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    15th May 2005 - 11:02:23 AM    
13549 : BOBANDCHAD.NET BobAndChad.Net BOBANDCHAD.NET - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainment - The Lord of Entertainmen

    15th May 2005 - 11:20:51 AM    
13550 : seamus
so screech likes the cock?

    15th May 2005 - 12:42:40 PM    
13551 : Dner
RE: 13550

Screech loves the cock. He lights up a cock cigar everyfuckingnight. I've seen him jerk off four bumbs on Santa Monica Blvd. You should have seen the grin on his face when they shot their loads all over him. Not to mention the time he got picked up by four cops for spit roastinga tranny in a Jack in the Box bathroom. Man, he's all about the penis.

    15th May 2005 - 05:08:27 PM    
13552 : Princess Peussie, goddess at Greeley coloraod
Hey fuckers, i'm so fucking stoned I cannto speld colorado. or whatever eI amn but b;ut damn these enemas parties are fun...SH TI, man Jordan is here and he can take a gallon on coffee...up his ass and then hit the dumpster scene like BIG SHITEVERYWHERE...hey fuckers, hand me that bong....let's party...Mary mount there at the Beach mass just stepped on a turd and its' goodey....gooey...something like that....but Dustin was here and that nerd just doesn't ahve a dlue....clue...screw...what a nasty boy goy he is inspite of the fact that he's a methodist and not a jew...he's beebullt hsniiting sbullshitting us now for year. GOY BOY....take a note: Precious little angel....Oh yeh, spread your shit on my OX , your stories are so limp....FAG.
JESUS RULES FOR FUCKING AND SUCKING SURE, DUDES....You think Strangers with Candy is weird,2 YOU aint seeen ntohgin gnothing5nothing you tg;urds.

    15th May 2005 - 05:30:44 PM    
13553 : Gordo from the Royal Palace of Peussie
Has anyone here on this board tried this new cocncept of edging to help supplement the jelqing activites? I have tried this now for about the past 3 weeks. My personal trainer here in nasterville mentioned this to me, and said it would help to minimize some of the pressue that has built up in my anus from the hours of jelqing and fingering that have come to me from prayer in the monastery. Damn why the fuck did I become a priest? I'd prefer to be working at that Academy of Jelqing in chestnut hill along with Professor Steve Nelsen, who now teacher an advanced course in proctology and edging, as it relates to the History of the Anus and Papacy. Right on, Sasha Baron Cohen! YOU IS MY MAN. reSpekt!
Anyway: So I got into the argument with a friend about the difference in edging and jelqing...and he said THERE IS NO DIFFERNECe but hey, after a few joints, I know that jelqin g GET SME THERE AND GETS THE JOB DONE insptie of the swelling and pain. Ask Prof. Nelsen....he's swollen and =nevertheless he's 8 inches strong at this time without Jelqing...but IF he keeps jelqing like he does at that workout place, WOW, he's going to have a master dick that NONE of us will be able to swallow.
SO that's the news for the moment, Jelqers...

    15th May 2005 - 06:09:25 PM    
13554 : Maxwell Nerdstrom
Hey Screech, remember the time Mr. Belding came into your class and said he was putting on a magic show, and was looking for an assistant? Remember how overjoyed you were, because you idolized Belding and wanted to spend lots of time with him? Remember how he asked for volunteers to put their hands up, and you puts yours up just as high as you could? Remember how he said 'OK Screech, meet me in the gym after class', and you almost spooged in your pants?

Remember how you went to the gym after class, and Belding was there with Zack and Slater, who he said would be supervising? Remember how you immediately sported an erection when you saw Belding in his magician's tuxedo? Remember how he said it was time for the first trick, and he needed to give you a blindfold? Remember how you were suprised when Zack and Slater grabbed you by the arms and pinned you to the ground? Remember how Belding said he was going to give you a 'chocolate blindfold', and he dropped trow, squatted over your face, and laid a nice meaty log over both of your eyes? Remember how the bacteria from the shit caused your eyes to swell up? Remember how Belding, Slater & Zack said they'd "wash it out" and then pissed all over your face, causing your eyes to swell up so much you couldn't see anything at all?

