21st June 2006 - 08:50:40 PM |
78021 : |
thanks Balsac Tebager...lol i am gonna be soooooo pissed if this t shirt thing works for him. now i hear hes selling bricks to his house for 00 a pop. does anyone know if this bullshit tshirt thing is actually paying off for him??? |
21st June 2006 - 08:52:24 PM |
78022 : Duder |
Monkey Island. Long Live YTMND! |
21st June 2006 - 08:53:03 PM |
78023 : Kurt Steinberg |
Hey Diamond, in this 2005 article you mentioned that you and Jennifer got married on November 5, 2003: http://www.mkeonline.com/story.asp?id=357162 However, when you were on the Howard Stern Show last week you said that Jennifer was just your fiancee: http://www.bestsharing.com/files/ms00165183/stern%20with%20scheech.mp3.html Please explain these inconsistencies! I find it odd that you mentioned a specific date on which you were married in the article if you were not, in fact, married. And to later tell your fans that you are only engaged, not married, is perplexing. Is there still hope for the queers who post here? We'd all like a piece of your ass!!! |
21st June 2006 - 09:12:08 PM |
78024 : diamondcutter |
Sounds like a fake wife to me, Steinberg!!! |
21st June 2006 - 09:31:52 PM |
78025 : Gay Zack |
Diamond, despite all the deception to your fans I still want to put my love rod inside your shit pipe! |
21st June 2006 - 10:16:42 PM |
78026 : Kurt Steinberg |
Hey Diamond, I noticed that you're now selling bricks on your website for 00 - http://www.getdshirts.com/buy.php Are you seeling these because nobody is buying your t-shirts? Why don't you get a real job instead of being such a whiney bitch? Everyone else has to work to survive. Why should it be any different for you? You're not good-looking, you're not a good actor, are you certainly aren't even funny!!! You should have been kissing the ground you walk on when you lucked into the Screech role and played it for 10+ years, earning ,000,000! Instead you blew it all. Maybe your parents took soome of it, but it sure seems as though you're responsible for most of the blown money! But don't take this the wrong way - I still want to fire my seed down your throat and fart in your mouth. Is that cool with you? |
21st June 2006 - 10:41:25 PM |
78027 : |
too all of you that include links that are in the losers favor you are only encouraging the fuckheads that come here and like him to visit them!!!!!!!!! |
21st June 2006 - 10:51:30 PM |
78028 : Rachel |
HI Dustin...i write you because i'm bored...a little and i wish you read this letter...i feel you are the BEST actor/comedian (and definately the best part of SBTB!)...yeah...i love your comedic style, quirkiness, everything...my favourite SBTB episode is the one where you won Ms. Bayside... I try to watch SBTB like everyday...i feel very great when i watch SBTB...yeah...hahaha... ok dustin...i wish you read this...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.... RaCh27! |
21st June 2006 - 11:09:09 PM |
78029 : |
that fag now has the support of Jeff Foxworthy! I guess he's going to get his house back now. HAHAHAHAHA Dustin you should just give up right now and kill yourself. You've made a fool of yourself and are hated by almost every comedian and almost any fan you ever had. Take out a good life insurance policy so Jennifer will have enough beef and cheddars to carry her past the hibernation period. Before you do that go on a gay sexual rampage and get yourself pumped with plenty of HIV+ semen. At least do this to make your life seem almost worthwhile. |
21st June 2006 - 11:17:38 PM |
78030 : Kurt Steinberg |
You have to listen to the fruity audio clips Diamond put on his website: http://www.getdshirts.com/free.php In one of them he says he's going to lose his house and have to live under a bridge. I'll bet he'd live with a homeless man or a troll under the bridge have have lots of queer sex! |
21st June 2006 - 11:21:23 PM |
78031 : |
How many Dustin Diamonds does it take to change a lightbulb? None, he doesn't even have any lightbulbs to change because his house is being repo'd lol |
21st June 2006 - 11:22:46 PM |
78032 : Gay Zack |
Hey Kurt, when Dustin finally loses his house we should fing out where he's squating and all take turns losing a load in his puckered shit pipe! We can get the whole gang together and really spit roast him like he used to do to homeless guys on the set of SBTB after hours. Screech, you need to take down that pathetic site begging for money because I go there looking for stroke material only to find my boner shrink down into my body! Remember your queer fans. We kept you in the spotlight and we can continue to do so, but you have to let us all pull a homo train on your wizards sleeve ass. |
