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    29th June 2006 - 09:43:51 AM    
78221 : Dustin Diamond
I got three inches of hard man love for any guys wanna maill me.

    29th June 2006 - 10:09:12 AM    
78222 : deucer
Don't forget to check the Mario Lopez and Vanilla Ice boards.

    29th June 2006 - 11:02:04 AM    
78223 : Ann Coulter
I'm not just blaming liberals for the gay-ification of Screech, but of all Saved by the Bell characters... and do you know who's to blame? THAT'S RIGHT -- those stinky 9/11 wives who want to CASH IN on their FAME. Fame that should be MINE. Why not take a moment to buy my book, which uses the VERY tactics that I ridcule the 9/11 wives for using! GAWD I'M SO COMPLEX!

    29th June 2006 - 11:05:54 AM    
78224 : starships-1
I'm flaming gay. Please send lots and lots of gay porn to my e-mail address. I am particularly fond of scat and snuff porn, but IT HAS TO BE GAY. Thanks!

    29th June 2006 - 11:16:31 AM    
78225 : Gay Zack
starships is going down faster than dustin on a piece of crap. My last post on the Jeremy board was a little gay but I'm having too much fun fucking with him. Maybe I'll post some of his homophobic posts on the Brokeback board and see how they tear him apart.

    29th June 2006 - 12:25:40 PM    
78226 : Maxwell Nerdstrom
starships is an unbelievable douchebag. I made a post saying "you're taking this waaaay too seriously, get a sense of humor. PS you're gay" - and as if to prove that he really has no sense of humor, he had it deleted.

    29th June 2006 - 01:14:20 PM    
78227 : Dustin Diamond
So this is the notorious message board that is a part of my stolen domain name. I couldn't read all of the comments as they are quite disgusting.

FYI losers: I have worked for a living, I have a great comedy career and a wonderful spouse. You are just jealous of my success. See, I have better things to do than to sit around and be on a list serve all day. Boredom and alienation: must be a bitch. Is it?

    29th June 2006 - 01:25:37 PM    
78228 : Lance
Nice try. That can't be the real Diamond because Diamond mentioned on the Stern Show that he is not yet married.

    29th June 2006 - 01:40:13 PM    
78229 : Carl Winslow
DUSTin diamnondD is a fag. He eats other men's assholes out for money. he uses the money to buy didlos to shove up his loose flabby shitty dirty asshole when he can't find other cast members of saved by the bell to fuck him. AC slater would rape dustinD iamond in the locker rooms on the set. Zack would confort screech and give him a hand job. all of the girls in the show had dicks too. dustin diamons is gay LOL

    29th June 2006 - 02:09:55 PM    
78230 : shitpipe
dustin, no one in the civilized world is jealous of your "success". your wife is fat and ugly, you're fat and ugly, you can't act, your comedy routine sucks shit, you can't even land a solid acting gig anymore outside of cameos in movies designed just to make fun of you and you're on the verge of homelessness for fucks sake!

    29th June 2006 - 03:25:49 PM    
78231 :
Starships is about to have a nervous breakdown!

In response to this message:

"by - sbtb_fanatic 1 hour ago (Thu Jun 29 2006 11:40:33 )

Starships seems stressed out. He needs a vacation. Maybe he should go down to the Everglades in Florida. My uncle will give him a glass bottom boat that I'm sure he'll enjoy. "

Starships wrote:

" by - starships-1 1 hour ago (Thu Jun 29 2006 12:22:53 ) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

Look I am not stressed out. JUst stop talking about me. LNA you are the one who needs the therapy. You didn't prove anything. Sbtb I'm not going to your uncle's place. and Deucer I am not gay so stop harassing me with invitations. "

    29th June 2006 - 03:31:23 PM    
78232 :

    29th June 2006 - 03:51:49 PM    
78233 : Gay Zack
Starships is really getting upset about this. I'm still trying to figure if he's just some troll trying to mess with us or if this guys serious. I'm going to ignore him and see what he does, than if he starts bothering me, I'll report him for harassment and work to get him banned. Is LNA one of us, or just someone who got involved in this because Starship started fucking with them. I sent him some spam on penis implants to his email, but I re-edited some of the messages. I hid stuff like calling him a fag in the emails, so it appears to be spam, but it's also calling him a fag.

    29th June 2006 - 04:26:08 PM    
78234 : Miss Britain
Just wanted to say that I fully enjoyed watching you on saved by the Bell as a teenager. I'm from England and just wanted to tell you dustin that you have a lot of fans over here to. !!!

    29th June 2006 - 06:02:01 PM    
78235 :
Here's another trailer for diamond's movie, "Thirteeth Grade."

Diamond's sunk so low that he's actually appearing in movies where he has a lesser role than the black guy from the first season of Survivor (filmed in 2000!).

    30th June 2006 - 12:45:45 AM    
78236 : deucer
Gay Zack, I believe lna86 is a girl...please report to this thread immediately, there's trouble afoot!

    30th June 2006 - 04:43:01 AM    
78237 : Angry Fan
This is not the real Screech's web site! It's a crook who highjacked Dustin Diamond's name. WHO WON'T YOU GIVE BACK WHAT YOU STOLE?

    30th June 2006 - 06:05:53 AM    
78238 : screech blows horses
This isn't really Screech's site?? Wow, no shit Sherlock. Thanks for clearing that one up. Jeez.

As for hijacking his name, Dustin used to own, but it went under because his an unpopular, negligent tool. However the fact that this site has survived and remains popular is a testament to Dustin's douche-liness.

    30th June 2006 - 07:25:34 AM    
78239 : DX
Screech doesn't exist. Neither does Mr Belding. and if you think otherwise; I've just got two words for YA....


    30th June 2006 - 07:53:51 AM    
78240 : Maxwell Nerdstrom
DX, I'd love to "s*ck it", as you so eloqently put it. Just give me a time and a place and I'm all yours baby. Might I suggest the Denny's down the street from Miami queer club "Dick's" - it's a favorite hook-up spot of mine and the dumpster out back is well known in local queer circles.

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