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    05th December 2004 - 01:32:48 PM    
11512 : Alf
Hey, Dustin old buddy! It's Alf! How ya keepin' up these days?

I was wondering if you would be willing to meet up in a public restroom sometime, so I can munch all the lint out of your ass-crack that has been collecting over months of wearing Zubaz without underwear and not bathing. I'm sure there's plenty of other yummy goodies encrusted betwixt your rosey butt cheecks too! After that, I can fuck your ass with my long snout, felch out the muck, and snowball it into your mouth!

Whaddaya say, old pal?

    05th December 2004 - 01:40:38 PM    
11513 : Prick Slippersly
Jim- (11511) If Dustin is a "profiteer", why does he give the DVDs away for free? How does he make a profit?

Dustin- I've recently grownth a fifth testicle. Very few humans are able to tea-bag me. I noticed that you have a particularly large mouth while watching "Who's Eating Gilbert's Gape?", especially in the scene where the two large black men swordfight in your mouth after they double-dong your ass. I was wondering if you would like to attempt squeezing all five of my testicles in your mouth. Will you be behind the usual dumpster, the one that has "Double Dog Rules #1" smeared with blood and semen on the side this weekend? If so, make sure not to trim your goatee, as will want a tickling sensation for my taint while you tea-bag me.

    05th December 2004 - 01:49:07 PM    
11514 : Jim Ansel
Mr. Slippersly, those free dvds are samples of his wares. Once viewed - if wanted more - the persons must purschase the rest of his volumes.

    05th December 2004 - 02:06:32 PM    
11515 : Alf
PS Dusty - in the meantime, here are some hot pix of me to get you going!

    05th December 2004 - 03:26:35 PM    
11516 : Alf
Those pictures are from my college days, when I didn't know where my life was going. They're publicity shots from "The Alien In My Anus," which co-starred Tony Danza and Oscar the Grouch as a bickering gay couple during the Great Depression. Sesame Street was on hiatus so Oscar needed to feed his kids somehow, and Tony Danza always needs work. You should check this film out some time, Dustin. There's a great scene where Oscar sodomizes Tony with various items from the garbage: moldy, half-eaten sandwiches, tampons, band-aids, a syrenge, etc. Its extremely hot.

    05th December 2004 - 03:37:20 PM    
11517 : A Penguin
HARK! Hey, Dustin. I really loved you on Saved by the Bell. HARK! And that porno you did, "Shaved by the Balls" was awesome. I saw your comedy routine when you came to Fire Island last year. HARK! That thing about airplanes is hilarious and also its true. HARK! I really identify with you, man. Are you into penguins? 'Cause gay man-penguin sex can really be hot HARK! and if you don't believe me ask Bob Saget. HARK! I'm gay!

    05th December 2004 - 05:21:43 PM    

    05th December 2004 - 06:56:47 PM    
11519 : Pat Robertson
Hey D-Man! Listen, I was taking a major-league dump just now when half-way through I thought to myself 'wouldn't it be cool if this toilet was actually Dustin's mouth??'. This thought was so erotic that it immediately caused me to sport a massive hard-on which then blew a nice thick ropey load all over the miniature Jesus statue I keep in my bathroom! Sacreligious!!

Then when I wiped, there was blood on the paper, which sent another load flying, this time out of the window and on to my wife's face! Life sure is wacky!!!

    05th December 2004 - 07:16:16 PM    
11520 : Jerry Falwell
Hey, Roberto! I was just shoving some ferile kittens up my ass when I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be totally bitchin' if Pat Robertson was here so I could shit these kittens out onto his chest?" This thought was so erotic that it immediately caused my scrotum to explode, coating my beloved Old Testament, which is personally signed by Jesus, with blood, semen, and portions of rubbery nutsack skin. Halle-homo-luja!

Let's get together this tuesday so you can lube my fat rolls and fuck them. I'll load up on Taco Bell and moonshine so we can scat-swap for Jesus! The Lord works in homoerotic ways!

    05th December 2004 - 08:51:18 PM    
11521 : Billy Graham
Jerry, you and Pat ought to head out to the cathedral where just about every weekend something weird happens. I just got this in an email, Praise Jesus Sauce, and thought you two perverts might enjoy it.
FUCK ON, in the name of the Board!

