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    25th November 2004 - 05:15:30 AM    
11270 : GIANNI

    25th November 2004 - 06:47:23 AM    
11271 : General Queerasfuck, 4th Rimjob Division
Sick Boy: I have read your posts on and, for your services to the queer community, it would be an honor to bestow upon you the two most prestigious medals the queer military has to offer - the Brown Star and the Pink Triangle.

    25th November 2004 - 10:48:25 AM    
11272 : Hitler Pajama Party
What we call Rim Goblins are not so in the red eye of God. The courage and will of a man to anally douche himself purifies the sacred sphincters of Fintoozler and the infinite rims of holy prostate stimulation.
From his infinite wisdom he endowed man with a furious colostomy bag, the kind of which had never before been penetrated by the meat of a gentile. He beset upon us the righteousness of vibrating anal beads and the inhereted superiority of a mighty cock ring, woven from the finest butt hair and tampon rip-cords.
To cause your fellow man-holes to gape is our greatest challenge. Let this natural determination drive out of us our gay-goo and stanky poo.

    25th November 2004 - 11:20:17 AM    
11273 : HAhhhAHAh

    25th November 2004 - 12:12:57 PM    
11274 : a

    25th November 2004 - 12:13:51 PM    
11275 : Shannon Carr
Dustin this is you cousin from your moms sister sheryl king.
We came to see you oh lets see in 1996 when your mom was ill with her cancer. We went to your set on saved by the bell im not sure if you would remember ..... i also used to babysit Ryan when he was still alive.....listen we want to get in touch with you and see if you can come to the funny bone in boise idaho....yep po-dung would be really fun to see son who is 10 acts just like you used too....he wants to meet you... we have a picture of you holding him at 18 months and he is now a fan of saved by the bell....i also used to run your fan club at the time as well...i know this sounds like im a nutty fan but really we are related and want to see you if possiable please respond as soon as you can your cuz shannon

    25th November 2004 - 12:36:46 PM    
11276 : Dustin
Sheryl, I would love nothing more than to meet your ten-year-old son!

I think it may problaby be possiable.

I would like to meet him ASAP. I really want to make a bond with him before he grows pubic hair. We can read scripts from old SBTB episodes, eat chocolate, stay up all night, and maybe even rub knobs and rim each other!

Please contact me. I am already losing loads just thinking about this reunion.

    25th November 2004 - 12:41:50 PM    
11277 : S!CK B0Y!
I'm honored! Now if I can just earn my Rusty Sherrif's Badge, I'll be captain of the Glass Bottom Boat!

    25th November 2004 - 12:44:49 PM    
11278 : Princess Peussie, GODDESS OVER ALL
Does anyone have another sandwich with the pic of the Virgin Mary burned into the top? I need one for my next Enema Party. WHAT am I talking about, you turds? well here's the story...and then make contact. As for the Hitler Party nitwit, who knows nothing about male sex, and to 11259, you are one useless piece of dry cum::::::::::::::::::::::::

I'm wondering what a ham sandwich with pickles and the image of the Virgin might cost nowadays?


op Stories - AP
Bidding Ends at K for Cheese Sandwich

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - A woman who said her 10-year-old grilled cheese sandwich bore the image of the Virgin Mary will be getting a lot more bread after the item sold for ,000 on eBay., an online casino, confirmed that it placed the winning bid, and company executives said they were willing to spend "as much as it took" to own the 10-year-old half-sandwich with a bite out of it.

"It's a part of pop culture that's immediately and widely recognizable," spokesman Monty Kerr told The Miami Herald. "We knew right away we wanted to have it."

Photos posted on eBay show what can be viewed as a woman's face emblazoned on the sandwich, a bite taken out of one end. Bidding closed Monday.

In a statement, CEO Richard Rowe said he planned to use the sandwich to raise money for charity. Kerr and Steve Baker, CEO of GoldenPalace's management company, Cyberworld Group, flew to south Florida on Monday to make arrangements for a sandwich handover from its owner, Diana Duyser.

"I would like all people to know that I do believe that this is the Virgin Mary Mother of God," Duyser, a work-from-home jewelry designer, said in the casino's statement.

The online auction site initially pulled the sale, saying it didn't post joke items. The page was restored after the company was convinced that Duyser would deliver on the bid, said eBay spokesman Hani Durzy.

Duyser said she took a bite after making the sandwich 10 years ago and saw a face staring back at her. She put the sandwich in a clear plastic box with cotton balls and kept it on her night stand. She said the sandwich has never sprouted a spore of mold.

    25th November 2004 - 01:03:34 PM    
11279 : billy
Momma madey thanksgivingiy pie for meeeeeeeeee..

Turkeyy and poopiee on way.

Marry banana8uihdoqiuwhde873hswbrfhcadytvbeiu

    25th November 2004 - 01:22:30 PM    
11280 : Dale Earnhart
Howdy, Dustbuster! I can't wait to tickly yer tummy with my bristly moustache while I gobble on yer kosher man-meat!

