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    08th June 2005 - 12:29:55 PM    
16030 :
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck PPPPpppppppppppfuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fucfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

    08th June 2005 - 12:37:51 PM    
16038 :
Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the a

    08th June 2005 - 01:05:46 PM    
16045 :
Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch

    08th June 2005 - 01:11:19 PM    
16046 : Fagbusters


    08th June 2005 - 01:12:49 PM    
16048 :
hey gambler, I can do this all day - I want to take back this site for the queers Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the aDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitchDustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch Dustin I want you to fuck me in the ass and I want to pour honey all over your taint and watch the ants nibble it up you sexy bitch

    08th June 2005 - 01:18:08 PM    
16050 :
Hey Dustin, remember the episode where Screech entered in the Miss Bayside pagent? Remember how in the show Screech's robot gave him a shinner? Remember how the producers had to write that in because you came on set with a black eye one day? Remember how they asked about how you got it and you started to shake? Remember how your leather starfish loosened up and you let out a stream of bloody shit and cum? Remember how the producer told you to tell them what happened for "your safety?" Remember how you started talking about how Mario Lopez called you into his dressing room? Remember how he was listening to UB40's greatest hits? Remember when he asked you if his pink tank top looked cool? Remember when you said he looked like a beaner? Remember how he became enraged and busted you in the face? Remember how your eye started to swell and you said you were gonna tell? Remember how he said "loose lips sink ships you fucking kyke!" Remember how after he yelled that he pushed you over and pulled down his acid washed jeans and whipped out his throbbing cock? Remember how he ripped down your pants and slammed his cock in your pimply ass? Remember how he used his grease from his hair as lube? Remember how he fucked your ass to the beat of UB40? Remember how you squeeled and wiggled around and he tore up your rectum as a result? Remember how he started to pound you harder? Remember how you thought it'd be over soon and then you felt self start to shit? Remember how he scooped it up and put his hand on your mouth so you are forced to eat it? Remember how he let out a scream in his mexican language? Remember how he then blew his load in your ass? Remember how he shoved cotton in your ass to keep your shit and blood and his cum in your ass? Remember how he said that if you were to tell anyone he'd repeat his actions? Remember how you made your way to your dressing room and cried yourself to sleep and you made yourself forget it? Remember how after you told the producers your story you thought that they were gonna do something about it? Remember how they started to laugh at you? Remember how you felt when you poured your heart out and they stepped on it? Remember how they claimed Mario was "joking?" Remember how they took you to his dressing room to show you that he was "kidding?" Remember how they locked the door behind you? Remember how the producers and Mario took turns fucking your ass and mouth? Remember how Mario ate out your filthy ass? Remember how you tried to will yourself to death? Remember how you just passed out? Remember how you woke up in your trailor with a shaved head and dressed in rags? Remember how you walked into Mario's dressing room? Remember how Mario and the producers were watching a video of how they role played with your passed out ragdoll of a body? Remember how disgusted you were when you saw that they roled played you as an Auschwitz victim? Man, they sure raked you over the coals that day!

    08th June 2005 - 01:24:01 PM    
16051 :
14052 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings?

01st June 2005 - 12:29:29 PM
14051 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember that time when you dressed up as Robocop? Remember how Zack tried to get you to date his Fridge? Remember how there wasn't a metal part to cover your penis, but loved sticking it into things? Remember how one time Zach and Slater got together to get you to stick it in a dating lottery machine - promising it would make it land on a certain number. Remember how they didn't tell you that you were the prize? Remember how that black chess guy with the crocky voice won? Remember how he took you outback to play with your Robocop dick? Remember how he stuck it in a blender and switched it, ripping it off and showed it to the science class the next morning claiming it to be an alien fetus? Boy, you sure were stupid in those days.

01st June 2005 - 12:19:20 PM
14050 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when you had to stand in for David Hasselhoff for an episode of Knight Rider, and you thought it would be cool to drive to school with the obviousily gay KITT? Remember how every cool Jock used to drive a KITT replica to school and you thought it would make you cool? Remember how the jocks were secretly gay and the KITT replicas were a symbol of this? Remember how they forced you to suck KITTs exhaust pipe to the utter delight of KITT? Remember how KITT spewed oil into your mouth and all over your body? Remember how you choked on the fluid but couldn't help sticking your dick into the exhaust (to find out what it felt like) Remember how Hasselhoff caught you with your pants down pleasuring his on-screen partner and systematically beat you up then forced you to cum into his mouth? Remember how you thought this would be a great way to get onto Baywatch and be around all those red shorts... remember how you enjoyed watching Hasselhoff run in slow motion? Remember how you badly you came?

