maintained exactly in letter and spirit, the effectiveness of the interrogation will be assured, while at the same time it will be far from the use of physical or mental torture…" (as quoted in Israel's initial report to the UN Committee Against Torture, 1994)

This idea, that one can draw a line in the sand between physical coercion and torture is not only dangerous but fundamentally untrue. Because what has been proven, again and again since 1987, is that the line drawn by the Landau Commission is not only vague but practically non-existent. Omar Ranimat was interrogated for 45 days. Two and a half years later, he still has trouble sitting down, standing up, or even walking. Abed Al-Ahmed vomited daily for two years after he was interrogated by the Shin Bet. And in April 1995, Abed Harizet died after the being subjected to the "moderate physical pressure" of continuous shaking.(Ha'aretz 7 September) These are not isolated cases. According to B'tselem, the Shin Bet interrogates between 1000 and 1500 prisoners a year using the same methods which crippled Omar Ranimat and killed Abed Harizet.(Ha'aretz Magazine 29 January 1999) Many of these interrogations have resulted in false confessions, and the subsequent imprisonment of innocent people. Reuven Rivlin's contention that "torture" would only be used in certain, justifiable conditions willfully ignores the truth – once already the government has set up barriers, obstacles and guidelines to make sure that interrogations did not go to far, and those same barriers, obstacles and guidelines failed. The second, more fundamental rationalization behind the use of "moderate physical pressure" is that even if torture does happen on occasion, it is still justified by security concerns, saving innocent lives. To this the Court has replied that although the security concerns are real, torture is still beyond the pale: "These prohibitions are 'absolute.' There are no 'exceptions,' and they are not balanced by other elements." The Court then went on "We are aware that this ruling does not make it easier to cope with this reality [of security threats]. This is the fate of a democracy – which does not consider all means legitimate, and for which not every method used by its enemies is available."(Ha'aretz 7 September) There are some actions so horrible that they simply cannot be justified. Just as a terrorist is damned for the acts he perpetrates, the state must not resort to similar acts of violence, or it becomes no better than the terrorist it pursues. And to the arguments that such a viewpoint is itself naïve, there is the response that acts of violence by the State lead only to increased anger and rage on the part of the Palestinian people, both in the Occupied Territories and in Israel itself. It is this rage which in turn leads to the feeling that terrorism is an acceptable way to strike back. A vicious cycle, and one which decades of state-supported torture has been unable to break. The Court put it best: "Not infrequently, a democracy must fight with one hand tied behind its back. Despite this, democracy has the upper hand, because preservation of the rule of law and recognition of individual liberties are an important component of its concept of security."(Ha'aretz 7 September) The Court's courageous though late ruling must not be overturned by a law passed in the Knesset, or all that Israel says it represents, democracy and equality and rule of law, will become ash, and lifeless.
- Prisoners died in the Zion Prisons, reported FM channel on Dec.31, 1999 - Tell me whole issues, please! - Ye'!.. The following prisoners died in custody during 1999
Shadi Saqir Abu Dahruj, 21, from Jabalia died in the cells of Bir Isabi'a prison on May 17 1999 as a result of negligence of his health condition. Dahruj was arrested on January 5 1999.
Nashat Salih Shrim, 24, from Tulkarem killed by the prison security of Bir Alsabi'a prison on May 21 1999 as a result of a sharp tool. Nashat was arrested in 1997.
** - I have similarly evindences for instance "Prisoners very bad situation: Majido attack", comented my FM channel on May 16, 2000
- I am listening... - A massive number of Israeli occupation forces have attacked Majido Prison, which contains 650 prisoners. This dangerous move was carried out after enforcing a strong besieging of the prison, sounding the alarms and firing hundreds of tear gas canisters and sound bombs at the prisoners, their belongings and their tents. The attack led to injuring more than one hundred prisoners. The injuries included burns, suffocation, poisoning and burning section 6 and part of section 5 of the prison.
This barbaric attack was carried out while the prisoners were standing in the prison's court in a 3-minute silence in protest against the living conditions inside the prisons and in solidarity with the rest of the prisoners who are undergoing a hunger strike in the other prisons, and to commemorate AL NAKBA "the great Catastrophe".
The attack of the soldiers armed with different kinds of weapons and clubs continued until midnight. It turned the prison into a burned chaos and no attempts were made to provide medical care for the injured, which endangered their lives, especially the prisoners who have breathing difficulties.
The occupation authorities imposed a military closure on the prison and refused until the time of preparing this press release to let the Red Cross in. Moreover, the occupation authorities refused to allow the lawyers and the members of the Israeli Keneset to visit the prisoners and inspect the situation following the barbaric attack. The prisoners are still without shelter after their tents have been burned to the ground and without any medical care.
This dangerous escalation followed the hunger strike, which the prisoners are undergoing in protest against their harsh living conditions and in order to be released. The 80 prisoners of the new Hadarim prison started an open hunger strike on Monday, May 1, 2000; the hunger strike is still going on.
The other prisons have started partial hunger strikes until Asqalan prison, home of 380 prisoners, declared an open hunger strike on Sunday, May 14, 2000 after a series of partial hunger strikes.
The prisoners' hunger strike followed many futile attempts to prevent any further deterioration to the prisoners' living conditions and to stop the illegal and inhumane measures taken against them, in addition to pressurize the negotiators who have neglected the prisoners' cases.
The prisoners demand, among other things, their release from prisons and abolition of solitary confinement and group isolation as well as providing treatment to sick prisoners, allow prisoners to be visited by their close and far relatives, stopping the humiliating inspection and to allow university prisoners education at Arab universities…etc.
Following this deteriorating and dangerous situation inside Israeli prisons and detention centers, ADDAMEER Prisoner's Support & Human Rights Association demands:
. The international community, official and unofficial organizations, local and international human rights' organizations to follow up the serious abuses inside Israeli prisons and to push for humane conditions and to eliminate the violations of the prisoners' human rights.
. Work on scheduling an unconditional release of all Palestinian and Arab prisoners inside the prisons of the occupation authorities and considering any solution that does not lead to freeing prisoners not to be a true solution.
- Human Rights Watch researched and documented, "ILLEGAL USE OF WEAPONS" on Oct.4, 2000 - Read it to me, please! - Weapons and munitions appropriate to some situations can be used in ways that constitute illegal and excessive use of force when used in ways or for purposes for which they were not intended. Rubber bullets, according to IDF regulations, are to be used only at distances not less than forty meters, only aimed at the legs and lower body, never used against children, and only when there is a clear threat to life. IDF regulations also specify that rubber bullets should be used only when measures of lesser severity are unavailable to prevent a threat to the public welfare and when their use does not endanger innocent people. The cases investigated by Human Rights Watch confirm the reported findings of Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations indicating that rubber bullets, as well as plastic-coated metal bullets and live ammunition, have been used routinely in an illegal and indiscriminate manner, resulting in deaths and injuries to civilians. Palestinian medical doctors in Gaza and the West Bank told Human Rights Watch that victims in the clashes since September 30 have had wounds caused by an unusually large caliber of ammunition. X-rays, bullet fragments, and bullets examined by Human Rights Watch indicate IDF use of medium-caliber bullets fired by machine guns. These military munitions, approximately two-and-one-half inches in length and half an inch in diameter, are ordinarily used for penetrating concrete walls and other hard-surface barriers. They consist of a steel payload encased in a copper jacket that peels off banana-like when the core hits an object. When used against persons, as they were at Netzarim Junction, they cause huge wounds that are extremely difficult to treat, and leave inch-long pieces of shrapnel in the body. The use of such massive, indiscriminate weapons is inappropriate in crowd-control and law-enforcement situations and unlawful.
- Palestinian jailed on 'secret evidence' is freed, commented on January 8, 2001
- I see; A Palestinian man jailed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) on the basis of "secret evidence" has been released in the wake of widespread public outrage. The U.S. government is now seeking to deport him.
Mazen Al-Najjar was released on bail December 15, having spent three and a half years in prison without being charged with a crime.
Al-Najjar, formerly a professor at the University of South Florida, helped run an institute for Middle Eastern affairs and the Islamic Committee for Palestine, which U.S. officials claim were fronts for "terrorists." They asserted that he was associated with an organization in Palestine called Islamic Jihad and called him a threat to "national security."
In May, a district court judge in Miami ruled that Al-Najjar's detention violated the constitutional right to due process and ordered a hearing in which, for the first time, the defendant would be able to confront his accuser and the evidence presented against him.
An immigration judge ruled on December 6 that the summary Al-Najjar had received did not have enough information for him to be able to defend himself, and that he should be released on bond. Neither judge, however, has ruled on the alleged evidence itself.
U.S. attorney general Janet Reno initially issued a stay to block Al-Najjar's release on bail from an INS detention center near Tampa. She later reversed her order, authorizing his release December 15. Instead, her Justice Department is now aggressively seeking to deport Al-Najjar.
"The nation has been well-served by the efforts of the INS to remove Mr. Al-Najjar expeditiously from the country," Reno stated. "We anticipate that he could be deported from the United States soon."
On December 7 Reno initially ordered a 45-day stay of release for Anwar Haddam, an Algerian man jailed four years in Virginia, then took no further action. Haddam was quietly released that same night.
For his part, Al-Najjar has stated that he will fight the deportation order, and will also speak out about others who are wrongly jailed. "I'll be an advocate of human dignity every day of my life," he said.
Since the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, signed by the Clinton administration with bipartisan backing in Congress, the INS has been allowed to arrest or detain noncitizens without identifying either their accuser or the evidence against them. At least 13 of these cases have been overturned on appeals.
According to the St. Petersburg Times, there are more than two dozen individuals nationwide, almost all of whom are Arab and Muslim, who are being held on the basis of "secret evidence," even though federal judges have ruled that the practice of using secret evidence violates constitutional rights. The INS admits to only 11 of these, including Hany Kiareldeen, a Palestinian man who was held for 19 months before being released last October, and Nasser Ahmed, an Egyptian man held for three and a half years.

- Zionist Occupying Gang kill the people and shows no any respect to International Law rules, we reported on Jan. 8, 2001... - I missed this news, do you explain what it included! - Despite repeated declarations from the United Nations and international human rights organizations, Israel continues to use lethal force against unarmed civilians. LAW has stressed repeatedly over the period of the current intifada that such acts constitute crimes of war. The killing of a resident of occupied territory in circumstances that are not life threatening to the army of occupation is willful killing, and is thus a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention (art 146,147). Moreover, article 32 of the convention stipulates: "The High Contracting Parties specifically agree that each of them is prohibited from taking any measure of such a character as to cause the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands. The prohibition applies not only to murder, torture…but also to any other measures of brutality whether applied by civilian or military agents." In light of the enormous loss of life over the past few months, with most of those killed being unarmed Palestinian civilians, LAW calls on the High contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to abide by their article 1 obligation and ensure Israel's adherence to the Conventions provisions pertinent to territories under belligerent occupation.