My sister had something like this cathedral rape story but when she got raped it was in her butt while she was visiting Korea. she reported that the priest took her into the confession booth and gave her the 'butt fucking of my life'. She said that his cock was like a cork screw and after the first hour of being sodomized, she asked him to move into her pussy as her asshole was bleeding. he said "FUCK NO" and kept up with the thrusts until he came a number of times. Then told her to "REPENT IN THE NAME OF JESUS".....She went back more times but never found that priest again.

    05th December 2004 - 08:56:39 PM    
11522 : investigative reporter
Are Chachi and Rocco the same person - Bradley McMunn?

Compare the top email listed on Pastor Jim's website to the following message by Rocco, both of which were apparently posted/sent on December 1, 2004:

We all know that Chachi's email address is Chachi, have you been playing both sides of the fence?

    05th December 2004 - 11:20:22 PM    
11523 :
Mr. Diamond, meet behind next to the dumpster in the alley behind "the Manhole" tomorrow night at 9:45 p.m. sharp. I will be wearing the greasy permed mullet and will answer to the name "Slater".

    06th December 2004 - 01:10:56 AM    
11524 :
screech, i found this picture of the new class on the internet:

the nerd in the bottom row kind of looks like you. what is his name? i'd like to squirt my load in his eye.

    06th December 2004 - 01:58:55 AM    
11525 :

    06th December 2004 - 08:27:43 AM    
11526 : Rocco
When posting to the Great Pastor Jims website I was hoping he would visit and draw his ire. Seeing that I had to list an email he could respond to what better address then the lovable Chachi who we havn't seen in awhile! Unfortunaltely it didnt work but I plan on still queering up the Pastors Board since he lists them all with responses. And Bradley McMunn is the name of an ex lover who gave me herpes!

    06th December 2004 - 09:28:28 AM    
11527 :
I have sent another gay message to the great pastor, many more will follow. I encourage you all to do the same ---- I emailed you Pastor to help and give me spiritual guidance and instead you blew me off as some sort of joke. I am a flaming queer Pastor and I feel that I need to change my path and serve the Lord. I asked for your prayers, which I doubt you remembered me in because I didn't have the strength to stay away from my favorite queer hot spots. I went to some dumpsters behind a gay bookstore, where I usually go to hook up with some random guy, and I had intercourse with a man who had a hook nose, zubaz pants and a Jew fro. After he unloaded his man butter in me, I went home and cried for a while, thinking about what I'd done. Last night I went to a Christian bookstore where I bought a bible. I have started reading it, and I now see more than ever that I need help in changing my queer ways. Please Pastor Jim, I ask you and you congregation to remember me in your prayers to give me the strength to be a better person. It has been two days since I last had anal intercourse with a man, and sadly I must say yesterday morning I sucked on a mans penis while we watched the Wiggles, he was a man of black and Jew heritage. If I repent and change my ways and be more like you, will I be able to enter Heaven and join in the Glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ? P.S. - It pains me to say this, but when I look at your sons picture, my gaydar flies off the chart. Do you suspect that he may be harboring homosexual tendencies? You should take him out hunting or to some rallies protesting blacks to knock the gayness out of him. If my father had done that to me at a young age, I'm sure I wold be married to a women and I would be oppressing her, like God wants us to.

    06th December 2004 - 10:42:30 AM    
11528 :
Your efforts are in vain! True Christian is a parody site making fun of idiot Christians. Pastor Jim is most likely a hellbound Liberal Jew-boy commie professor, not a wacky fundamentalist pastor. Its a joke. I mean, I'm sure he enjoys reading your hot stories, but its just a joke site.

    06th December 2004 - 11:02:32 AM    
11529 :
I know it's a joke, but he's getting off thinking that I think it's for real, In reality I'm going to fuck with him, and give him some stroke fodder.

    06th December 2004 - 12:12:40 PM    

    06th December 2004 - 12:40:47 PM    
11531 :
Dennis Haskins got me drunk last night and anal raped me until my asshole bleed everywhere. After he came inside me he kissed me on the lips and said Dustin was much better, than he punched me in the stomache. I fell over and came back up swinging. I knocked him out so I took advantage of him. I gave him a pair of arabian goggles and streched his anus out. I can't wait to see him again.

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