01st June 2005 - 12:13:15 PM
14049 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

01st June 2005 - 12:04:57 PM
14048 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as an Alien to get the school into the press and to help Zach make money? Remember that evil FBI/CIA guy who wanted to take you away to be probed and analyzed by the USA's best? Remember how you really, really wanted to go - but Zach et al wouldn't let you? Remember how the FBI guy used to hand you secret tapes and his private phone number? Remember how he used to give you information regarding Watergate and gave you the secret code of "Deep Throat"? Remember how some really old guy got all the press? Remember how you contacted the authorities to find out more - but they laughed in your face telling you how he was never an FBI agent? Remember how you later found out he was your long-lost uncle who tried to get it on with you when you were younger? Remember how stupid you felt when you went off with him anyway to find out if you were really an alien and just got a bumfull of navy filf? You sure got screwed that time!

01st June 2005 - 11:57:56 AM
14047 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

    08th June 2005 - 01:29:36 PM    
16052 : Angry at non-queer spammers Screech
16051 :
14052 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings?

01st June 2005 - 12:29:29 PM
14051 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember that time when you dressed up as Robocop? Remember how Zack tried to get you to date his Fridge? Remember how there wasn't a metal part to cover your penis, but loved sticking it into things? Remember how one time Zach and Slater got together to get you to stick it in a dating lottery machine - promising it would make it land on a certain number. Remember how they didn't tell you that you were the prize? Remember how that black chess guy with the crocky voice won? Remember how he took you outback to play with your Robocop dick? Remember how he stuck it in a blender and switched it, ripping it off and showed it to the science class the next morning claiming it to be an alien fetus? Boy, you sure were stupid in those days.

01st June 2005 - 12:19:20 PM
14050 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when you had to stand in for David Hasselhoff for an episode of Knight Rider, and you thought it would be cool to drive to school with the obviousily gay KITT? Remember how every cool Jock used to drive a KITT replica to school and you thought it would make you cool? Remember how the jocks were secretly gay and the KITT replicas were a symbol of this? Remember how they forced you to suck KITTs exhaust pipe to the utter delight of KITT? Remember how KITT spewed oil into your mouth and all over your body? Remember how you choked on the fluid but couldn't help sticking your dick into the exhaust (to find out what it felt like) Remember how Hasselhoff caught you with your pants down pleasuring his on-screen partner and systematically beat you up then forced you to cum into his mouth? Remember how you thought this would be a great way to get onto Baywatch and be around all those red shorts... remember how you enjoyed watching Hasselhoff run in slow motion? Remember how you badly you came?

01st June 2005 - 12:13:15 PM
14049 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

01st June 2005 - 12:04:57 PM
14048 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as an Alien to get the school into the press and to help Zach make money? Remember that evil FBI/CIA guy who wanted to take you away to be probed and analyzed by the USA's best? Remember how you really, really wanted to go - but Zach et al wouldn't let you? Remember how the FBI guy used to hand you secret tapes and his private phone number? Remember how he used to give you information regarding Watergate and gave you the secret code of "Deep Throat"? Remember how some really old guy got all the press? Remember how you contacted the authorities to find out more - but they laughed in your face telling you how he was never an FBI agent? Remember how you later found out he was your long-lost uncle who tried to get it on with you when you were younger? Remember how stupid you felt when you went off with him anyway to find out if you were really an alien and just got a bumfull of navy filf? You sure got screwed that time!

01st June 2005 - 11:57:56 AM
14047 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

