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    14th November 2004 - 12:22:50 PM    

    14th November 2004 - 12:38:16 PM    
11031 : Sick Queer
Some folks wonder why I like to munch used tampons. I'll tell you.

When I munch on a used tampon, it makes me feel as if my mouth has been transformed into a vagina, and I become more in touch with my inner woman. After I eat a used tampon, it makes me all the more hot when I take my lover's throbbing dong into my mouth-vagina. I highly reccomend this. It will make any depraved queen feel complete.

    14th November 2004 - 01:01:24 PM    
11032 : Stretched queer
Does anyone else like sex-play with fireworks? There's nothing better than lighting a cherry bomb stuck in your boyfriends ass!

    14th November 2004 - 01:07:46 PM    
11033 : S!CK B0Y!, Investigative Journalist
I've been doing some research on the man calling himself "ARYAN NATION". It turns out that he is one of Strom Thurmond's illegitamate, mulatto children.
Strom Thurmond, the late, openly racist senator, fathered numerous children with black women, or, as he called them, "The help".
This can lead to an array of confusing emotions, anywhere from unadulterated rage, to shame, denial, even sexual repression.
My advice to "ARYAN NATION" is to first accept who you are. Then embrace it. There is only one you, so be the best you you can be.

    14th November 2004 - 02:01:22 PM    
11034 : sacamodj

    14th November 2004 - 02:01:27 PM    
11035 : Buck Studly
An interesting theory, Sick Boy, but I'm afraid Thurmond was a flaming closet homo. Y'see, I used to be one of an army of hot young twinks that he used to keep as his personal sex slaves. We were all homeless young boys who he pulled off the street and gave a home to in return for us letting him plunder our tighy, young asses with his wrinkled, atrophied, crusty old flesh-saber.

Yeah, he sure liked the cock. He decried homosexuality in public, but behind closed doors he was as gay as a tangerine; and (despite appearing elderly and fraile) he went like a train. One day one of our number (a young Puerto Rican named 'Miguel') disappeared mysteriously - rumor had it that Thurmond sodomized him to death!

He also used to don a wig, heavy make-up and a taffeta ball gown and hit the queer clubs as his alter-ego, 'Mitzy LaRue'.

    14th November 2004 - 02:08:22 PM    
11036 : S!CK B0Y!
Another compelling theory then...

Senator Thurmond secretly had ovaries implanted up his ass, thus, when large black men sodomized him, he could become pregnant with a gay ass baby (ARYAN NATION).

Or, in a drunken stupor, he mistook a masculine black woman for an effeminate man, and pumped her full of his Strom Sauce.

I'll keep investigating.

    14th November 2004 - 02:42:33 PM    
11037 : to all the niggers and white supremacists
dustin does not want to read your racist messages.

    14th November 2004 - 02:42:49 PM    
11038 : Uri Urethra
Hey, Dustin. Just a couple of questions. Are you a top or a bottom? Would you be interested in a hydrochloric acid enema?

    14th November 2004 - 02:49:10 PM    
11039 : S!CK B0Y!
Post 11037: Um, I think you might be confused. You see, 'nigger' is an ethnic slur commonly used by white supremacists to demean black people.

    14th November 2004 - 03:14:02 PM    
11040 : Pooter Shenannigan
I've heard that bleach makes for a quite rousing enema. Dustin, how's about some stinky gay fun. When your asshole becomes a cavernous, gaping sinkhole, I'll pour an entire jug of Clorox inside your ass. Then, I'll do a load of laundry in your anus. I'll feed you Taco Bell and rum, so you will begin farting violently, drying my laundry and leaving it ass-fresh.

    14th November 2004 - 05:28:21 PM    
11041 : Darby Crash
Sit on my face, Dustin! Somebody get me a fuckin' beew.

    14th November 2004 - 06:24:32 PM    
11042 : Frou Frou
Screech, why don't you come over and stay at my place for a week? I'll eat nothing but deep fried scampi and cabbage, to prepare for your seafood surprise!

    14th November 2004 - 07:08:29 PM    
11043 : Cooking with CUM

Welcome to Cooking With Cum!
Come and join us in exploring the culinary value of semen! Share recipes, try new things and have fun! We have 15 registered users on the forum and we hope that you will join too! The site is open to everyone and free to use - it only takes a few seconds to register. So go ahead, shake off any inhibitions and join us in the excitement of Cooking With Cum!

    14th November 2004 - 07:31:36 PM    
11044 : S!CK B0Y!
Welcome, dee. If you have any questions about which "psot!!!1s" are mine, you know where to find me in my Beer Flavored Lair.

And Dustin, I swear to God that if I find out my dog is pregnant after what you did, your ass is mine!

    14th November 2004 - 09:18:42 PM    
11045 : Johnlapse is kike

    14th November 2004 - 09:39:29 PM    
11046 : Ox
screech, meet me behinf the football field for anal rimming. brush your teeth first. i want your tongue to be clean.

    14th November 2004 - 10:37:58 PM    
11047 : Mr. Guy
Post #11045: Just what the fuck is so cool about that? It certainly doesn't have anything to do with Dustin Diamond. This is not a death metal site. Get gay or go away.

    14th November 2004 - 11:14:30 PM    
11048 : Classic Post
Please. I molest developing fetuses while they're in their mother's womb. The soft moist flesh is just so exciting. At first it was only boys above ten. Then five. Then two. One day, during a horrible traffic accident, my arm became lodged in a pregnant woman's vagina. She seemed to either be in shock or dead. Either way, I could do my business with that sweet little glory hole.

    15th November 2004 - 12:07:58 AM    
11049 : Ox
Screech, remember that episode where you were playing your robot, Kevin, at chess? Remember when you beat him a couple of times and Kevin got really pissed at you? Remember when you kept celebrating and made your robot leave because you told him you wanted to take a nap afterward? Remember when instead of taking a nap, you pulled out your Bayside yearbook and started masturbating while looking at pictures of Zack, Slater, and Mr. Belding? Remember when Kevin walked back into your room and caught you playing with yourself? Remember when Kevin became enraged and lunged at your neck with his metal claws? Remember when he pulled down his robot pants and cut off yours? Remember when he inserted his robotic metal penis into your buttholes? Remember he grabbed your abdomen roughly with his metal claws and started bouncing you up and down on his metal woodrow? Remember when you cried out in pain and he told to to "shut the fuck up, faggot!" Remember when he pulled out and said he was about to blow his oily load? Remember when he told you to open his mouth and then blew his oily robotic load on your tongue? Remember when you were relieved that Kevin was finally done with you? Remember when you quickly learned that he was not done with you when he started smacking you in the face with his metal claws and told you that because he was a robot, he could do you until his battery supplies ran out? Remember how disparaged you felt when he said that and you quickly realized that maybe you shouldn't have installed a metal penis on Kevin? Your robot really got you good that time!

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