- We marked the abuses on January On January 21 and 26, 2001
- What kind of law it is to abuse the children? - Su'ad Ghazal a 17-year old Palestinian girl from Sebastia village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank was sentenced by an Israeli court to six and a half years in prison allegedly for attempting to stab an Israeli settler.
The extreme injustice of this sentence is underscored by the fact that on the very same day another Israeli court allowed Nahum Korman, the settler who pistol-whipped and kicked to death 11-year old Hilmi Shusheh in 1996, to walk free with only a fine and six months of community service. An unrepentant Korman told the media "I take no responsibility for the boy's death...I admit to nothing, and I continue to regard myself as innocent."
These two sentences, along with countless other grave violations of Palestinian children's rights once again highlight the urgent need for international intervention and protection for Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation.
*Su'ad Ghazal, who was arrested when she was only 15, has spent most of the past two years in an Israeli prison.
*During her detention, Su'ad has suffered severe physical and psychological abuse; and the violation of most of her rights under the Fourth Geneva Conventions and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
*The abuses include physical and psychological abuse; detention without trial for an extended period; denial of education; detention of a minor with adults; and illegal transfer from, and detention outside the Occupied Territories.
*Palestinians cannot get justice in the Israeli legal system, as documented by numerous human rights organizations, and again underlined by the fact that Nahum Korman an Israeli settler who beat to death an 11-year old Palestinian child was just freed with only fine and community service.
Human Rights Activists are calling on:
*All governments to demand that Israel release Su'ad Ghazal and hold Israel to account for abuses of human rights;
*Ms. Mary Robinson, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to immediately intervene in the case of Su'ad Ghazal and investigate Z.O.Gang's systematic abuses of the rights of Palestinian children.
- Ali, Aisha, Ahmed, Fatima and all other children maybe not could been massacrde if these children gave up, I think!
- No my dear, Jews hate human being!.. f they never throw stones, Jewish mafia could find absoolutely any other reason as usually...Anyway you can not understand these child heroes if you had not heard what the Revolutionar Emiliano Zapata said when anybody told like you!..
- What is his response?
- I would rather die standing than live on my knees!
- Oh, my Gush!... All the amerikan tanks, britannian bombs and jewish nuclear can never be enough to scream such couragous human!
- That is the great reality of great mankind!...


B Human-Face(techno conditions related...): Techno Scientifical tactics-Face of Daily Fascism as Occupational Power Mafia... ** - iDEFENSE reports:on Oct. 31, 2000
- Middle East Tensions Move Online...
- Yes, it's!... Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian Hackers Taking Down Web Sites, Threatening to Escalate Cyber War Tactics...
iDEFENSE, a leading Intelligence and Risk Management firm sent an expanded version of the following alert to its Fortune 100 and government clients. iDEFENSE intelligence analysts are available to discuss the current cyber skirmish in the Middle East.
ALERT: iDEFENSE Intelligence Services has been monitoring an increasing level of cyber attacks carried out by pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups. This activity has paralleled the increase of tensions and violence on the ground. So far, at least 24 sites have been hit by pro-Palestinian attackers and at least 15 sites by pro-Israeli attackers. There has been at least one threat by a pro-Palestinian hacker to carry out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, such those carried out in Feb. 2000, against ``Zionist'' sites. Current actions by both sides run the full spectrum from FloodNet-type attacks to system penetrations and other more sophisticated tactics.
Key Points:
The same tactics being utilized by either side could quickly be targeted against any other government, corporation or organization, should their profile rise high enough in the attack group circles. There is not likely to be much in the way of warning before such an attack would occur. Prime targets may include major Egyptian and US government agencies, AT&T, Yahoo and CNN, some of whom have already been mentioned in message traffic monitored by iDEFENSE.
In the event that either side more actively utilizes viruses or Trojan horses, it is unlikely that infections will remain confined to their intended targets, and are likely to pose problems for users around the world.
Sympathetic hackers and others around the world are likely to begin offering their services and jumping into the fray as the high-profile nature of the conflict continues to grow.
The current Israeli-Palestinian conflict has the ability to pull ``ethical'' Arab hackers onto the pro-Palestinian attacker side because it is seen as a defensive action in response to offensive actions by pro-Israeli attackers. This significantly increases the talent pool on the pro-Palestinian side. The same situation is believed to exist on the Israeli side as well.

** - Hackers Take Mideast Conflict Online, comented on November 3, 2000 - How can it happen? - Fears of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict spilling into the United States through cyberspace were raised this week after reported attacks against two domestic Web sites, but cybersecurity experts say the threat to Americans is minimal.
Since tensions between the two Middle East factions escalated last month, both sides have launched an unprecedented volley of cyberattacks against Web sites friendly to Israel or the Palestinian Authority.
There is no imminent threat of injury or loss of life from cyberattacks, experts say. The worst damage that can be imagined now is limited financial losses to e-commerce sites or disruptions to Middle East-focused sites.
Lobbying group targeted
On Wednesday, the Internet cross fire hit a site operated by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobbying group here.
Mike Shapiro, a spokesman for the nonprofit group, said a computer server operated by AIPAC's Web hosting provider was penetrated by a well-known group called the Pakistan Hackerz Club. The Pakistan-based hackers allegedly accessed a database of about 700 people who registered on the AIPAC Web site that included their names and valid credit card numbers.
All were notified by AIPAC of the computer intrusion. The hackers apparently beat them to it by e-mailing 3,500 AIPAC supporters a message bragging of the hack attack, Shapiro said.
False report
But another alleged attack by the same hackers against Lucent Technologies of Murray Hill, N.J., proved false.
On Thursday, Lucent announced that the Pakistani hackers allegedly had cracked the company's Internet homepage. But today, Lucent spokesman John Skalko told the report was a mistake.
Lucent had been included on a list put out by information security firm iDefense in Herndon, Va., of companies doing business in Israel that were potential targets in cyberspace, Skalko said. Lucent is hit frequently by hackers, and a technical engineer studying daily attack data erroneously identified a hacker as being from the PHC, he said.
'Cyber-jihad' against the Zionist Neo-Nazis' all the imperialist resources...
FBI spokeswoman Debra Weierman said the FBI's Washington field office has opened an investigation into the AIPAC computer intrusion, but said that "there is no word on other attacks at this time."
What has been called a "cyber-jihad" by some pro-Palestinian groups began Oct. 6 after a pro-Israeli group posted a hacking tool on its Web site that targeted sites maintained by terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, said security expert Ben Venzke of iDefense.
A slew of cyberattacks ensued back and forth, including denial of service, site defacements, intrusions and even mock Web sites intended to spread propaganda, Venzke said. "We are seeing every kind of attack imaginable."
Though Hezbollah has claimed a virus was unleashed against one of their Web sites, Venzke said that's doubtful. Viruses are hard to control and can easily turn around and bite the perpetrator.
There is no evidence thus far of any information warfare conducted by Israeli military or official Palestinian Authority forces, he said. The attackers appear to be civilian supporters of both sides.
Attacks harmless, experts say
The next stage, Venzke said, will be cyberattacks against what the pro-Palestinians have called "Zionist e-commerce" sites. That could feasibly include American companies that support Israel, he said.
Still, fears of death or injury caused by such malicious online activity are not imminent, he said.
"The likelihood is increasing, but it's not there yet," Venzke said.
Bombings are still the preferred weapon of terrorists, as evidenced by the recent attack on the USS Cole, which killed 17 sailors. "They know how to do it. They've got it down. It works," Venzke said.
Financial sites threatened
Officials at Axent Technologies in Rockville, Md., have not taken any unusual or special precautions to warn clients of possible threats emanating from the Middle East conflict. Axent provides computer security services to the government and major private sector companies such as the U.S. military, Boeing, Chase Financial Services and Fidelity Bank.
Axent security expert Woody Thrower said the recent hack attacks do not foreshadow cyberterrorism that could lead to loss of life, but they are still more serious than the Internet equivalent of hurling stones in the streets.
"It's bigger than that," Thrower said, equating it to looting and vandalism. "It's like blowing up a warehouse with no one inside."
By James Gordon Meek, an editor.


C Human-Face(religious conditions related...): Religious tactics-Face of Daily Fascism by Occupational Power Mafia... **

- Did you hear about the fanatical Religious Fascism of Zionists... - I know and I have collected pages on this subject.... The following is taken from the website and it concerns the issue of hate that is propogated in the "Talmud" which is a "Jewish" doctrine that is religously taught as the absolute to Jewish faith followers.

"I only posted a few of the english translated sections of the websites postings so if you want to see what this site has to say completely about the "Jewish Talmud", then go there !"

Also,,, If you'd like to hear some radio broadcast files of the current day situations concerning "Jewish Organizations",,, Go to

The following is the "Talmud Doctrine" translated in English,,,,,,,,,

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."
Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

"The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew."
Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

"Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therfore he will be served by animals in human form."
Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855

"A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal."
Coschen hamischpat 405

"The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs."
Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

"Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human."
Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

"If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog."
Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b

"If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: "God will replace 'your loss', just as if one of his oxen or asses had died"."
Jore dea 377, 1

"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals."
Talmud Sanhedrin 74b

"It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile."
Sepher ikkarim III c 25

"It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah."
Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5

"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands."
Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b

"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God."
Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

Moed Kattan 17a . If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."

Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b). Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Mary was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is being boiled in "hot excrement."
Sanhedrin 43a. Jesus deserved execution: "On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu (Jesus) was hanged...Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer)?"

Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians (minnim) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.

Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.

Dr. Israel Shahak of Hebrew University reports that the Israelis burned hundreds of New Testament Bibles in occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p. 21).


- Ariel SHARON is worried about his mortality. He goes to a psychic to ask about his death. The psychic closes her eyes and silently thinks for a few minutes. When she opens her eyes again, she speaks: "You will die on a Palestinian holiday." - "Which one?", SHARON asks nervously. - "It doesn't matter," replied the psychic. "Whatever day you die, it'll be a Palestinian holiday.