08th June 2005 - 02:18:08 PM
16050 :
Hey Dustin, remember the episode where Screech entered in the Miss Bayside pagent? Remember how in the show Screech's robot gave him a shinner? Remember how the producers had to write that in because you came on set with a black eye one day? Remember how they asked about how you got it and you started to shake? Remember how your leather starfish loosened up and you let out a stream of bloody shit and cum? Remember how the producer told you to tell them what happened for "your safety?" Remember how you started talking about how Mario Lopez called you into his dressing room? Remember how he was listening to UB40's greatest hits? Remember when he asked you if his pink tank top looked cool? Remember when you said he looked like a beaner? Remember how he became enraged and busted you in the face? Remember how your eye started to swell and you said you were gonna tell? Remember how he said "loose lips sink ships you fucking kyke!" Remember how after he yelled that he pushed you over and pulled down his acid washed jeans and whipped out his throbbing cock? Remember how he ripped down your pants and slammed his cock in your pimply ass? Remember how he used his grease from his hair as lube? Remember how he fucked your ass to the beat of UB40? Remember how you squeeled and wiggled around and he tore up your rectum as a result? Remember how he started to pound you harder? Remember how you thought it'd be over soon and then you felt self start to shit? Remember how he scooped it up and put his hand on your mouth so you are forced to eat it? Remember how he let out a scream in his mexican language? Remember how he then blew his load in your ass? Remember how he shoved cotton in your ass to keep your shit and blood and his cum in your ass? Remember how he said that if you were to tell anyone he'd repeat his actions? Remember how you made your way to your dressing room and cried yourself to sleep and you made yourself forget it? Remember how after you told the producers your story you thought that they were gonna do something about it? Remember how they started to laugh at you? Remember how you felt when you poured your heart out and they stepped on it? Remember how they claimed Mario was "joking?" Remember how they took you to his dressing room to show you that he was "kidding?" Remember how they locked the door behind you? Remember how the producers and Mario took turns fucking your ass and mouth? Remember how Mario ate out your filthy ass? Remember how you tried to will yourself to death? Remember how you just passed out? Remember how you woke up in your trailor with a shaved head and dressed in rags? Remember how you walked into Mario's dressing room? Remember how Mario and the producers were watching a video of how they role played with your passed out ragdoll of a body? Remember how disgusted you were when you saw that they roled played you as an Auschwitz victim? Man, they sure raked you over the coals that day!

    08th June 2005 - 02:17:04 PM    
16055 : oli

    08th June 2005 - 02:17:13 PM    
16056 : Fagbusters

    08th June 2005 - 02:30:16 PM    
16057 :
6052 : Angry at non-queer spammers Screech
16051 :
14052 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings?

01st June 2005 - 12:29:29 PM
14051 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember that time when you dressed up as Robocop? Remember how Zack tried to get you to date his Fridge? Remember how there wasn't a metal part to cover your penis, but loved sticking it into things? Remember how one time Zach and Slater got together to get you to stick it in a dating lottery machine - promising it would make it land on a certain number. Remember how they didn't tell you that you were the prize? Remember how that black chess guy with the crocky voice won? Remember how he took you outback to play with your Robocop dick? Remember how he stuck it in a blender and switched it, ripping it off and showed it to the science class the next morning claiming it to be an alien fetus? Boy, you sure were stupid in those days.

01st June 2005 - 12:19:20 PM
14050 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when you had to stand in for David Hasselhoff for an episode of Knight Rider, and you thought it would be cool to drive to school with the obviousily gay KITT? Remember how every cool Jock used to drive a KITT replica to school and you thought it would make you cool? Remember how the jocks were secretly gay and the KITT replicas were a symbol of this? Remember how they forced you to suck KITTs exhaust pipe to the utter delight of KITT? Remember how KITT spewed oil into your mouth and all over your body? Remember how you choked on the fluid but couldn't help sticking your dick into the exhaust (to find out what it felt like) Remember how Hasselhoff caught you with your pants down pleasuring his on-screen partner and systematically beat you up then forced you to cum into his mouth? Remember how you thought this would be a great way to get onto Baywatch and be around all those red shorts... remember how you enjoyed watching Hasselhoff run in slow motion? Remember how you badly you came?

01st June 2005 - 12:13:15 PM
14049 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

01st June 2005 - 12:04:57 PM
14048 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as an Alien to get the school into the press and to help Zach make money? Remember that evil FBI/CIA guy who wanted to take you away to be probed and analyzed by the USA's best? Remember how you really, really wanted to go - but Zach et al wouldn't let you? Remember how the FBI guy used to hand you secret tapes and his private phone number? Remember how he used to give you information regarding Watergate and gave you the secret code of "Deep Throat"? Remember how some really old guy got all the press? Remember how you contacted the authorities to find out more - but they laughed in your face telling you how he was never an FBI agent? Remember how you later found out he was your long-lost uncle who tried to get it on with you when you were younger? Remember how stupid you felt when you went off with him anyway to find out if you were really an alien and just got a bumfull of navy filf? You sure got screwed that time!