21st June 2006 - 11:23:16 PM |
78033 : who cares |
http://www.screechsucks.com/ |
22nd June 2006 - 01:06:37 AM |
78034 : flossin |
screech, remember the episode where slater invited you over for dinner? remember how he said he was having "real mexican bean burritos"? remember how excited you were because you had never tried real mexican food before? remember you got there and sat down at the dinner table while he fixed some "real mexican bean burritos" for you? remember how when you weren't looking he dumped his 3 year old sister's potty into some tortilla shells? remember how you kept talking about how good they were and ate 6 of them? remember when you were fininshed and he revealed to you that you had just eaten toddler feces? remember when you ran to the bathroom and threw up? remember when you were face down, puking into the toilet and slater came in? remember how he tore off your zubaz and started pounding your ass rapidly with dick his while forcing your head into the toilet bowl? remember how he kept slamming the lid on your head until you were unconscious? remember how you woke up face first in a pile of soiled diapers? |
22nd June 2006 - 01:08:28 AM |
78035 : Neil Diamond |
Screech where are you???????????? You are not tending to my penis and ass needs like a good jew son should!!!!!!!!!!! I'm NEIL DIAMOND, give it up son! |
22nd June 2006 - 01:13:36 AM |
78036 : screech\'s zoinker |
i am screech's zoinker. screech often plays with me until i throw up. usually i throw up a tiny drop of white stuff on hound dog or pictures of a.c. slater. i'm about two inches long. screech has lied about me in the past, saying that i am 10 inches long. screech stuck me in his obese wife or fiancee or whatever the other day. yuck :( |
22nd June 2006 - 02:20:36 AM |
78037 : |
screech, i bet your sbtb alumni are really enjoying watching your already pathetic career hit all time new lows as you beg for money to save your shitty wisconsin home. i bet they have recurring jokes about how you met your fat, ugly wife at arby's. what kind of pathetic white trash meets someone at arby's anyways? was arby's the only place you could find with someone disgusting enough to marry you? who the fuck would be dumb enough to think you had money? or have standards low enough to find you attractive? was she impressed when you upsized your meal or paid 50 cents extra for more cheese on your montanna smoked stacker? that hag looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. what does this say about you? a guy whos touring the country speaking at colleges 300 days a year and the best he can come up with is some fat bitch from arby's who looks like she's retarded. screech fuck you and fuck your house, what the fuck makes you think you deserve that place anyways? if you want money, go suck some cocks!!!! |
22nd June 2006 - 02:45:44 AM |
78038 : you fag |
dustin you are a piece of shit. did lying about the size of your dick make you feel better about begging for money on the radio to millions of listeners? well guess what? nobody believes you! |
22nd June 2006 - 02:50:53 AM |
78039 : here\'s an idea |
lets set up a site with a url similar to dustin's shirt site that sells shirts that say "i paid to put dustin out of his house" all of the funds could be put towards more dustin homosexual/hate sites and into a legal fund to help the broker he's slandering sue his ass off. |
22nd June 2006 - 05:07:01 AM |
78040 : GW Bailey |
Hey Screech! Do you remember when you were approached to do Mannequin III: On the run, following on from box office flop Mannequin II? Remember how they couldn't afford Andrew McCarthy or Kim Cattrall? Remember how your name was Jonathan "Midas" Switcher, so called because you were a pretenious "shop dress artist" who loved to dress up in women's clothes and dress up mannequins in sexually awkward positions, which - for some odd unknown reason, would wow the lobotimised shoppers who'd walk pass your crappy mall on a daily basis? Remember how your Mannquein came to life and it was a man? Remember how Hollywood Montrose, the black guy, caught you with your pants down and the mannquin's hands were