D Human-Face(juridical conditions related...): Juridical tactics-Face of Daily Fascism by Occupational Power Mafia... ** - Detainees' Denied Justice

- Have ypou a Table of Contents? - Yes!... The Palestinian Authority's Contempt for its Judiciary reports... Here;

Words on the judiciary and political prisoners pp. 2-3
1. The historical and political background p. 4
2. The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
and the aims and structure of the research pp. 4 - 6
3. Palestinian Political Detainees held in Palestinian Prisons:
the Political and Legal Context pp. 6 - 10
4. The High Court of Justice and its evolving approach
to Palestinian Detainees pp. 10 - 24

4.1 An overview of the High Court's cases pp. 10-12
4.2 General comments on pleadings and judgments pp. 12-13
4.3 The High Court's legal approach in its cases
related to political detainees pp. 13-25

4.3.1 Delays in reaching of final judgment pp. 13-15
4.3.2 Explaining the delay in the reaching of judgment day pp. 15-17
4.3.3 Addressing the question of the High Court's jurisdiction pp. 17-22
4.3.4 Invoking applicable criminal procedural law pp. 22-23
4.3.5 Presenting the facts of the case and applying the law to the facts pp. 23-24
4.3.6 The failure to bring prosecution cases against officials
responsible for illegal detention of Palestinian political prisoners pp. 24-25

5. Training of lawyers and judges pp. 24-26
6. Further issues relating to the Annexes, to observations concerning
access to laws and judgments and to the issue of cooperation between
Palestinian human rights NGOs pp.26-27
7. Recommendations p. 28
8. Table I: High Court Cases on the detention of political prisoners p. 29
9. Tables II and III on lawyers'/court's use of applicable law p. 30

Annexes I - XIII See beginning of the Annexes for details of the content of each Annex

Annex I A Chronology of the Development of the Palestinian Legal System pp. 1 - 2
Annex II Analysis of provisions in the 1993, 1995 and 1998 Israeli- Palestinian
Peace Agreements related to security and criminal jurisdiction pp. 3-49
Annex III Summary of aspects of criminal procedure applicable in Gaza pp.50-56
Annex IV Summaries of aspects of criminal procedure applicable in West Bank pp. 57-73
Annex V Table of Gazan High Court judgments related to the detention of
political prisoners and translations of/commentaries on these cases pp. 74-135
Annex VI Table of West Bank High Court judgments related to the detention
of political prisoners and translations of/commentaries on
these cases pp. 136-190
Annex VII Articles from the 1962 Gaza Constitution and 1998 Prison Law pp.191-194
Annex VIII Provisions of 1979 PLO Code applicable in military detention cases pp. 195-199
Annex IX Analysis of selected fair trial principles under the ICCPR pp. 200-206
Annex X International Legal Principles related to the rights of detainees pp.207-217
Annex XI Articles from Draft Basic Law
relating to detainees' procedural rights pp. 218-223
Annex XII The Draft Judicial Authority Law pp. 224-238
Annex XIII Selected interviews held with High Court judges
and defence attorneys pp. 239-250
Words on the judiciary and political prisoners

Dictum used [in place of existing legal provisions] by the High Court of Justice in Gaza in its judgments to justify its jurisdiction over detainees claimed by the General Prosecutor to fall under the jurisdiction of the State Security Court.

Mr. Attiyah Abu Moor, Head of the Legal Development Programme of the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Justice answering questions about the PA's failure to implement the decisions of the High Court.

Defence lawyer for one of the PA's political detainees, commenting upon why not a single member of the Executive Authority and its security forces have been convicted by the High Court for illegally detaining political prisoners.

Mr. Jamil al-Ashi judge at the High Court in Gaza, answering questions about why the High Court at times takes over a year to reach its final decision.

Mr. Fayez al-Quidrah, President of the High Court in Gaza, answering questions concerning why the High Court delays its hearings in detention cases.

Mr. Jamil al-Ashi, judge at the High Court in Gaza, answering questions about why the High Court persistently grants more time to the Attorney General to bring information relating to detainees before the High Court of Justice.

Mr. Hamdan al-Abadleh, judge at the High Court in Gaza, answering questions as to why it appears that in recent cases the court is reaching its decision with less delay.

Mr. Fayez al-Quidrah, President of the High Court in Gaza, commenting on political detention cases.

Mr. Hamdan al-Abadleh, judge at the High Court in Gaza, answering questions as to the level of frustration felt by judges whose decisions are not implemented.

Subhiyye Jumaa, defense lawyer at the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens Rights.

Mr. Fayez al-Quidrah, President of the High Court in Gaza, answering questions concerning the Palestinian Authority's obligation under the Interim Agreement to detain Palestinians without charge and trial.

Abu Moor, answering a question as to how long he thinks it would take President Arafat to sign a forthcoming law on a unified criminal procedure for Gaza and the West Bank.

The words of Mr. Mohammad Ayoub, one of the two better lawyers from the West Bank and Gaza in the High Court's political detention cases.

Subhiyye Juma, a defense lawyer at the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens Rights commenting on the fact that PHRMG had been refused access to non-confidential judgments by the human rights organisations, " the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights" and "LAW" .

Defense lawyer in political detention cases [not answering a question about the High Court's confusion on questions of jurisdiction].

Detainees' Denied Justice:
The Palestinian Authority's Contempt for its Judiciary

1. The historical and political background

Based on the 1993 "Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements" between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, the subsequent 1994 and 1995 Agreements between the same parties provided the legal basis for the creation, existence and functioning of the Palestinian National Authority (or Palestinian Authority, hereafter PA) within what are termed the territories under the control of the Palestinian National Authority (hereafter The Palestinian Territories) as of 4 May 1994. As provided for under the Agreements, the PA comprised the Palestinian Executive Authority and the Palestinian Legislative Council, with the latter being elected for the first time in October of 1996. In addition, the court structure in existence in Gaza (under Egyptian control since 1948) and the West Bank (under Jordanian control since 1948) prior to Israel's occupation of those two areas in 1967 was to be reinstated.

Between 1967 and 1995, the Israeli occupying forces exercised full de facto (and Israeli de jure) jurisdiction over all persons within the Occupied Territories that had been seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. This included all individuals suspected by the Israeli authorities of having carried out or being likely to carry out acts of violence against Israeli forces within the territories and against the State of Israel. Despite handing over limited authority to the PA, the Agreements reflected Israel's determination to ensure that any continued threat against the Israeli forces remaining within the newly-created Palestinian Territories as well as against the State of Israel would be effectively dealt with by the PA. This determination has lead, since 1995, to a situation in which Palestinians suspected by Israel of having committed/being likely to commit acts of violence against Israel have been detained without charge and trial within Palestinian detention centres.

2. The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group and the aims and structure of the research

2.1 The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group

Prior to the coming of the PA, a number of Palestinians had formed part of Israeli Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the latter's bid to monitor the human rights abuses of the Israeli Occupying Forces in the Occupied Territories. With the transfer of limited authority to the PA in 1995, these individuals turned their attention to the task of establishing Palestinian NGOs dedicated almost entirely to the monitoring of the way in which the PA now exercised its responsibilities towards Palestinians in the territories under its control. One of these organisations, the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG), was created in October of 1996 by its Director Bassem Eid and has since that date undertaken a number of research projects into human rights abuses committed by the PA in the Palestinian Territories. One of these projects, undertaken between March and July of 1999, forms the subject-matter of this report.

2.2 The aims of the research

At the outset, the aims of the present research were undefined. They were limited to a general wish to enter more deeply into the issue of Palestinian political detainees held in Palestinian jails whose release began to be ordered on a regular basis by the Palestinian High Court of Justice in Gaza and in the West Bank at the end of 1997. The High Court's rulings in themselves marked a shift in the Palestinian judiciary's relationship with the Executive branch of the Palestinian Authority, with the High Court rejecting its previous "hands off" approach which had given free reign to the PA in its dealings with Palestinian detainees. The most important issue related to this jurisprudential development has been the systematic refusal by the Executive Authority to implement its own High Court's judgments ordering the release of these detainees.

Numerous reports, press releases, references in annual reports of Palestinian human rights NGOs and leading international human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented summaries of these cases in which the judiciary has sought to hold the Executive Authority accountable for its violation of Palestinian detainees' basic human rights as enshrined under Palestinian and International law. They have also unanimously deplored the Executive Authority's failure to implement the judgments of the High Court of Justice.

PHRMG therefore decided to analyse the details of the judgments on the basis that the presentation of details involved in such a broad subject, previously only dealt with on a general level, would help to clarify the precise way in which the Executive Authority has dealt with the High Courts' initiatives and has violated the plethora of legally enshrined rights of Palestinian detainees. In the process of the research, four principle issues came to light that have expanded the aims and final recommendations flowing from the research.

Firstly (Section 3), it appears that none of the previous reports or commentaries on the subject under review have made reference to the legal obligations which the PA has signed up to with Israel which effectively oblige the PA to detain without charge Palestinians suspected by Israel of involvement in acts of violence against Israel or Israelis.

Secondly (Section 4), the procedures followed by the High Court in order to reach their final verdicts in themselves violate the rights of detainees and have not been referred to or commented on in previous reports on this subject.

Thirdly (also Section 4), the accessibility, transparency and clarity of lawyer's pleadings and of the High Court's judgments in these cases appears to be of a disconcertingly low level.

Fourthly (Section 5) and related to the third issue, there is a need - confirmed by judges and lawyers themselves in interviews with PHRMG - for a significant increase in the amount of attention given and donor funds committed to the continued training of judges and lawyers.

Other subsidiary issues (Section 6) flowing from the research include aspects related to the Palestinian legal system's chronic under-funding, a lack of English translations of many legal texts, the difficulty that individuals who are not Palestinian lawyers have in obtaining copies of laws, judgments and any information relating to the daily functioning of the legal system and the lack of cooperation and flow of information, encountered at times during the research for this report, between human rights NGOs in the Palestinian Territories.

2.3 The structure of the research

Before embarking on an attempt in the following pages to synthesise the findings of the research, a few words should be said concerning the form of the final document produced. Focusing as it did on judgments handed down in Arabic by the Palestinian High Court, the research centred on systematic and precise translations into English, undertaken by PHRMG, of these judgments. Four major consequences flowed from a reading of these translations. Firstly (and given the court's failure to do so), the need to establish which criminal procedural laws are applicable under Palestinian and international laws to the detainees dealt with by the court. Secondly (in the light of the quality of the pleadings and judgments), the need to analyse the shortcomings in the legal quality of the pleadings and judgments and in the procedural approach taken by the court in these cases. Thirdly, to undertake an exhaustive review of the aforementioned Agreements between the PA and Israel in order to establish to what extent the court is affected in its dealing with such cases by the legal obligations undertaken by the PA vis a vis Israel in respect of the detainees concerned. Finally, in light of the above, the need to interview High Court judges in relation to the identified problems.

As a result of this format, the following lines essentially constitute an attempt to summaries the findings with regard to these issues, which are contained in the 13 Annexes accompanying this report. Whilst frequent reference will be made to the details of the Annexes, the author hopes that the following 25 pages are self-sufficient for the purpose of understanding the essential issues raised by the research.

3. Palestinian Political Detainees held in Palestinian Prisons: the Political and Legal Context

3.1 Pre 1994

Based on the abovementioned Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, signed on 13 September 1993, Israel and the PLO signed the "Agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho" on 4 May 1994. Prior to the signing of the latter Agreement, in which Israeli military forces undertook to redeploy within the areas mentioned in the title of the Agreement, Israel had complete and unrestricted military control and criminal jurisdiction over all parts of the Occupied Territories. If a Palestinian was deemed by Israel to constitute a threat to Israel's security, that individual could and would be detained in Israeli detention centres both in the Occupied Territories and within the territory of pre 1967 Israel. Many of these detainees were and still are held in administrative detention.

3.2 Post 1994: transferring criminal jurisdiction over Palestinians to the Palestinian Authority?

3.2.1 The Interim Agreement

On the basis of the provisions of the 1994 Agreement, Israel and the PLO signed what was to become known as the Oslo Peace Agreement on 28 September 1995. This Agreement fleshed out the provisions of the 1994 Agreement and conferred, upon what was to become the Palestinian Authority, degrees or different kinds of authority over the so-called Areas A and B. In Area A the PA was, amongst other powers, ostensibly given complete security jurisdiction whereas in Area B the PA was given complete security jurisdiction over Palestinians in matters of internal Palestinian public order and security jurisdiction. The latter was to run concurrently with Israeli "overriding responsibility" (i.e. security jurisdiction) over threats to Israelis' and Israel's security inside and outside Area B. It therefore appeared that the Palestinian Authority had been given (partially concurrent) police jurisdiction over Palestinians within Areas A and B. Given that the Agreement remained silent on the matter, it was assumed that the nature of this jurisdiction would comprise powers to arrest, detain and prosecute Palestinians under the laws that had been in force prior to Israel's occupation in 1967 in addition to powers conferred under any new laws established by the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) or issued by the Palestinian Executive Authority.