01st June 2005 - 11:57:56 AM
14047 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

08th June 2005 - 02:18:08 PM
16050 :
Hey Dustin, remember the episode where Screech entered in the Miss Bayside pagent? Remember how in the show Screech's robot gave him a shinner? Remember how the producers had to write that in because you came on set with a black eye one day? Remember how they asked about how you got it and you started to shake? Remember how your leather starfish loosened up and you let out a stream of bloody shit and cum? Remember how the producer told you to tell them what happened for "your safety?" Remember how you started talking about how Mario Lopez called you into his dressing room? Remember how he was listening to UB40's greatest hits? Remember when he asked you if his pink tank top looked cool? Remember when you said he looked like a beaner? Remember how he became enraged and busted you in the face? Remember how your eye started to swell and you said you were gonna tell? Remember how he said "loose lips sink ships you fucking kyke!" Remember how after he yelled that he pushed you over and pulled down his acid washed jeans and whipped out his throbbing cock? Remember how he ripped down your pants and slammed his cock in your pimply ass? Remember how he used his grease from his hair as lube? Remember how he fucked your ass to the beat of UB40? Remember how you squeeled and wiggled around and he tore up your rectum as a result? Remember how he started to pound you harder? Remember how you thought it'd be over soon and then you felt self start to shit? Remember how he scooped it up and put his hand on your mouth so you are forced to eat it? Remember how he let out a scream in his mexican language? Remember how he then blew his load in your ass? Remember how he shoved cotton in your ass to keep your shit and blood and his cum in your ass? Remember how he said that if you were to tell anyone he'd repeat his actions? Remember how you made your way to your dressing room and cried yourself to sleep and you made yourself forget it? Remember how after you told the producers your story you thought that they were gonna do something about it? Remember how they started to laugh at you? Remember how you felt when you poured your heart out and they stepped on it? Remember how they claimed Mario was "joking?" Remember how they took you to his dressing room to show you that he was "kidding?" Remember how they locked the door behind you? Remember how the producers and Mario took turns fucking your ass and mouth? Remember how Mario ate out your filthy ass? Remember how you tried to will yourself to death? Remember how you just passed out? Remember how you woke up in your trailor with a shaved head and dressed in rags? Remember how you walked into Mario's dressing room? Remember how Mario and the producers were watching a video of how they role played with your passed out ragdoll of a body? Remember how disgusted you were when you saw that they roled played you as an Auschwitz victim? Man, they sure raked you over the coals that day!
6052 : Angry at non-queer spammers Screech
16051 :
14052 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings?

01st June 2005 - 12:29:29 PM
14051 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember that time when you dressed up as Robocop? Remember how Zack tried to get you to date his Fridge? Remember how there wasn't a metal part to cover your penis, but loved sticking it into things? Remember how one time Zach and Slater got together to get you to stick it in a dating lottery machine - promising it would make it land on a certain number. Remember how they didn't tell you that you were the prize? Remember how that black chess guy with the crocky voice won? Remember how he took you outback to play with your Robocop dick? Remember how he stuck it in a blender and switched it, ripping it off and showed it to the science class the next morning claiming it to be an alien fetus? Boy, you sure were stupid in those days.

01st June 2005 - 12:19:20 PM
14050 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when you had to stand in for David Hasselhoff for an episode of Knight Rider, and you thought it would be cool to drive to school with the obviousily gay KITT? Remember how every cool Jock used to drive a KITT replica to school and you thought it would make you cool? Remember how the jocks were secretly gay and the KITT replicas were a symbol of this? Remember how they forced you to suck KITTs exhaust pipe to the utter delight of KITT? Remember how KITT spewed oil into your mouth and all over your body? Remember how you choked on the fluid but couldn't help sticking your dick into the exhaust (to find out what it felt like) Remember how Hasselhoff caught you with your pants down pleasuring his on-screen partner and systematically beat you up then forced you to cum into his mouth? Remember how you thought this would be a great way to get onto Baywatch and be around all those red shorts... remember how you enjoyed watching Hasselhoff run in slow motion? Remember how you badly you came?