on your pants and Montrose quipped "At least he'll never tell you that your asshole is too fat." and then clicked his fingers for like five minutes for no apparant reason, before leaving by saying "Mmmm". Remember how you looked at him as if he were on crack or something? Remember how the production team convinced GW Bailey and his pet dog Rambo to return to true comic-relief fashion by making prat falls and witty remarks about how scared Rambo was of Mannequins? Remember how GW Bailey was chasing you through the mall yelling "SWITCHER!!!!!!" at the top of his lungs as if you were a convicted felon? Remember how you don't remember why you were running from Bailey, or indeed why he was chasing you? Remember how you thought he didn't take the joke about his eyebrows being taken off in Police Academy One all that well? Remember how Bailey caught your man-manquein shoving it's plastic todger up your brownpipe and Bailey proclaimed "You are one... sick... puppy!" whilst Rambo did his trademark "Sieg Heil" paw raise thing and ran off barking like a dog? Remember how the dummy asked "Can you believe this dummy? And I'm the one made out of wood!" and you replied "Well I have some wood too!" and you two started to make out in the hammock whilst the song "Nothin's gonna stop us now" was filling the cinema? Remember how there was a shot of Bailey hurling in the background and yelling "PROCTOR!" and it was obviousily re-recorded, much like the end of "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" and he was saying "Rambo!" instead, and it didn't match what he was saying? Remember how later on in the film you were on the run because Bailey framed you for the assassination of Mannequin billionaire tycoon, Phil Rubenstein? Remember how Bailey was gonna turn your mannquein into shreds by shoving it into a paper shredder? Remember how you saved the mannquein to the awful power ballad "I need a hero!" by swinging on a vine from the world's highest floor to the paper shredder and saved your man-manequin from recieving a paper cut? Remember how at that very instant the mannquein came alive for no reason other than plot expidency? Remember how the model said "You know what you need to do right now? You need to put this whole nasty affair out of your mind. Now, how is the best way to do that, huh? Huh? By having a night of distastable sex with someone you care absolutely nothing about! And proudly, I would like to be that hobo." Remember how you accepted and the mannequin started to dump its plastic load down the many ravages of your HIV+ infected shit-hole? Remember after the many shared loads you laid back and proclaimed "Switcher is the wind!" Remember how a fully fledged Delta Force team suddenly bust through the windows and door out of nowhere and totally out of the blue shoved a shotgun right in your face and Bailey proclaimed "I GOT YOU NOW SWITCHER!"? Remember how the mannequin kicked Bailey in the balls and said that Bailey was responsible for kidnapping him? Remember how the police totally believed the mannequin out of all context and took Bailey to the funny farm whilst he screamed "HE'S THE DUMMY! HE'S THE DUMMY!"? Remember how Rambo hilariousily saluted the mannequin with a stiffy? Remember how you got a pitched tent too? Remember how you took the mannequin and the dog back home to spit-roast heaven? Remember how the mannequin, pulling out of your colon whispered in your ear that he had a secret and he wanted to share it with you? Remember how the mannequin moved your hair away from your ear and whispered that it was HE that killed the Mannequin tycoon Phil Rubenstein and you did it so that all the mannequin's could live free, free like the wind, and would be therefore free to RULE The world? Remember how you suddenly got a vision of scary looking plastic men walking the streets of London shooting people with lasers in their plastic hands in a scene that was obviousily lifted from that Doctor Who episode which scared you as a kid? Remember how the mannequin donkey punched you and began to rape the bejesus out of you, only stopping to make a loud, evil manical laugh directly into the camera as it zoomed into the eyes of the mannequin and the scene faded to black? Remember how a voice suddenly said "Now let's make babies!" and the last words of this dreadful movie was your famous catchphrase, ie: "ZOIIIINKS!"? That sure tought you to mess with mannequin's! |