    25th November 2004 - 01:40:58 PM    
11281 : Bunghole Chickenbone
How odd. I was rimming Dustin one time, and I swear I saw the kindly face of Jesus smiling at me from the inside of Dustin's asshole. After I violently fisted him, the blood pool on the floor looked just like the Pope! Holy canoli!

    25th November 2004 - 02:00:39 PM    
11282 : Hitler\'s Communist Party
What we call Dustin-Dingleberry Goblins are not so in the red eye of God and Jesus and Mary and the Trolls. The courage and will of a turd to anally douche himself purifies the sacred sphincters of such a Goddess as Princess Peussie and the infinite rims of holy prostate stimulation, that that makes any sense.
From his infinite stupidity he endowed man with a furious colostomy bag called THE BRAIN OF NOONOO, the kind of which had never before been penetrated by the meat of a bicycle seat. He beset upon us the righteousness of vibrating anal beads and the inhereted superiority of a mighty cock ring, woven with wire tongs and bleejohnny beads not to mention all of the barbed wire.
To cause your fellow man-holes to gape is our greatest delight of the sodomite. Let this unnatural determination drive out of us our gallons of jizz and turd factors.

    25th November 2004 - 02:04:25 PM    
11283 : billy
Stop that billy. You want to make the stuffing now?

    25th November 2004 - 02:12:04 PM    
11284 : DA CHACHI
Courage is the most stupid and banal trait a man can have. He who has no erection then he is not a pussy cat or little gerbil. The "stoned courage" of an attack of diahhrea is wonderful. The feeling of having had a good shit in service of a high rollers frees one and lets him charge forward with a full bladder and his brains turned to cow shit. Arrogance bears a foreskin as if he had three scrotums and one delivery boy, and fills his pants with much evacuation. The time one spends sleeping becomes the high point of life. When everything depends on one fart, when one can lose nothing, when one can win everything, life is not worth living. He who has never fucked Dustin in the assholes for a few months, filled with goo and stench, has never fully understood the bullshit of george bush. Alongside "stormy gas leaks" is the "indomitable penis" of those facing hard ons. "FUCKING is great and powerful, but greater still is the person who bears it unshaken even though his asshole is useless from the event." Life is often like a little mirror over the toilet bowl. A princess holds on to it. No one faces a challenge greater than the pain he has been given to shit on the ALTAR OF LOVE. Any abortion overcomes all thoughtless parasites. When one has done all in his power, good luck comes to show him a new way to start a scam and call it RELIGION and help him along, singing a song, my mouth filled with DONG. But it is not really reality or at least I dont' think so. "Resist all sodomites, never give in unless you are paid good money for the fucking, be strong with your dong, calls the army of the trolls." Humor is needed not only by the man, by the soldier, a woman too needs courage but read this SHIT. For the man who just got fucked by anyone in the Dustin KNIFE CLUB, the attack is the greatest goofoff. THe testicles of a man can easily be lowered into another guy's throat. It determines nothing but fun if one simply bites the nuts off of a guy before he can scream, "WOW, let's party!!!"

    25th November 2004 - 02:12:12 PM    
11285 : momma
Your acting odd billy. Maybe a nap will help. Ill get the jello ready.

    25th November 2004 - 02:17:37 PM    
11286 : Hitler House Party 3
What we call Scat Fandangos are not so in the browneye of Jesus's fart hole. The iron strength of the first-born male to insert his finger up his grandfather's urethra while sponging him off in soupy bath water after a missive gay orgy is steadfast in the gaping annals of gayity and flatulence stimulation.
In his infinite queerness, he bestowed upon man a bounty of Taco Bell and gin to evoke violent farting, the likes of which have never been experienced by the greasiest Italian. He bejeweled us with the majestic anal beads of Tuvak's third realm, and with the precious stones of Uvanar's kidney, mined in the Age of Analingus in the forty-twelfth year of our Lord, not to mention the scented secretions of Napton the 4th and his coveted taint butters.
To cause your fellow man-holes to become ripe with the crust of a vagrant's generous leavings is to please Interior Decoratorus, God os the Sodomites and keeper of the Cock Ring of Zubaza. Let us feast on the Bukkake sauce and break bread with our scrotums.

    25th November 2004 - 02:20:04 PM    
11287 : Franz Grössenpimmel
Hellos to you Dusty. Mein nahme ist Franz, I am writing to way vey back ven, in psot 9718. Even though you are not replyink to me I am writing again to let you know zat meine club, 'Die GrossenHomoScheißeHaus', is holding a commemorative evening in your honor, and ve vould liking very much for you to attend. Zere will be many people dressed as Screech as well as lots und lots of hot rimming action, cleaveland steamers, golden showering, und so forz.


    25th November 2004 - 02:21:28 PM    
11288 : billy
i have too goie to bathroomiee right nowie

    25th November 2004 - 02:28:27 PM    
11289 : momma
Your going to bed after Circus Bitch

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