01st June 2005 - 12:13:15 PM
14049 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

01st June 2005 - 12:04:57 PM
14048 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as an Alien to get the school into the press and to help Zach make money? Remember that evil FBI/CIA guy who wanted to take you away to be probed and analyzed by the USA's best? Remember how you really, really wanted to go - but Zach et al wouldn't let you? Remember how the FBI guy used to hand you secret tapes and his private phone number? Remember how he used to give you information regarding Watergate and gave you the secret code of "Deep Throat"? Remember how some really old guy got all the press? Remember how you contacted the authorities to find out more - but they laughed in your face telling you how he was never an FBI agent? Remember how you later found out he was your long-lost uncle who tried to get it on with you when you were younger? Remember how stupid you felt when you went off with him anyway to find out if you were really an alien and just got a bumfull of navy filf? You sure got screwed that time!

01st June 2005 - 11:57:56 AM
14047 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

08th June 2005 - 02:18:08 PM
16050 :
Hey Dustin, remember the episode where Screech entered in the Miss Bayside pagent? Remember how in the show Screech's robot gave him a shinner? Remember how the producers had to write that in because you came on set with a black eye one day? Remember how they asked about how you got it and you started to shake? Remember how your leather starfish loosened up and you let out a stream of bloody shit and cum? Remember how the producer told you to tell them what happened for "your safety?" Remember how you started talking about how Mario Lopez called you into his dressing room? Remember how he was listening to UB40's greatest hits? Remember when he asked you if his pink tank top looked cool? Remember when you said he looked like a beaner? Remember how he became enraged and busted you in the face? Remember how your eye started to swell and you said you were gonna tell? Remember how he said "loose lips sink ships you fucking kyke!" Remember how after he yelled that he pushed you over and pulled down his acid washed jeans and whipped out his throbbing cock? Remember how he ripped down your pants and slammed his cock in your pimply ass? Remember how he used his grease from his hair as lube? Remember how he fucked your ass to the beat of UB40? Remember how you squeeled and wiggled around and he tore up your rectum as a result? Remember how he started to pound you harder? Remember how you thought it'd be over soon and then you felt self start to shit? Remember how he scooped it up and put his hand on your mouth so you are forced to eat it? Remember how he let out a scream in his mexican language? Remember how he then blew his load in your ass? Remember how he shoved cotton in your ass to keep your shit and blood and his cum in your ass? Remember how he said that if you were to tell anyone he'd repeat his actions? Remember how you made your way to your dressing room and cried yourself to sleep and you made yourself forget it? Remember how after you told the producers your story you thought that they were gonna do something about it? Remember how they started to laugh at you? Remember how you felt when you poured your heart out and they stepped on it? Remember how they claimed Mario was "joking?" Remember how they took you to his dressing room to show you that he was "kidding?" Remember how they locked the door behind you? Remember how the producers and Mario took turns fucking your ass and mouth? Remember how Mario ate out your filthy ass? Remember how you tried to will yourself to death? Remember how you just passed out? Remember how you woke up in your trailor with a shaved head and dressed in rags? Remember how you walked into Mario's dressing room? Remember how Mario and the producers were watching a video of how they role played with your passed out ragdoll of a body? Remember how disgusted you were when you saw that they roled played you as an Auschwitz victim? Man, they sure raked you over the coals that day!
6052 : Angry at non-queer spammers Screech
16051 :
14052 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason? Remember how this happened in every episode? Remember how one time, in music, they stuck a flute up your ass? Remember it was really a clarinet but they didn't care? Remember how you farted and it started playing music? Remember when Zack heard it and thought it would be a good intro into the rather lame Minni Vanilli rip-off band Zack Attack? Remember how every episode you'd hear that fart on the loudspeakers and get the runs? Remember how you'd run to Casey Kasem asking him to clean your butt? Remember how he said no way but did it anyway? Remember how he used to stick up a microphone up your butt and it was live? Remember how you farted and it was broadcast around the world? Remember how it caused the breakup of Zack Attack, costing Zach and Slater millions? Remember how Zach/Slater were pissed off and decided to beat you up, again? Remember how awful you felt when they bought the copyrights and made millions on ebay on your runnings?

01st June 2005 - 12:29:29 PM
14051 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember that time when you dressed up as Robocop? Remember how Zack tried to get you to date his Fridge? Remember how there wasn't a metal part to cover your penis, but loved sticking it into things? Remember how one time Zach and Slater got together to get you to stick it in a dating lottery machine - promising it would make it land on a certain number. Remember how they didn't tell you that you were the prize? Remember how that black chess guy with the crocky voice won? Remember how he took you outback to play with your Robocop dick? Remember how he stuck it in a blender and switched it, ripping it off and showed it to the science class the next morning claiming it to be an alien fetus? Boy, you sure were stupid in those days.

