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    15th November 2004 - 01:12:47 AM    
11050 : urkel
screech im gay. my neighbor carl winslow says he'll act in another die hard movie if you toss my salad.

    15th November 2004 - 01:56:05 AM    
11051 : Tighttwat
Fuck my tight twat with your hot tongue, and make me cum all in your mouth.

    15th November 2004 - 04:28:57 AM    
11052 : Princess Peussie
Hello, Turds!

    15th November 2004 - 06:27:17 AM    
11053 : Bruno Caprani Dog-Fucker
Hello, my name is Bruno Caprani, I'm French and I live in the Sud-West of the France !!
I love to fuck dogs and see zoophil videos !!!
If you want contact you can on or I'm the webmaster to the website ( ) !!!!
Good website here !! Bye !!!

    15th November 2004 - 09:21:58 AM    
11054 : Dustin\'s Pimp

    15th November 2004 - 09:53:41 AM    
11055 : ODB

    15th November 2004 - 12:30:27 PM    
11056 : Lark Voorhies
hi , I'm such a big fan , you are my favorite on Saved By
The Bell next to Mark & Tiffany. If it's posible If you
can do me a favor I have a friend and it would mean so much
If you could e-mail him. his e-mail adress is,

    15th November 2004 - 01:04:42 PM    
11057 : hi
io lveo you

    15th November 2004 - 02:01:12 PM    
11058 : Rocco
Another good weekend in the dumpster scene. I have to say that the cold weather is a trade off in that although it is cold the dumpster smell is much less! I headed out on friday night dressed as diamond in my zubaz that I cut the crotch out of as well as my white man afro wig. Upon arrivial at the dumpster scene I heard a loud commotion and realized that the Zack Attack was playing! They were blasting away while slamming each others asses! I immidiately headed for a belding and began to fart on his face while he licked my shit chute! Then I grabbed hold of a Slater in a wrestling singlet and bit him on the balls! At that moment Zack Attack let the pyrotechnics fly and a giant fireball lit up the sky killing a few of the beldings and one screech! We all cheered and the ass plundering continued unabated through the night. By the next morning my fro was covered in over a gallon of hot man juice! Hope ever one else had a good weekend!

    15th November 2004 - 05:01:03 PM    
11059 : george w. bush
Hello dustin this is the Presadent. After yeers of serching the whole world for Wepons of Mass Destrucshon, there is now only one place left were I have yet to look and that is in yuor butthole (LOL I said butthole). anyway i am sorry dustin but I'm afraid i must send the FBI and CIA to get yuo and bring yuo over to teh white house so I can personoly search ever inch of space between your ass cheeks and if nesesary send a spesialy trained midget up into yuor colon to search every slimy fold and smelly crevise (and beleeve me we do have a midget he is a navy seal and highly trained in deep sea butt diving). Anyway I just thoght i shoold warn yuo in case yuo want to take a dump beforhand or if yuo want yuo can just wait and shit it out on my chest, whatever yuo choose. as a matter of fact you shoold probably do that insted becuz after you shit on my chest dick cheney will probubly want to look thru it for WMDs and then eat it afterwerds becuz he is a fat hungry hungry hippo who loves smelly and spicy meals so eat alot of mexican food and chili peppers OK?

PS- sorry for my typing but afterall i am a stupid fuking idiot.

    15th November 2004 - 05:07:29 PM    
11060 : Laura Bush
NOW GEORGE, you are always exagerating all that shit about cheney, he's a good dumpster even though he's probably gonna die from overeating crap-cakes!! don't be to hard on yerself, george, cause you ain't been hard for years and that's why Condi Rice and I have been sharing pussy sucking together. SHIT I'd take a terrorist on in the white louse bedroom before I'd put that nasty little worm into me again. oh well so it goes being so fucking famous!

    15th November 2004 - 05:07:43 PM    
11061 : sammy
dustin will you please come and speak at keble kollege oxford, England? the Oxford Gin APrecciation Society are looking for a speaker, and we think you could be the one.....

    15th November 2004 - 09:39:31 PM    
11062 : George \"King of the Presidents\" Bush
hey dusten i seen you on the tv. i member when jesse got strunged out on caffine and it maed me cry cuz i knowed how hard it am to be addiktered to uppers. do u like tobe keith?? i cuold interduce you to em cuz i knowed em personably. lets play cowboys and engines. =)

    15th November 2004 - 10:07:35 PM    
11063 : Marcia
Tourists from Florida with a video camera caught the incident on tape, which they turned the tape over to the Secret Service.

    15th November 2004 - 11:41:35 PM    
11064 : Mr. Belding
Screech, remember when I butt-slammed you so many times that your butthole hung as wide open as a wizard's sleeve? Good times man...

    16th November 2004 - 12:40:25 AM    
11065 : the hulkster
screech, i've been saying my prayers and eating my vitamins. so many vitamins, in fact, that i need to take a huge shit in your mouth. my excrement is chock-full of nutrition.

    16th November 2004 - 06:51:31 AM    
11066 : Dustin Diamond
Wow, Hulk! It's great that you want to take a shit in my mouth. I've been a fan for many years and I jack off a lot to your wrestling videos, as well as to Subterranean Commando and while listening to your classic album 'Hulk Rules'! Look me up some time, big stuff!

I wanna be a Hulkamaniac!

    16th November 2004 - 07:03:33 AM    
11067 : Flaming Gay Macho Man Randy Savage
Damnit Hulk, quit hogging all the fine pieces of ass! Dustin, Hulk ain't the only one with a thing for ya - I would also love to drop a nice big Savage Steamer in your mouth. Or maybe you'd like to watch me and the Hulkster do a little 'one on one' in the ring (and I ain't talkin about wrestling). Or I could test out some of my new erotic wrestling moves on you.

    16th November 2004 - 07:05:02 AM    
11068 :
Hey Dustin, cool and f them who cant realize you made a name for yourself dude. You are a Goomba in my book. I mean I wrote a book and put you in it. Thanks Bobby D.

    16th November 2004 - 08:12:50 AM    
11069 : Dustin Diamond
Gee, thanks Bobby!

BTW your site stinks and you're a tremendous faggot

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