Remember how, just as you started to get your sight back, you heard a voice say "hey there, snowflake", and you were able to make out Milo the Janitor standing over you? Remember how Belding said "time for Milo to use his magic wand", and as your sight returned, you saw that Milo was sporting an enormous erection, and they had painted the helmet of his penis white, so that it looked like a magic wand? Remember how Milo said "I dunno Belding, it looks like Screech might want to try some 'sword swallowing'" and without warning he thrust his Pringles can-sized cock deep into your mouth? Remember how Belding, Zack and Slater stood there masturbating, and then Slater stuck his dick up Belding's ass, and he bent over, and Zack stuck his dick in his mouth, spit-roasting him? Remember how Milo exclaimed "oh shit, here cum de MAGIC!!!!!" and blew an enormous load down your throat? Remember how Slater, Belding and Zack then proceeded to blow their loads down your throat? Remember how your stomach was so full of jizz you thought it was going to explode, and you passed out? Remember how, when you came to, most of the school was stood around you, pointing and laughing, because I had called them all there to point and laugh at you? LOL!!!!!!1!!

PS fuck off Peussie, you shit-sucking monkey rapist

    15th May 2005 - 06:51:30 PM    
13555 : Dner
Right on Maxwell Nerdstrom

    15th May 2005 - 08:16:51 PM    
13556 : Miglena
feeling bored? then why not try some sports betting to win some cash

    15th May 2005 - 11:22:34 PM    
13557 : Ox
Screech, remember that episode where you were playing kickball during gym class at Bayside? Remember when Kelly was at the plate and she kicked the ball to you while you were playing shortstop? Remember when you fielded the ball and wildly threw it toward Zack, the first baseman? Remember when you were so uncoordinated that the ball slipped as you threw it and it hit the second baseman in the head? Remember when the second basement was a weirdo that liked to be called the "Prince"? Remember when everyone thought he was a complete faggot? Remember how he was the only kid in school that you could beat up, as he was even more scrawny than you? Remember when he got up after you hit hit with the kickball and came at you crying and screaming like the big pussy that he was? Remember when he swung at you with flailing arms? Remember when you kicked him in the nuts and he fell over? Remember when a crowd started forming around you two yelling "FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!!" as you squared off with the Prince? Remember when Mr. Belding ran out in the gym and said "hey, hey, hey, waht is going on here?" Remember when the Prince ran over to Belding and told him that you hit him with the kickball for no reason? Remember when Mr. Belding picked up the kickball and said "was it this kickball, you stupid FAGGOT?" as he whipped the ball at your face from a distance of a mere 10 feet away? Remember when the ball hit the Prince in his face, shattering his nose and spraying blood everywhere? Remember when the entire class started laughing and called the Prince a stupid piece of cocksucking shit? Remember when Slater said "whoa, that's a lot of blood" as Zack gave the Prince a legsweep, knocking him to the ground? Remember when Slater dropped trow and then dropped an HIV+ pile of shit on the Prince's bloody nose? Remember when the HIV from Slater's feces made its way into the Prince's bloodstream, giving the Prince HIV? Remember when Mr. Dewey, the science teacher, ran into the gym with a syringe and said "Prince, take this, it will make you better" as he injected the Prince? Remember when he finished the injection and then told everyone he had just injected the Prince with the Ebola virus? Remember when everyone started laughing? Remember how the Prince was a bloody, fecal-covered mess by this point? Remember when you said "alright, he's had enough... JUST KIDDING, WE'RE JUST GETTING WARMING UP!!!" as you kicking the Prince in the nuts and then yanked off his gym shorts? Remember when everyone laughed because the Prince was hung like a gnat? Remember when Slater, Zack, Mr. Belding, Maxwell Nerdstrom, and Mr. Dewey took turns stomping on the Prince's tiny hairless beanbag? Remember when I said "let me have a chance! I'm strong like an OX?" Remember when I stomped so hard on the Prince's nuts that his nutsack broke open and his tiny balls rolled out? Remember when Salter said "Prince, I think these belong to you" as he stuffed then down the Prince's throat? Remember when the Prince was in the hospital for months afterward and has been seeing a psychiatrist for years? Remember when you went to your 10-year Bayside high school reunion and discovered that the Prince had a sex change and now goes by the name "Princess Puessie"? Remember when Princess Peussie started posting retarded things in message board because he thinks they are funny, when in reality only a stupid fecal-munching pervert would find any of his postings funny? You and the Bayside gang sure screwed over the Prince in that episode!