3.2.2 Which criminal laws apply to whom in Areas A and B?

The assumption that pre 1967 laws were to be applied was confirmed by President Arafat in Decree 1 of 1994 but was promptly contradicted in Law 5 of 1995 which provided in its Article 1(1) that "The Palestinian Authority will assume all power … that is outlined in the legislation, laws, decrees, publications and orders that were in use in the West Bank and Gaza Strip prior to 19 May 1994." This meant that over 1000 Israeli Military Orders passed separately in Gaza and the West Bank since 1967, Orders which had in effect annulled pre-1967 laws, were themselves not to be considered as annulled. One of the many questions that arose from this situation concerned the basis for the reenfranchised Palestinian courts' jurisdictional authority. What now was the position of the 1962 Gazan Constitution, setting out the rights of all Palestinians? Could it, and the powers conferred by it on the Palestinian courts, apply unequivocally and without reserve to all Palestinians?

Neither the 1994 nor the 1995 Agreements stipulate whether pre 1967 laws shall apply to Palestinians. Instead, as we shall see, the 1995 Agreement provides that the PA shall have "functional jurisdiction" (including jurisdiction to apply Palestinian laws) over "powers and responsibilities transferred" to the PA "as specified in this Agreement" (emphasis added). As for the jurisdiction of the reenfranchised Palestinian courts, Article XI of the 1995 Agreement provides that "subject to the provisions of this Agreement", the PA "shall within its jurisdiction have an independent judicial system composed of independent Palestinian courts and tribunals" (emphasis added). It is therefore clear from this provision and other similar provisions of the 1995 Agreement that Palestinian criminal procedural law, whether it be the British laws applicable in Gaza or the Jordanian laws applicable in the West Bank, may not be applied to a Palestinian within Area A or B by either the PA or by the Palestinian courts if (in any given case) Israel determines that an application of such laws exceeds "the powers and responsibilities transferred" to the PA "as specified in [the 1995] Agreement" and is not "within [the] jurisdiction" of the PA.

The legal basis for the PA's right to detain Palestinians in Palestinian prisons and the Palestinian courts' jurisdiction to hear criminal cases does not therefore derive in practice from the provisions of Palestinian laws (and in particular from the 1962 Constitution) but rather from the provisions of the Peace Agreements themselves. Taking Gaza as an example, whilst it was therefore true that British criminal procedural law, applicable in Gaza from 1924 to 1967, has again been applicable since 1995 (since the coming of the PA) to the present day on the constitutional basis that such criminal laws apply to all Palestinians, as we shall see under the 1995 Agreement this rule of universal applicability can no longer be said to apply. It will be shown that the Agreement effectively provides that the Palestinian courts shall apply pre-1967 Palestinian laws in a discriminate manner according to Israel's interpretation of its own interests under the Agreement.

3.3 The political context leading to discrimination in the application of Palestinian criminal law to Palestinians

In addition to the above, the 1995 Agreement provides that the PA is under an obligation to transfer to Israel all Palestinians suspected by Israel of having committed an offence falling with Israeli criminal jurisdiction, which effectively means Palestinians suspected by Israel of involvement in threats or accomplished acts of violence against Israelis or Israel. In practice, the PA decided that systematic transfer to Israel of such suspects would be too politically damaging to the PA and so Israel's political interest in maintaining the PA in its present form is reflected in the Agreement: it provides that whilst the PA must comply positively with a transfer request, the PA may delay such a transfer for the period of time that the Palestinian suspected by Israel is detained in PA prisons. Prior to the Wye River Agreement of 1998, the PA's systematic invoking of this second provision drew behind-the-scenes criticism from Israel, which nonetheless tolerated the PA's approach for reasons of political pragmatism. A number of sources have confirmed to PHRMG that there appears to have been an oral agreement reached on this point during the 1998 Wye River negotiations, which emphasised that if the PA was to avoid transferring them to Israel, the PA had a responsibility to arrest and detain suspects identified in Israeli intelligence lists. This agreement is said to have linked the gradual release of hundreds of detained Palestinians in Israel with the gradual apprehension and detention by the PA of 30 suspects identified in the list of the so-called "30 Most Wanted". Wye River thus consolidated a practice that had already been taking place for a period of three years.

3.4 The High Court and Palestinian suspects in legal limbo

As a result of the above, it becomes clear that the Peace Agreements have created a category of Palestinian prisoners who find themselves in legal limbo. The Peace Agreements provide that Palestinians suspected by Israel of security offences should be transferred to Israel to be dealt with under the laws of Israel and under laws of international human rights related to detainees and prisoners. Israel retains all evidence against the suspect, evidence that is necessary in order to charge him/her with a specific offence under Israeli or International law. Jurisdiction over such individuals and the ability to charge such individuals has therefore not been transferred either to the PA nor to the Palestinian courts. The provision providing for their detention in PA prisons pending transfer to Israel does not mean that legal jurisdiction is transferred to the PA and its courts: rather it is a temporary measure which in effect, together with other provisions, provides that if the suspect is detained in a PA prison, Palestinian law and international law is not applicable by Palestinian courts because Israel has retained its jurisdictional right (as Occupying Power) to apply its own laws to that individual. The consequence is that individuals detained by the PA inevitably have their right to a fair trial violated, both under Palestinian law and under international human rights law. And the basis for this violation is enshrined in an International Peace Agreement.

The High Courts of Justice in Gaza and the West Bank have consequently found themselves in a legally interesting position. For the first time since 1967 they have started functioning as supposedly independent courts within supposedly clearly defined areas of jurisdiction, supposedly applying, as in pre 1967, all Palestinian laws in force in (now) Areas A and B to all Palestinians. But pursuant to the PA's abovementioned legal obligations under the Peace Agreements, the High Court has come under considerable pressure from the PA to accept that it does not in fact have jurisdiction over such detainees. This is the legal context within which to place the High Court's approach to Palestinian political detainees held without charge or trial in Palestinian prisons.

3.5 The Interim Agreement

The essential aspects of the 1995 Interim Agreement relating to the issue of the PA's undertakings vis a vis Israel have already been mentioned above. As we have seen, the provisions to which the PA signed up concerning its treatment of Palestinians suspected by Israel of involvement in acts of violence against Israel mean that the Palestinian Authority is bound to act in accordance with Israel's security concerns.

It therefore appeared to be of interest to look in more detail at the provisions of the Interim Agreement relating to jurisdiction over secu

    09th June 2005 - 06:38:26 AM    
16573 : Captain Fuck
This site is worse than shit...

    09th June 2005 - 07:38:58 AM    
16578 :
Goldberg, there's no point anyone coming to this site any more. Either clear the spam up or just take the thing down.

    09th June 2005 - 08:46:30 AM    
16582 : meridia online
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    09th June 2005 - 10:06:17 AM    
16583 :
Goldberg, there's no point anyone coming to this site any more. Either clear the spam up or just take the thing down.

    09th June 2005 - 10:08:45 AM    
16584 :
I had a chance to talk with Evan Stone a bit about his relationship with Dustin. He didn't gives details, but hinted that they were pretty serious about each other. Evan seemed to still be hurting about the breakup, which sounded like Dustin broke up with him because he wasn't into Dustin's lifestyle of having multiple sex partners and his love of bukkake. Evan said that once he tried a 3 some with some drunk they met at a Salty the Pockeknife show who called himself "the Filthiest Queer". Evan became mad and jealous when the Filthiest Queer only had interest in Dustin, and soon Evan found himself out of the bedroom crying. The next morning Dustin yelled and beat up Evan for being such a big pussy. Their rocky relationship took a turn for the worse when Dustin started going to dumpsters for group sex. Evan went looking for him one night, so a coked out Dustin beat Evan almost to death. Evan is doing better, and maybe one day he will love again. We wish Evan the best and hope he can find gay love once again.
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason Remembe when Zack forced you to play his skin flute? Remember when he told you if you didn't play it he'd tea bag you? Remember when Slater ate a bunch of refried beans and took a shit on your face as you told him to stop? Remember when you were spitting out the shit, crying, callinf Slater an asshole? Remember how that pissed off Slater and he punched you in the stomach so hard that you shit yourself? Remember that faggot that kept spamming your guestbook with casino shit so you found out where he lived and let Slater and Zack shove carrots up his ass? Remember when Zack gave you crabs and you had to shave off all your pubes and than they infected your jew fro so you had to shave that also and everyone thought you were from REM? That was some funny shit.
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings?

01st June 2005 - 12:29:29 PM
14051 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember that time when you dressed up as Robocop? Remember how Zack tried to get you to date his Fridge? Remember how there wasn't a metal part to cover your penis, but loved sticking it into things? Remember how one time Zach and Slater got together to get you to stick it in a dating lottery machine - promising it would make it land on a certain number. Remember how they didn't tell you that you were the prize? Remember how that black chess guy with the crocky voice won? Remember how he took you outback to play with your Robocop dick? Remember how he stuck it in a blender and switched it, ripping it off and showed it to the science class the next morning claiming it to be an alien fetus? Boy, you sure were stupid in those days.

01st June 2005 - 12:19:20 PM
14050 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when you had to stand in for David Hasselhoff for an episode of Knight Rider, and you thought it would be cool to drive to school with the obviousily gay KITT? Remember how every cool Jock used to drive a KITT replica to school and you thought it would make you cool? Remember how the jocks were secretly gay and the KITT replicas were a symbol of this? Remember how they forced you to suck KITTs exhaust pipe to the utter delight of KITT? Remember how KITT spewed oil into your mouth and all over your body? Remember how you choked on the fluid but couldn't help sticking your dick into the exhaust (to find out what it felt like) Remember how Hasselhoff caught you with your pants down pleasuring his on-screen partner and systematically beat you up then forced you to cum into his mouth? Remember how you thought this would be a great way to get onto Baywatch and be around all those red shorts... remember how you enjoyed watching Hasselhoff run in slow motion? Remember how you badly you came?

01st June 2005 - 12:13:15 PM
14049 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

01st June 2005 - 12:04:57 PM
14048 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as an Alien to get the school into the press and to help Zach make money? Remember that evil FBI/CIA guy who wanted to take you away to be probed and analyzed by the USA's best? Remember how you really, really wanted to go - but Zach et al wouldn't let you? Remember how the FBI guy used to hand you secret tapes and his private phone number? Remember how he used to give you information regarding Watergate and gave you the secret code of "Deep Throat"? Remember how some really old guy got all the press? Remember how you contacted the authorities to find out more - but they laughed in your face telling you how he was never an FBI agent? Remember how you later found out he was your long-lost uncle who tried to get it on with you when you were younger? Remember how stupid you felt when you went off with him anyway to find out if you were really an alien and just got a bumfull of navy filf? You sure got screwed that time!