01st June 2005 - 12:19:20 PM
14050 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when you had to stand in for David Hasselhoff for an episode of Knight Rider, and you thought it would be cool to drive to school with the obviousily gay KITT? Remember how every cool Jock used to drive a KITT replica to school and you thought it would make you cool? Remember how the jocks were secretly gay and the KITT replicas were a symbol of this? Remember how they forced you to suck KITTs exhaust pipe to the utter delight of KITT? Remember how KITT spewed oil into your mouth and all over your body? Remember how you choked on the fluid but couldn't help sticking your dick into the exhaust (to find out what it felt like) Remember how Hasselhoff caught you with your pants down pleasuring his on-screen partner and systematically beat you up then forced you to cum into his mouth? Remember how you thought this would be a great way to get onto Baywatch and be around all those red shorts... remember how you enjoyed watching Hasselhoff run in slow motion? Remember how you badly you came?

01st June 2005 - 12:13:15 PM
14049 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

01st June 2005 - 12:04:57 PM
14048 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as an Alien to get the school into the press and to help Zach make money? Remember that evil FBI/CIA guy who wanted to take you away to be probed and analyzed by the USA's best? Remember how you really, really wanted to go - but Zach et al wouldn't let you? Remember how the FBI guy used to hand you secret tapes and his private phone number? Remember how he used to give you information regarding Watergate and gave you the secret code of "Deep Throat"? Remember how some really old guy got all the press? Remember how you contacted the authorities to find out more - but they laughed in your face telling you how he was never an FBI agent? Remember how you later found out he was your long-lost uncle who tried to get it on with you when you were younger? Remember how stupid you felt when you went off with him anyway to find out if you were really an alien and just got a bumfull of navy filf? You sure got screwed that time!

01st June 2005 - 11:57:56 AM
14047 : RememberWhen
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

08th June 2005 - 02:18:08 PM
16050 :
Hey Dustin, remember the episode where Screech entered in the Miss Bayside pagent? Remember how in the show Screech's robot gave him a shinner? Remember how the producers had to write that in because you came on set with a black eye one day? Remember how they asked about how you got it and you started to shake? Remember how your leather starfish loosened up and you let out a stream of bloody shit and cum? Remember how the producer told you to tell them what happened for "your safety?" Remember how you started talking about how Mario Lopez called you into his dressing room? Remember how he was listening to UB40's greatest hits? Remember when he asked you if his pink tank top looked cool? Remember when you said he looked like a beaner? Remember how he became enraged and busted you in the face? Remember how your eye started to swell and you said you were gonna tell? Remember how he said "loose lips sink ships you fucking kyke!" Remember how after he yelled that he pushed you over and pulled down his acid washed jeans and whipped out his throbbing cock? Remember how he ripped down your pants and slammed his cock in your pimply ass? Remember how he used his grease from his hair as lube? Remember how he fucked your ass to the beat of UB40? Remember how you squeeled and wiggled around and he tore up your rectum as a result? Remember how he started to pound you harder? Remember how you thought it'd be over soon and then you felt self start to shit? Remember how he scooped it up and put his hand on your mouth so you are forced to eat it? Remember how he let out a scream in his mexican language? Remember how he then blew his load in your ass? Remember how he shoved cotton in your ass to keep your shit and blood and his cum in your ass? Remember how he said that if you were to tell anyone he'd repeat his actions? Remember how you made your way to your dressing room and cried yourself to sleep and you made yourself forget it? Remember how after you told the producers your story you thought that they were gonna do something about it? Remember how they started to laugh at you? Remember how you felt when you poured your heart out and they stepped on it? Remember how they claimed Mario was "joking?" Remember how they took you to his dressing room to show you that he was "kidding?" Remember how they locked the door behind you? Remember how the producers and Mario took turns fucking your ass and mouth? Remember how Mario ate out your filthy ass? Remember how you tried to will yourself to death? Remember how you just passed out? Remember how you woke up in your trailor with a shaved head and dressed in rags? Remember how you walked into Mario's dressing room? Remember how Mario and the producers were watching a video of how they role played with your passed out ragdoll of a body? Remember how disgusted you were when you saw that they roled played you as an Auschwitz victim? Man, they sure raked you over the coals that day!