    16th May 2005 - 12:08:50 AM    
13558 : cum guzzler
prince puessie, you're a donkey raping shit-eater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    16th May 2005 - 12:34:30 AM    
13559 :

    16th May 2005 - 12:50:18 AM    
13560 : Dner
Keep rocking Ox

    16th May 2005 - 12:58:26 AM    
13561 :
peussie, you're a bigger joke than diamond! you fucking piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    16th May 2005 - 03:34:40 AM    
13562 :
man, this guestbook has been kicking fucking ass!
it almost makes a mysterious figure from the past want to return...

    16th May 2005 - 12:54:17 PM    
13563 : Dner
Where is Fagbusters and Kurt Steinberg!?

    16th May 2005 - 01:12:24 PM    
13564 : Maxwell Nerdstrom
Hey "Prince", do you remember how, back in Bayside, you used to call yourself "Prince" because you were in love with Prince (the pop star)? Remember how you used to wear frilly shirts and eyeliner to school, because you were a total faggot? Remember the time I walked into the AV Room and caught you masturbating to 'Purple Rain'? Remember how you blew your load all over the monitor screen at the bit during 'Darling Nikki' where Prince starts humping the stage? Remember how I snuck up behind you and donkey-punched you in the back your permed head? Remember how you hit the floor like a sack of shit and started crying for mommy, even though you never knew your parents because they both abandoned you when young for being a worthless piece of human excrement? Remember how I proceeded to kick the living shit out of you, despite the fact that I was a wimpy nerd who couldn't fight for toffee? Remember how, after I'd finished, and you were laid on the floor battered and bruised, I said "time for a chocolate cream pie fight!", and you asked me what that was, and I took a shit in my hand and pushed it right in your face? Remember how I made sure that as much as possible of the warm, slimy shit went into your mouth and nose? Remember how I then picked up one of the TV monitors and smashed it over your head? Remember how, because I then went outside and told Belding and Milo that you were in there unconscious, they went in and started double-teaming you? Remember how you came to to find Belding's cock in your mouth, and Milo's in your ass? You fucking deserved everything you got at Bayside, you dopey faggot!

    16th May 2005 - 01:45:56 PM    
13565 : Gord
Anybody keen on foreskin?

Love to chat about how to enjoy it!


    16th May 2005 - 04:44:54 PM    
13566 : Miglena, here to defend Princess Peussie from SHIT
Greetings again from Lima, where we party until that last scrotum is drained! Just recently someone left this message at the Peussie Altar at the MOnkey Cave, and I didn't give it much thought...but then I wondered "Hey who the hell wrote this? this person knows TOO MUCH." So if anyone knows, send the news directly to me. Don't forget. Next Sunday is the Annual Bake Sale to raise money to get Peussie back to the WHITE OUT HOUSE there in DC. Get out and EAT!!
Here's the statement::::::::
Number one, I have a wonderful set of dildos that I like... that I paid for!  It's been reported that I steal everything since I make so little money from sucking off the guys in the local gang. My weekly allowance couldn't cover it, you little queers but that doesn't stop me from hanging out with Mojo and his enema clan and getting what I want after their massive evacuations during prayer meetings and love-ins. Secondly, I'm old enough to buy a bra and vote in the Clutch-Step-Drag Events in Pasadena and anything else I want. If you would sit back and look at how RIDICULOUS you are, you might learn something like how to be another miserable fag out on the toilet seat in the countryside PEAKING OUT THAT DAMNED LITTLE OUTHOUSE WINDOW. I understand why you aren't getting any joy from all of that vomit you create when you sing along with Peussie at the Monkey Cave.  She fucking hates you too and has put out the hit list with YOU at the top.

    16th May 2005 - 04:52:46 PM    
13567 : Dustin Diamond

I also enjoy foreskin, and I find it very tasty with a good spaghetti sauce and a glass of red wine.


The Dust

    16th May 2005 - 04:53:45 PM    
13568 : Prot Dik
The sikh religion is a shitty faith

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