01st June 2005 - 11:57:56 AM
14047 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

08th June 2005 - 02:18:08 PM
16050 :
Hey Dustin, remember the episode where Screech entered in the Miss Bayside pagent? Remember how in the show Screech's robot gave him a shinner? Remember how the producers had to write that in because you came on set with a black eye one day? Remember how they asked about how you got it and you started to shake? Remember how your leather starfish loosened up and you let out a stream of bloody shit and cum? Remember how the producer told you to tell them what happened for "your safety?" Remember how you started talking about how Mario Lopez called you into his dressing room? Remember how he was listening to UB40's greatest hits? Remember when he asked you if his pink tank top looked cool? Remember when you said he looked like a beaner? Remember how he became enraged and busted you in the face? Remember how your eye started to swell and you said you were gonna tell? Remember how he said "loose lips sink ships you fucking kyke!" Remember how after he yelled that he pushed you over and pulled down his acid washed jeans and whipped out his throbbing cock? Remember how he ripped down your pants and slammed his cock in your pimply ass? Remember how he used his grease from his hair as lube? Remember how he fucked your ass to the beat of UB40? Remember how you squeeled and wiggled around and he tore up your rectum as a result? Remember how he started to pound you harder? Remember how you thought it'd be over soon and then you felt self start to shit? Remember how he scooped it up and put his hand on your mouth so you are forced to eat it? Remember how he let out a scream in his mexican language? Remember how he then blew his load in your ass? Remember how he shoved cotton in your ass to keep your shit and blood and his cum in your ass? Remember how he said that if you were to tell anyone he'd repeat his actions? Remember how you made your way to your dressing room and cried yourself to sleep and you made yourself forget it? Remember how after you told the producers your story you thought that they were gonna do something about it? Remember how they started to laugh at you? Remember how you felt when you poured your heart out and they stepped on it? Remember how they claimed Mario was "joking?" Remember how they took you to his dressing room to show you that he was "kidding?" Remember how they locked the door behind you? Remember how the producers and Mario took turns fucking your ass and mouth? Remember how Mario ate out your filthy ass? Remember how you tried to will yourself to death? Remember how you just passed out? Remember how you woke up in your trailor with a shaved head and dressed in rags? Remember how you walked into Mario's dressing room? Remember how Mario and the producers were watching a video of how they role played with your passed out ragdoll of a body? Remember how disgusted you were when you saw that they roled played you as an Auschwitz victim? Man, they sure raked you over the coals that day!
6052 : Angry at non-queer spammers Screech
16051 :
14052 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings

    09th June 2005 - 11:31:40 AM    
16585 : Fagbusters


    09th June 2005 - 12:16:04 PM    
16589 :
hey gambler - fuck you I'm over here trying to spam up this guestbook with queer stories that others have written as primo spank material, but got hidden in your dribble. We need our stroke fodder, go to hell or take it in the ass from a dumpster orgy

    09th June 2005 - 12:27:35 PM    
16590 :
so I met this dude last night at my favorite dumpster spot. It was his first time and he came dressed as Kevin, I was dressed as Screech. I walked over to him and asked him to be my sexbot, I slide my finger inside his ass and began to finger him until he came. When I was finished I gave him a dirty Sanchez, so we had a Kevin robot with a dirty Sanchez running around the dumpster with about 5 guys trying to catch him to give him golden showers. He really took it like a champ, his suit was covered in urine and feces so he took it off, only to reveal that he kind of resembled Dustin, all homos stopped what they were doing and immediately bowed down to him. They formed a line as two Slaters held him down and we all took turns anal raping him. He cried with pleasure and pain as we pounded his firm white ass. Everyone shot their load in his curly hair. after everyone was done we took turns beating the shit out of him and leavin him for dead. It's what we'd probably do if the real Dustin ever showed up.

    09th June 2005 - 12:34:06 PM    
16591 :
here's some pics of the Double Dog getting ready for a night out at the Abbey, West Hollywoods premier gay and lesbian club

    09th June 2005 - 12:43:26 PM    
16592 :
i want to feel your hands on the back of my shoulders Dustin, maybe you can pencil me in for a reach around. i realize you have a busy schedule, but your queer fans desire this and you turn your back on us while we repeatedly support you. i read about how you broke Evan Stones heart, that's too bad, but he should have realized that before he got involved with you. You are well known in the community as being a smooth mother fucker with the guys. Let's hook up, I hear you are a regular at the Abbey, even having your own table with Clay Aiken and Elijah Wood. Have you fucked him while he was dressed as a hobbit? That's one of my biggest fantasies involving you, only you'd be dressed as Gollum.

    09th June 2005 - 12:54:48 PM    
16593 : Lance Dickstrong
Hi Dustin, Lance Dickstrong here, I've starred in a few gay pornos and I was just reading the last post about you being dressed as Gollum. I want to do a gay porno called Lord of the Queens - with you as Gollum, I think you'd fit perfect and I get wet just imaging you say, "my precious" as you suck on my cock. I just started working on the story, but I'd really like also if you'd help write and direct it with me. I think we could make a good team on this project and put out one of the greatest gay porns of all time.

    09th June 2005 - 01:04:52 PM    
16594 : United power of oppressed peoples
Army; biggest bloody markets of the shameless oligarchies


Svekish language version


- NATO circus in the Holiday Club of Aare-Laponia
- Låt se klippet!..
- Både Svenskar och Sapmé folket (Lappland) protesterar mot NATO-schakalernas inbrott...


Måndag/tisdag den 23/24 maj 2005 kommer det i Östersund och Åre vara protester mot ett NATO-toppmöte med försvarsministrar från bl.a. USA och Storbrittanien.

Försvara den svenska militära neutraliteten!

Nu kommer Åre och Jämtland att lysas upp av världmediernas strålkastarljus. En internationell konferens med utrikesministrar från ett otal länder kommer att förläggas till vårt alpina centrum den 24-25 maj. Vår utrikesminister kommer att stå som värd under denna NATO konferens som drar till sig journalister, politiska skribenter och säkerhetsexperter från hela världen. Det är bra att den svenska landsbygden är en del av världen och drar till sig uppmärksamhet för att kunna visa upp detta underbara län. Vi som svenskar kan inte bara visa upp en underbar natur men även ett tryggt samhälle som i demokratins namn förespråkar sina medborgares och världens folks mänskliga rättigheter. Tyvärr kan man inte sjunga samma lovsång över den konferens och de deltagare som får stå i uppmärksamhetens ljus.

Det är krigens förespråkare och NATO:s förtryckarapparat som kommer till oss men vi vill inte att detta leder till ett förtäckt svensk medlemskap som står i flagrant strid med vårt lands neutralitetstänkande. Sveriges anseende som en vän till världens folk skadas allvarligt och vår handlingsfrihet i FN begränsas. Krigsförbrytare och ansvariga för folkmord och tortyr som USAs utrikesminister Condoleezza Rice och Storbrittaniens utrikesminister Jack Straw kommer att vara huvudaktörer och den svenska regeringen välkomnar dem som hedervärda deltagare. Dessa har varit tongivande i Irakkriget och står för den tortyr och den terror som Iraks folk och många andra drabbas av. Deras regeringars militära och politiska operationer, som de och vissa andra beskriver som upprätthållande av lag och ordning, klassificeras i internationell rätt som folkmord och inblandning i andra länders inre angelägenheter. De hotar världsfreden och främjar terrorismen. Den svenska regeringen har, trots att en stor majoritet av folket är emot, närmat sig NATO genom svenskt medlemskap i Partnership for Peace.

Vi som bor i det här samhället har vår frihet att uttrycka vår åsikt och vi förväntar oss att våra fredliga protestaktioner kommer att tillerkännas samma yttrandefrihet som deltagarna i konferensen. Säkerhetsåtgärderna skall garantera kongressdeltagarnas säkerhet men inte stå i vägen för vår rätt att demonstrera mot NATO. Deras utrikesministrar talar inte i rättvisans och fredens namn.

Dessa i Åre samlade utrikesministrar talar inte i vårt namn.


Nato ut ur Sverige!
• • Den 24-25 maj kommer en hel hop av krigsförbrytare och brottslingar till Sverige. Anförda av bland andra Natos generalsekreterare Jaap de Hoop Scheffer och representanter för ockupationsmakterna USA och Storbritannien håller Nato-organet EAPR möte i jämtländska Åre.
Att krigsalliansen Nato välkomnas av utrikesminister Laila Freivalds, som också är värd för mötet, är en skrämmande uppvisning i svenskt kryperi för Natos starka makt, USA. Men det är också ytterligare en bekräftelse av att den svenska regeringen knyter Sverige allt närmare Nato, vilket står i direkt strid med folkviljan.
I veckans tema granskar vi Natos utveckling och nya uppgifter liksom Sveriges roll i krigsalliansen. Vi lyfter också fram den positiva sidan, att svenskarna inte tar emot Nato med öppna armar. I Jämtland och på flera andra orter planeras protester mot Nato och USA.
Men vänsterpartiet i Åre välkomnar krigsalliansen. "Bra PR för kommunen", är deras sanslösa kommentar.


"Vi demonstrerar mot både Nato och USA"

Nätverket Global Fred och Demokrati i Östersund planerar protestmöten mot Natomötet i Åre och ser fram emot att fylla gator och torg med demonstranter.

- Vår ambition är att vanligt folk ska vara med och demonstrera mot både Nato och USA, säger PG Bengtsson, en av företrädarna för Nätverket till Proletären.

Bakom Nätverket står FN-föreningen, Svenska Kyrkan, vänsterpartiet och Kommunistiska Partiet. När man fick höra talas om att Nato skulle hålla ett toppmöte i Åre satte man genast igång med att planera hur detta skulle bemötas.

Nätverket bildades i samband med att USA och Storbritannien planerade att anfalla Irak hösten 2002. Flera demonstrationer har genomförts, nu senast den 19 mars i år mot tvåårsdagen av USA:s ockupation av Irak.

Under de aktuella Natodagarna i Åre kommer mängder av aktiviteter att utföras, allt från seminarier till demonstrationer och artistuppträdanden. En dryg vecka innan har redan hundratals personer anmält att de kommer till Östersund och Åre för att protestera mot Natomötet.

Slut upp i protesterna!
- Det går som planerat och stämningen är på topp, säger PG Bengtsson. Men visst finns det saker vi reagerar över, till exempel att Nätverket inte är inbjudna till den konferens där bland annat utrikesminister Laila Freivalds ska delta.

- Nätverket är en etablerad kraft i Östersund och så har arrangörerna för konferensen, Östersunds-Posten, Mittuniversitetet och Folk och Försvar, fräckheten att inte bjuda in oss. Det är ju vi som står för manifestationerna mot Nato och som driver frågan.

- Men inte ett ord till oss i Nätverket om deras arrangemang och det tycker jag är mycket svagt av dom, men det har väl sin förklaring i att Östersunds Posten är centerpartistisk.

- Nu ser vi fram emot att demonstrera mot Nato, USA:s krigspolitik och deras strävan efter världsherravälde. Men jag vill betona att vi inte accepterar några våldsamheter eller provokationer. För att undvika detta planerar vi arrangemangen ihop med polisen.

- Nu hoppas vi att alla fredsvänner och Natomotståndare söker sig till Östersund. Det blir händelserika dagar och än en gång vill jag passa på att hälsa alla välkomna till Åre och Östersund den 23-24 maj, säger PG Bengtsson.