    08th June 2005 - 03:13:16 PM    
16059 : FUCK THEM ALL !
niggers smell of cock :(

    08th June 2005 - 03:13:20 PM    
16060 :
Hey Screech,Remember when Zack and Slater beat you up for no reason Remembe when Zack forced you to play his skin flute? Remember when he told you if you didn't play it he'd tea bag you? Remember when Slater ate a bunch of refried beans and took a shit on your face as you told him to stop? Remember when you were spitting out the shit, crying, callinf Slater an asshole? Remember how that pissed off Slater and he punched you in the stomach so hard that you shit yourself? Remember that faggot that kept spamming your guestbook with casino shit so you found out where he lived and let Slater and Zack shove carrots up his ass? Remember when Zack gave you crabs and you had to shave off all your pubes and than they infected your jew fro so you had to shave that also and everyone thought you were from REM? That was some funny shit.

    08th June 2005 - 03:28:21 PM    
16061 :
true behind the scene stories:
one time during the filming of the 5th season, Dustin's rampant drug use was becoming the norm, while bums kept turning up dead in his dressing room. Mario Lopez once walked in on Dustin making sweet love to a homeless black man, which he forced to dress up and talk like a slave. Dustin was wearing a Southern Bell dress and was snorting meth like there was no tomarrow. Mario saw this and started to stroke his cock while teasing Dustin by shoving the tip in his mouth letting Dustin taste his precum. It all went sour when Dustin, who was fucking the bum, decided to donkey punch him. He kept punching the poor man until the bum was out cold, than Dustin continued to punch him until blood starting dripping out the man's ears. Mario freaked out and got up to leave when Dustin said "you're not going anywhere until you get rid of this body, and if you tell, I'll fucking kill you" Mario did what he was told and became Dustin's bitch. And that was taken from SBTB: Behind the Reams.

    08th June 2005 - 03:43:23 PM    
16063 :
I had a chance to talk with Evan Stone a bit about his relationship with Dustin. He didn't gives details, but hinted that they were pretty serious about each other. Evan seemed to still be hurting about the breakup, which sounded like Dustin broke up with him because he wasn't into Dustin's lifestyle of having multiple sex partners and his love of bukkake. Evan said that once he tried a 3 some with some drunk they met at a Salty the Pockeknife show who called himself "the Filthiest Queer". Evan became mad and jealous when the Filthiest Queer only had interest in Dustin, and soon Evan found himself out of the bedroom crying. The next morning Dustin yelled and beat up Evan for being such a big pussy. Their rocky relationship took a turn for the worse when Dustin started going to dumpsters for group sex. Evan went looking for him one night, so a coked out Dustin beat Evan almost to death. Evan is doing better, and maybe one day he will love again. We wish Evan the best and hope he can find gay love once again.

    08th June 2005 - 04:25:38 PM    
16064 : shit

kill the gays

    08th June 2005 - 04:31:17 PM    
16065 :
Hey Screech, Remember when Zack told you to be his drug courier for the episode where Jessie got hooked on no doz? Remember how you asked "where am I gonna put it?" - Remember how Zack plundered your tight gay ass and rammed up a few G's up there for safe keeping - remember how he dumped you in Columbia - having to orally and anally pleasure the local townspeople to strike a big score with the local drugs baron - remember how when you finally got back into the states you were probed for hours on end by US Customs but found nothing? Remember how Zack paid you for your trouble and sent you back to Columbia to get more? Remember how insulted you were at being paid and decided to set up your own drug ring yourself? Remeber how, though, that it ended in tragedy when Zack paid a Greek "hitman" to "do" you for the next 3 months repeatedly in the ass? Remember how good it felt? Remember how you broke Zack's drug ring by telling Belding and the press? Remember how he was on it and raped you for telling?

    08th June 2005 - 04:38:40 PM    
16066 : dustin\'s fave

    08th June 2005 - 04:39:51 PM    
16067 :
I am so joining that group

    08th June 2005 - 04:55:03 PM    
16068 :
Hey Screech, Remember the time when you had to dress up as Sineod O Conner? Remember how exicted you were? Remember how you enjoyed being dressed up as a girl in a felt skirt - remember how you jacked off in the girls toilets, but forgot it was the guys toilets? Remember how the guys promptly raped your ass of all its worldly goodness? Remember how you ran off crying into the hands of Tori? Remember how firm her abs were and how prominet her adams apple was? Remember how she asked you to suck on her cock? Remember how it was all filmed on camera and you were the laughing stock of school? You sure got screwed that time!

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