- NATO-schakalernas fest kostar 96 miljoner kronor...
- De som festar mjölkar folket...
- Det är bara övervaknings kostnaden... ANdra kostnader hålls hemligt... Tusentals poliser i järnring runt Nato-mötet i Jämtland
Nästa vecka möts utrikesministrar från Nato och Partnerskap för Fred i Åre. Polisen förbereder ett av de största säkerhetspådragen i Sverige någonsin.

Det är sammanlagt 46 utrikesministrar som samlas till toppmötet på konferensanläggningen Holiday Club i Åre, 10 mil väster om Östersund. Toppmötet sker inom ramen för Euroatlantiska partnerskapsrådet, EAPR, en organisation för samarbete mellan Nato och de europiska länder som står utanför militäralliansen.

Till Nato-mötet i Åre väntas respresentanter från både USA och Storbritannien, det vill säga representanter för nationer som begått krigsförbrytare under kriget mot och ockupationen av Irak.

Enligt senaste beskedet kommer inte USA:s utrikesminister Condoleezza Rice. Men det kan vara dimridåer och vem som USA skickar i stället är ännu oklart. I måndags kom det fram att också andra utrikesministrar ställer in sina besök och skickar företrädare på lägre nivå. Men Storbritanniens Jack Straw kommer.

Massiv övervakning
Det var i september 2004 som Nato beslutade att Sverige skulle bli värd för toppmötet. Att valet föll på jämtländska Åre är begripligt. Risken för att krigsförbrytarna och krigshetsarna ska behöva konfronteras med Nato-motståndare är mindre i lilla Åre än till exempel i Stockholm.

Men säkerhetspådraget är ändå enormt och ett av de största någonsin i svensk historia. 1700 poliser ska slå en järnring runt Holiday Club. I flera fall kommer dessutom ministrarnas egna livvaktsorganisationer att vara på plats i Åre.

Trafik med farligt gods stoppas på E 14 i Åre och inga tåg får köra in till Åre. Vissa delar av byn spärras helt av och de boende får poliseskort fram till sina dörrar. Åre skola ligger mitt i byn och föräldrarna uppmanas att följa sina barn till skolan. Barn bör av säkerhetsskäl hålla sig borta från torget på kvällarna, uppmanar polisen.

Holiday Club stängs och Säpo tar över bevakningen. Personal på hotellet säkerhetskontrolleras inför mötet och alla som inte passar Säpo får stanna hemma under dessa dagar. Alla tänkbara organisationers hemsidor gås nu igenom för att se vad som är på gång.

Kostnaden för Natomötet i Åre väntas uppgå till närmare 90 miljoner kronor, varav 50 miljoner kronor för att den svenska polisen ska kunna garantera Nato-topparnas säkerhet. Det är notan för ett land som inte officiellt är medlem i Nato. Och skattebetalarna får stå för fiolerna.

Det faktum att regeringen i dag välkomnar ett gäng krigsförbrytare och krigshetsare från Nato att samlas i Åre är logiskt. Regeringen är på god väg att sälja svensk neutralitet för medlemskap i Nato och då gäller det att visa sin välvilja gentemot militäralliansen.

Arbetar under Nato
Att Nato bjuds in till Sverige innebär i praktiken att vi omfamnar USA:s imperialistiska utrikespolitik. Regeringen kryper inför maktens arrogans och skäms inte ens över det, men det har ju som sagt sina förklaringar.

- Vi har under många missioner arbetat under Nato-ledning och vi har ett stort intresse att utveckla och fördjupa samarbetet, blev utrikesminister Laila Freivalds kommentar till Svenska Dagbladet när Natomötet i Åre blev känt.

Nu ska hon tillsammans med Natos generalsekreterare Jaap de Hoop Scehffer stå som värd för toppmötet i Åre, och därmed visar sig Sverige välvilligt inställt till Nato. Men regeringen har ett problem, nämligen att svenskarna inte alls har någon lust att ansluta sig till Nato, det visar återkommande opinionsundersökningar.

Toppmötet kommer att rikta all världens blickar mot Åre. Människor som angripits och kanske fått sina barn dödade av USA-imperialismen och Nato kommer att förknippa det med Åre. Därmed blir också Sverige en del av imperialismen härjningar runt om i välden.

På måndag förvandlas Åre till en ointaglig fästning, där boende får poliseskort medan demonstranter hålls på behagligt avstånd. Men regeringens inviter till Nato kommer att möta på motstånd i form av demonstrationer och protester under toppmötet.


RKU:s ordförande Pär Johanssons tal i Åre

Fredsvänner och NATO-motståndare,

Idag har ett gäng krigsförbrytare och brottslingar kommit till Sverige
och Åre.
Än värre är att dessa brottslingar som borde stoppats vid gränsen och
avvisats är inbjudna av ingen mindre än av utrikesminister Laila Freivalds.

Då är skönt att se er alla här, fredsvänner och NATO-motståndare, för
att protestera mot detta möte och mot att Sverige är värd för det.

NATO är en organisation som fungerar som verktyg för USA-imperialismen
att få med sina alliansbröder i på Europas på att bomba länder tillbaka till stenåldern.
Som i kriget mot Jugoslavien 1999 och som i dagens ockupation av

Det gör Sveriges närmande till NATO allvarligt och skrämmande.
Sedan år tillbaka så övas man som värnpliktig inte i att försvara
Sverige utan man övar så kallat internationell tjänst.

Med andra ord etnisk rensning av Kosova och att små prata med lokalbefolkningen i ett ockuperat område.

Eller som NATO själv säger:
"Budskapet jag vill lämna är att det inte finns en nation på jordens yta
som vi inte kan komma åt", Det är Nato-generalen John J Sheehan ord
efter ett så kallat krigsspel i centralasiatiska Kazakstan 1997.

Det är detta som är dagens Nato. Glöm allt tal om försvarsallians och
glöm allt tal om Nato som ett "partnerskap för fred". Nato är en idag
ren krigsallians.

Detta gör det svenska Nato-fjäsket dubbelt skamligt. Att fjäska för Nato
är att fjäska för våldets världsmakt; att delta i Nato-operationer, om
så med FN-mandat, är att låna sig som imperialistisk legoknekt.

För nu kräver NATO med USA i ledningen att svenska grabbar och tjejer ska delta i dess anfallskrig. Sverige ställer sig i givakt och svarar lydigt ja när
USA kallar.
Det är skamligt!

Svenska ungdomar ska skickas till Irak för att dö och döda för
imperialismens intressen. Och inte är det Laila Freiwalds eller Leni
Björklund som får bära konsekvenserna av sitt fjäsk för NATO. Så är det
alltid arbetargrabbar och tjejer som ska dö i de liberala frihetskrigen
i Iraks öken. Vi måste säga tvärt nej till att svenskar ska skickas för att dö eller
döda i imperialismens namn.

Men ett flygblad som delades ut på demonstrationen igår från det liberala ungdomsförbundet fick mig att ändra uppfattning en smula. Jag kan nu tänka mig att under ett villkor gå med på att skicka svensk trupp till exempelvis Irak.

Och det är att vi skickar hela det svenska folkpartiet. Det är väl cirka 5000 man. Nätt och jämt en brigad.

Klä dem sedan i ridbyxor och tropikhatt och de kan komma att bli ett med
sin koloniala retorik.
Det första denna svenska kontingent av 5000 Folkpartister bör göra är ju
att söka efter massförstörelsevapen. För i Folkpartiets valmanifest
inför valet 2002 kunde man läsa att Saddam Hussein till och med hade

Var är dom nu? Allt detta har ju visat sig vara lögner. Fredrik Malm och
Lars Leijonborg satt och ljög svenska folket rakt upp i ansiktet. Men
har vi hört ett erkännande?

På samma sätt ljuger idag NATO genom att framställa sina bombkrig som
mänskliga. Folkmord och ockupation som demokrati och civilisation.

Genom att kalla sina krig för fredsfrämjande insatser så saboterar reaktionen ord som fred och demokrati.

För när NATO talar om demokrati så kommer irakier, palestinier, Afghaner att
titta mot himlen – för då kommer snart bomberna att börja falla.

Men vi måste kalla saker vid dess rätta namn. NATO leds av USA, ett land
som står för fred av frihet, utan olaglig ockuperar och förtrycker Irak,
som stödjer kubanska terrorister, som ger Israel rätt att mörda
palestinier, som stödjer militära kuppförsök mot valda presidenter, som
systematiskt med våld bryter mot folkrätten och FN:s resolutioner, och
som gör sig skyldiga till ockupation och brott mot de mänskliga

Vi kallar gänget i Åre för vad de är: Krigsförbrytare och
ansvariga för folkmord.

Ja, det är en dyster framtiden vi ungdomar går till mötes nu bär svensk
militär håller på att bli en del av NATOS och EU:s interventionsstyrka.

Men inget är för sent. I år är det trettio år sedan vietnameserna
slängde ut amerikanerna från sitt land och det är trettio år sedan vi såg massiv folklig rörelse för fred och rättvisa.

Det visar att det går att besegra imperialismen, och det visar att en
stark antiimperialistisk rörelse tvingar makthavare att följa folkviljan.

De fantastiska antikrigsdemonstrationer våren 2003 benämnde som den
tredje supermakten. Och det är en bra beskrivning. Det enda som kan
stoppa NATO, USA och dess lakejer inom den svenska eliten är en stor
folklig opinion. Och för varje krig har den blivit starkare och större.

Det bådar gott för framtiden, och jag tror inte att vi går en dyster
framtiden, då jag tror på antikrigsrörelsens styrka.

Jag tror på vår styrka!

Idag sänder denna rörelse en alldeles speciell hälsning till
krigshetsarna i Åre:

Svensk militär skall försvara Sverige mot angrepp, inte bli en del av
NATOS och EU:s interventionsstyrka!
Svenska ungdomar ska inte skickas för att dö eller dödas i eliternas krig!
Svenskar vill inte veta av NATO!
Bryt allt samarbete med Nato!
Nato ut ur Sverige!


Inget Nato-möte i våra namn!
På besök hemma i Jämtland. Stämningen är lite förvirrad. Vad får en organisation som militäralliansen Nato att hålla ett toppmöte mitt ute i den jämtländska fjällvärlden? Många jämtar skakar undrande på huvudet och frågar sig om Nato helt enkelt begått ett underligt misstag. Förmodligen förhåller det sig dock precis tvärtom. De kunde inte ha valt en bättre skådeplats för sina smutsiga förehavanden.

Åre ligger 10 mil väster om Östersund. För varför nöja sig med ett psykologiskt avstånd till folket när man även kan distansera sig rent geografiskt?

Risken för att de stackars topparna ska behöva se några Nato-motståndare bedömdes troligen vara betydligt mindre i lilla Åre än i Stockholm. Eller Östersund för all del.

Överklassens semesterparadis
Det är inte bara geografiskt Åre är varje krigshetsares våta dröm. Åre råkar också vara en skidort. Ett ställe dit medel- och överklassen åker på skolloven medan arbetarfamiljerna sitter kvar i stan. Hur skulle Åre kunna tacka nej till att arrangera mötet?

När jämtarna visade sig vara så negativa till EMU (77 procent röstade nej) brummade de borgerliga ledarskribenterna om att de i fortsättningen minsann skulle bojkotta Åre till förmån för de franska alperna.

Det är inte svårt att räkna ut att ett avvisande av Nato vore ett politiskt självmord som garanterat skulle kännas i plånboken inte bara under nästa skidsäsong.

Till och med gruppledaren för Vänsterpartiet i Åre, Sune Bengtsson, är positivt inställd och säger till tidningen Flamman att mötet kommer att innebära "mycket bra PR för Åre".

I samma anda uttalar sig nu boende i Åre lite krampaktigt och säger att "det är ju roligt att det händer något". Ja, visst är det! Frågan är väl bara om de afghanska, irakiska och palestinska barn som ställs inför Natos mullrande krigsmaskineri delar den uppfattningen.

Sverige och NATO
Detta är dock inte en fråga som kan isoleras till Åre (i rättvisans namn bör det påpekas att även många årebor är negativt inställda till mötet). Det hela måste lyftas till en högre nivå än så. Att Nato kommer till Sverige innebär i praktiken att vi omfamnar USA:s imperialistiska utrikespolitik.

Det är ingen nyhet att den socialdemokratiska regeringen kryper för den amerikanska, men när man till synes utan moraliska betänkligheter välkomnar ett gäng krigshetsare och krigsförbrytare från Nato innebär det också att Sverige tar ett stort steg mot att ansluta sig till organisationen och därmed ge upp sin militära alliansfrihet.

Ett svenskt Nato-medlemskap skulle, enligt förespråkarna, ge Sverige ett större inflytande på den internationella arenan. Vad de egentligen menar är att den svenska utrikespolitiken därmed skulle styras direkt från Pentagon och Vita huset. Nu ska utrikesminister Laila Freivalds vara värdinna i Åre och därmed tydligt visa att Sverige gärna vill vara med och leka. Skämmes ta mig fan.

Folkligt motstånd
Men Freivalds har ett stort problem, nämligen att svenskarna inte alls har någon lust att ansluta sig till Nato. Därför ska nu Åre förvandlas till en ointaglig fästning där de boende ska få poliseskort hem till dörren och demonstranterna hållas på behagligt avstånd.

Samtidigt bör det faktum att man valt att gömma sig i en fjällby ses som en seger. Maktens rädsla för folket börjar ta sig allt mer absurda uttryck. Det tyder på en styrka från vår sida och det ger hopp i en värld där tydligen till och med vänsterpartister kan se dollartecken flimra förbi framför ögonen inför bokstavskombinationen Nato.

I Jämtland växer nu en folklig vrede fram. Toppmötet kommer att vara internationellt uppmärksammat, människor som fått sina barn dödade av Nato kommer att förknippa det med Åre, jämtarna (och alla andra svenskar) kommer dras i smutsen. Men det kommer inte att ske utan motstånd. Not in our names! Inte i våra namn, jävla provokatör judinna Freivalds!


Åre tillhör inte NATO!

I den svenska vintersportorten Åre har svensk idrott genom åren visat upp sig från sin bästa sida. Åre Slalomklubb har stått som värd för 18 Alpina världscupsarrangemang, många av klubbens åkare har nått internationella framgångar, med bland annat OS-guld och världscupssegrar i meritlistan.

Den 24-25 maj blir Åre nu också platsen för en annan svensk paradgren, som även den rör sig på det sluttande planet: världscupen i dubbelmoral.

Sverige är ännu så länge militärt alliansfritt, samtidigt låter vi militäralliansen NATO med associerade partnersländer hålla toppmöte i Jämtland.

För så fungerar svensk utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik numera, att det som sägs är inte detsamma som det som menas. Och det som sker när vi samövar och går på konferenser med NATO, skall inte övertolkas, det är väl bra med samarbete?

Men det är svårt för att inte säga omöjligt, att inte tolka det euro-atlantiska partnerskapsrådet i Åre som något annat än ännu ett närmande till NATO. Hur mycket kan vi närma oss innan vi ansöker om medlemsskap?

På Folk och Försvars rikskonferens 2005 flaggade ÖB, Håkan Syrén för att alla funktioner som inte är absolut nödvändiga för att delta i internationella uppdrag kan komma att avvecklas. Det gäller t ex hela ubåtsvapnet eller samtliga stridsvagnsenheter.

Det som håller på att ske är att vi bygger ett försvar som bara kan fungera i samarbete med andra länders försvar. Därmed omöjliggörs - rent praktiskt – fortsatt militär alliansfrihet. Skulle Sverige hamna i krigsfara är vi beroende av att få hjälp från annat håll. Som av en slump, samövar vi med EU och NATO.

Men några ömsesidiga försvarsgarantier har inte givits, rent formellt, mellan Sverige och NATO. Det gör vår nuvarande säkerhetspolitiska position ganska vansklig. Vi avvecklar vår egen militära försvarsförmåga utan att skaffa garantier för att vi får stöd i händelse av krig. Självklart är det bara ett övergångstillstånd, målsättningen för försvarspolitiken är att ersätta den nedrustade egna militära förmågan med ett inträde i NATO.

Under största tystnad förs Sverige in i NATO. Det sker genom att gränsen successivt flyttas för såväl definitionen av vår alliansfrihet som för vår medverkan i NATO-leddainsatser. Vid samma Folk och Försvar sade Leni Björklund att försvarets huvuduppgift är att producera militära förband som kan skickas utomlands med mycket kort varsel, ”ledda av FN, EU eller Nato”

Notera detta lilla "eller", svensk trupp skall agera under ledning av NATO om FN saknas i aktionen. Och det gör FN alltoftare, som i Irak och Afghanistan. Helt enkelt därför att stormakterna valt att förvandla FN till ett rundningsmärke. När Sverige öppnat upp för att ingå i renodlade NATO-koalitioner bidrar vi till den utvecklingen.

Innebörden i den svenska alliansfriheten har också förändrats successivt. Från den tidigare mycket tydliga praxisformuleringen "Alliansfrihet i fred med bervarad möjlighet till neutralitet i händelse av krig" har försvarministrarna avlöst varandra i gradvisa glidningar i sina utrikespolitiska förklaringar. Numera är Sverige "Militärt alliansfritt" med möjlighet till neutralitet i händelse av "krig i vårt närområde".
Den förändrade formuleringen med tilläggen "militärt" och "i vårt närområde" har öppnat upp ett bråddjup av urholkningar.

Vi deltar idag med trupp under NATO-kommando på flera platser i världen. Vi låter den främmande militäralliansen med krigsförbrytare bland företrädarna sammanträda i vår vackraste fjällvärld.
Den alliansfrihet som hållit oss utanför krig är i praktiken fullständigt underminerad. Men ändå väljer Leni Björklund och regeringen att fortsätta låtsas som ingenting kommer ske. Det är synd att det bara finns två politiska partier, folkpartiet och moderaterna, som vågar stå för den säkerhetspolitiska omsväningen fullt ut. Resten talar luddigt i sina små von Sydowskägg om det som vi alla vet: vi är påväg in i NATO med samma hastighet som en kryssningsmissil.

Det är kanske det allvarligaste. Att omorienteringen sker utan allmän debatt, trots att dagordningen uppenbarligen ligger klar sen länge. Vår (militära) alliansfrihet angår fler än militären, det är en angelägenhet för varje svensk medborgare. Därför kan alliansfriheten inte förhandlas bort i slutna rum och presenteras som ett fakutm.

Därför är protesterna som organiseras mot toppmötet i Åre bra och nödvändiga! När högdjuren träffas trampas det friskt på gräsrötterna. Men gräset i Jämtland är tack och lov av det starkare slaget. På initiativ av Nätverket för fred och demokrati organiseras protester mot toppmötet som visar att förändringen av svensk säkerhetspolitik fortfarande inte kommer kunna genomföras utan motstånd. Vi vet vad som är på gång, vi håller oss informerade.

Protesterna riktar sig mot såväl urholkandet av svensk neutralitetspolitik som mot NATO:s och USA:s strävan efter världsherravälde.

Parollerna är:

- Inget svenskt deltagande i NATO!
- Sverige skall lämna Partnership for Peace!
- Inga svenska militära insatser utomlands utan tydligt FN-mandat!
- Mot NATO och USA:s strävan efter världsherravälde

Förutom demonstrationer ordnas en mängd andra folkliga aktiviteter mot toppmötet under de två dagarna i Jämtland. Jämtland och Åre tillhör inte NATO, inte de här dagarna heller.

Protester ordnas också på andra håll i landet. Läs mer på t ex:

...deklarerar Ung Vänsters verkställande utskott


- ”Varför är regeringen så oerhört mån om att hela tiden fördjupa samarbetet med en organisation – Nato – som man inte vill vara med i?”.
- De flesta svenskar vill inte det. Vi närmar oss Nato med stormsteg, anpassar vår politik, vår teknik, vår syn på internationell rätt och mänskliga rätigheter, vårt nationella samvete. Men det förs ingen vettig debatt i frågan. Det ljugs. För detta bär socialdemokraterna det fulla ansvaret. Processen har pågått länge.


Regeringen omfamnar Nato
En tiondel av Sveriges poliser är beredda att försvara det Nato-ledda mötet i Åre

Nato-mötet i Åre 24-25 maj visar att Sverige har kommit långt från den neutralitetspolitik som landet officiellt fört i mer är 150 år. Delegater väntas från 46 länder, därav ett 20-tal utrikesministrar. 1 700 poliser kan få order att skydda dem.

Under slutet av 1960-talet och början av 1970-talet fördes en intensiv debatt om Sverige skulle gå med i EEC (dåvarande EU). Frågan avgjordes av regeringen med den officiella förklaringen att ett medlemskap i EEC inte var förenligt med den svenska neutralitetspolitiken.

Kritik mot krig
Under kalla kriget var Sverige inklämt mellan Warszawapakten och Nato. Warszawapakten hade makten över Östersjön och Sveriges maktelit kände sig därmed tvingade att hålla sig på god fot med Sovjetunionen även om man ”visste var man stod”. Under speciellt Olof Palmes ledning engagerade sig Sverige i tredje världens problem. Sverige stödde befrielserörelser (som av dagens svenska regering troligen skulle klassas som terrorister) i flera länder, bl a Mocambique, Sydafrika och Nicaragua. Sveriges kritik av USA:s krig i Vietnam var så stark att USA vid ett tillfälle kallade hem sin ambassadör.
Sedan murens fall har Sveriges utrikespolitik ändrats. Från att ha engagerat sig i tredje världens problem ägnar man sig nu till stor del åt närområdet och lojalt deltagande i Natos och EU:s interventioner utanför Europa. De baltiska staterna har rönt stort intresse. Man har där hjälpt till att bygga upp marknadsekonomin. Resultatet ser vi i dag när de baltiska folken används som billig arbetskraft.

Inför omröstningen om svenskt EU-medlemskap försäkrade dåvarande statsminister Ingvar Carlsson att det inte skulle betyda något för svensk neutralitetspolitik. Redan då hade Maastrichtfördraget undertecknats och där talas det om samverkan i försvarspolitiska frågor, något som skulle kunna leda till ett gemensamt försvar. Men det fanns vetorätt. Vi har dock inte sett mycket opposition från Sveriges sida mot en gemensam försvarspolitik inom EU.
Tvärtom är Sverige sedan 1994 med i Nato-ledda Partnerskap för fred (PFF). De deltagande länderna ska ”samordna, förbereda och öva sina styrkor inför insatser i fredsbevarande verksamhet” (Utrikesdepartementets e-post 9/2-05). Deltagande länder är inte bara Nato-medlemmar utan även många f d Sovjetrepubliker, bl a Uzbekistan där i dagarna hundratals demonstranter skjutits ihjäl.
EU:s stats- och regeringschefer har beslutat att utveckla unionens civila och militära resurser för krishantering. Eftersom det blir dyrbart planerar man att använda delar av Natos resurser.
– För Sverige är det särskilt betydelsefullt att vi kan fortsätta vidareutveckla vårt partnerskap med Nato avseende vårt deltagande i Nato-ledda krishanteringsinsatser, sade Laila Freivalds i ett pressmeddelande från försvars- och utrikesdepartementen 23 juni 2004.
Svensk militär deltar i dag i Nato-ledda krishanteringsinsatser i bl a Afghanistan.
Den förändring i svensk utrikespolitik som skett de senaste 15 åren har skett helt utan offentlig debatt. Förändringar har smugits in och efter 11 september har behovet av terroristbekämpning hamrats in. Och vad som är terrorism och hur den bäst bekämpas bestäms naturligtvis av USA. Allt mer pengar slussats till ”terroristbekämpning”, alltså ökade militära utgifter.
Ska terrorismen diskuteras i ett hermetiskt tillslutet Åre? Tågtrafiken stoppas, busstrafiken berörs, tung trafik stoppas på E 14 genom Åre. Sveriges regering kan inte längre påstå att vi är militärt alliansfria.


- Åre-möte utan riktig profil...
- Hur menar du?
- Jo!.. Det pågående mötet med Natos Partnerskap för fred (PFF) i Åre skulle bli en tillställning med viss tyngd. Det talades om att USA:s utrikesminister Condolezza Rice skulle komma. Och i så fall även utrikesministrar från så viktiga Nato-länder som Storbritannien, Frankrike och Tyskland. Av detta blev intet. Visst finns 46 nationer representerade vid Åre-mötet, men blott 15 utrikesministrar. Ett antiklimax så gott som något. Nu blir Åre en ordinär samtalsträff, där representanterna för de olika länderna kan ventilera aktuella säkerhetspolitiska frågor med utgångspunkt från situationen i Centralasien och i Europa utan att egentligen kunna fatta några beslut. Det blir säkert lugnt för de 1 700 poliser som kallats in till Åre och Östersund för att bevaka ordning och säkerhet.
Natomötet i Åre sätter ändå fart på vissa av våra inhemska säkerhetspolitiska debattörer, där
Sveriges alliansfrihet så gott som alltid ifrågasätts. Enligt folkpartiet och vissa moderater borde Sverige bums gå med i Nato. Motståndet mot ett svenskt Nato-medlemskap är dock kompakt och växande, vilket en rapport från SOM-institutet har visat inför mötet i Åre. Endast 20 procent vill att Sverige ska bli medlemmar i Nato medan hela 47 procent säger nej tack.
- Samtridigt ser vi att vissa diktaturländer skickar sina analfebeta representanter till Åre, exempelvis Turkiet. Det är helt absurd att en USrael-kramare diktatgur skall konferensera i Lappland och vi tvingas att lyssna på den Gladio-instrumenten.. Faaan!..
- Jag förstår dig!.. Kriminalitetens diktaturer pratar om säkerhet som NATO-maskerade... Det är skrattretande... En andel som dessutom växer. Några säkerhetspolitiska äventyrligheter faller inte svensken på läppen. Samtidigt blir vi självfallet allt mer beroende av vår omvärld. Inte minst genom EU och den säkerhetspolitiska doktrin som håller på att formuleras för EU-samarbetet. Steget därifrån till att även bli medlemmar i Nato är långt. Svensk utrikespolitik har allt mer anpassats till EU. Därmed har neutralitetspolitiken hamnat i ett politiskt mellanläge. Tyngdpunkten i den svenska säkerhetspolitiska doktrinen formuleras fortsatt: "Sverige är militärt alliansfritt. Denna säkerhetspolitiska linje, med möjlighet till neutralitet vid konflikter i vårt närområde, har tjänat oss väl", och fortsättningen lyder: "Hot mot freden och vår säkerhet kan bäst avvärjas i gemenskap och samverkan med andra länder". I en militär konflikt har Sverige rätt att vara icke krigförande, eller att enligt FN-stadgan deklarera neutralitet, heter det. Däremot är den militära alliansfriheten fortfarande en grundsten i säkerhetspolitiken. Så Nato-anhängarna borde icke göra sig besvär, men folkpartiet driver sin Nato-vänliga linje och får så göra, men får också vara beredda på att möta hårt motstånd. Svenska folket anser generellt att både neutraliteten och alliansfriheten ska bibehållas. Ännu har alltså inte neutralitetspolitiken helt förpassats till historiens skräpkammare, som folkpartiet tycks tro. Alliansfrihet och neutralitet innebär tillsammans att vi kan stå fria från olika bindningar. Vi kan med trovärdighet arbeta för fred och nedrustning. I det globala samarbetet är det även av betydelse att det finns länder som hävdar både neutralitet och alliansfrihet och det ena förtar inte det andra. Även om det finns olika meningar om den militära alliansfriheten ligger den svenska säkerhetspolitiska doktrinen fast. Samtidigt finns förstås en risk för att trovärdigheten i denna urholkas om ett eller flera av de partier som står bakom denna börjar tveka till dess innehåll. Överenskommelsen är bräcklig redan som den är.Osäkerheten om förhållandet mellan EU:s säkerhetspolitiska ambitioner och Nato:s är heller inte tydliggjorda. Tillsammans med övriga alliansfria stater i EU; Finland och Österrike, har Sverige fått ett undantag som innebär att de alliansfria länderna inte självfallet ska delta i det säkerhetspolitiska samarbetets alla delar. En annan fråga är förstås hur mycket detta undantag är värt i ett längre tidsperspektiv. Det väsentliga är att alliansfriheten ger oss handlingsutrymme. Sverige kan delta i fredsinsatser i östeuropa och i andra delar av världen på FN-uppdrag. Detta utan att som medlem i Nato ständigt tvingas att underordnas USA:s maktpolitiska ambitioner. Vårt land har stått utanför militära allianser i snart 200 år. Vi kan tryggt fortsätta på den inslagna vägen.


- Aggressionspakten NATO skyldig till bla terrorbombningarna i Yugoslavien och ockupationen av Kosovo liksom Afghanistan Irak och snart alla Rysslands grannländer kommer att hålla möte i Östersund.

Denna kvarleva borde gått samma väg som warsava-pakten men har nu blivit den globaliserade amerikanska marknadsfascismens och €Us militära ockupationsmakt, kom och demonstrera mot smygnatofieringen av Sverige!


- SvekJa Kingdom in the North isn't alone on the dirtiness of Weapom Markets...
- Norway, you mean!
- Yes, it's!.. Rumsfeld skrev på nytt avtal om norska vapenlager, rapporteras i den 9 juni 2005: USA:s försvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld besökte i går Stavanger. Han skrev under ett avtal om att USA ska fortsätta lagra vapen i Norge. Men de 80-talet demonstranter som väntat i flera timmar utanför Natobasen Jåttå, väntade förgäves. Rumsfeld smet ut en annan väg.

- Vi tycker det är fegt. Han vågade starta ett krig, men han vågade inte möta oss, sade Marcela Molina, från Fredsinitiativet, till VG Nett.
Att Donald Rumsfeld kommer till Norge samtidigt som Norge firar att unionsupplösningen med Sverige skedde fredligt, har väckt uppmärksamhet. Att det dessutom kom ett amerikanskt hangarfartyg, USS Saipan, till Oslo hamn gav en amerikansk närvaro som den norska regeringen knappast räknat med på förhand.
- Att Rumsfeld kom just nu är nog en slump. Det passade bra på väg hem från Thailand, säger Nils Morten Udgaard, som är utrikeskommentator i Aftenposten.
För Norges del är emellertid besöket välkommet, även om det helst hade kommit på en annan tidpunkt. Amerikanskt intresse för Norge är inte så
självklart i dag som det var under det kalla kriget. Då hade Norge en särställning inom Nato som det enda landet, förutom Turkiet, som direkt gränsade till Sovjetunionen.

Norge kunde bidra med signalspaning mot sovjetisk aktivitet på Kola-halvön. Sovjet hade sina strategiska atomubåtar stationerade bara några mil från den norska gränsen. Många trodde att det tredje världskriget skulle börja i Norska havet, som en maritim konfrontation. Om Sovjet kunde avskära USA:s havsförbindelser med Europa, skulle de europeiska länderna aldrig kunna försvaras eftersom mängden materiel ett stort krig skulle kräva var så enormt.
Förhandslagring av utrustning var ett sätt att minska sårbarheten för Nato och den norska regeringen ställde villigt upp. Nato-motståndarna i Norge protesterade kraftigt, liksom Sovjetunionen. En kompromiss gjordes där de amerikanska förhandslagren i Norge inte lades i Finnmark, som gränsar till Ryssland, utan till Stjørdal, som ligger norr om Trondheim. Försvarsmateriel för en brigad
marininfanterister placerades därmed i stora fjällhallar. Där har de stått sedan 1981.
När avtalet mellan USA och Norge nu omförhandlats har vikten lagts mer på att lagren ska kunna användas vid katastrofer och i kampen mot terror. Men Donald Rumsfeld försäkrade att det inte bara är för att vara artig, som han förlängde avtalet som reglerar förhandslagringen.

- Jag är inte precis känd för att vara snäll och trevlig. Avtalet har en klar militär motivering och USA följer utvecklingen i de nordliga områdena noga, både som vän av Norge och som medlem av Nato, sade han.
Nyligen presenterade det norska utrikesdepartementet en utredning om Norges "Nordpolitikk". Områdena i Arktis tros innehålla en fjärdedel av världens oupptäckta reserver av olja och gas. Men Norge och Ryssland har fortfarande inte löst frågan var gränsen i Barents hav ska gå. Det omtvistade området är 155 000 kvadratkilometer stort. Samtidigt är Norge rädd för att USA och Ryssland ska finna varandra i ett tätt energisamarbete, och att norska intressen därmed överses.
- Vilken dag blir det s. k. Norskt självständighetsjubel?
- Igår, den 8 juni.
- Okay!.. När skrev USA och Norge ett nytt försvarsavtal då?
- Samma dag, den 8 juni 2005.
- Ser du fräckheten!.. De som har makt, överdriver med folket!...
- Någon viseman som beskrivit detta såhär; "skamlösa oligarkins största blodigaste vapenhandel är NATO.
- JAg förstår!.. Well-described: Weapon Markets/biggest one, NATO; armed ciscus of shameless oligarchies
- Definitivt!..


Joint movements!

United power of oppressed peoples

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