22nd June 2006 - 07:41:11 AM |
78041 : Captain Useful |
So to summarize, Screech is about the world's biggest loser right now, is hated by everyone, and the only way he can redeem himself is to apologize publicly for his conduct, ditch the fake wife, come out, and take up a lucrative career in the gay porn industry. So do it Screech, you fucking tool!! |
22nd June 2006 - 07:56:56 AM |
78042 : Rusty Trombone |
Hey again Screech. I just can't keep away from Denny's right now. It seems every time I go there I find some kind of action. Last night it was a homeless dude out back of a nearby branch. He was a middle-aged black guy called Tobias. Inevitably, I asked if he fancied making a quick buck, and as always, and inevitably, he jumped at the chance. So I told him to lie down on the pavement, and open his mouth and close his eyes and he would get a big suprise. He did so, and the big suprise was me dropping a deuce in his mouth. I've been on a high-fiber diet recently and it fucking stank, but he gobbled it down like the hungry dog he was. Then I straddled his face and stuck my balls in his mouth, one thing lead to another, and I came on his face and in his lank, flea-infested hair. He looked ashamed with my thick white ropes streaking his face, but he still had the tenacity to say "where's my money, motherfucker??". That's when I said "I'm not done yet", and flipped him over and pulled down his filthy shit and piss stained pants. Using a nearby discarded coathanger I prized his asshole open and used the wire to shoehorn my still-hard cock deep inside him. After a few chafing pumps, he squealed like a little girl and started to bleed; I was so turned on I shot my second load deep inside him. My balls were aching from the consecutive orgasms so I decided to take my leave of this smelly piece of shit, and I took out a dollar bill and shoved it deep inside his gaping, cum-filled rectal cavity. |
22nd June 2006 - 08:00:17 AM |
78043 : Skeletor |
Hey Screech, Remember your chance encounter with Skeletor on the set of the sub-bar hit movie Masters of the Universe (1987)? Remember how you smarly asked him if he "thought was overacting"? Remember how you snooted when Skeletor replied "No! I was the best thing in this movie!" Remember how he got really upset with you when you kept pestering Skeletor about his repressed homosexual feelings for He-Man? Remember how you tugged on his blue cape demanding to know if Gwildor tasted good and you begged Skeletor for He-man's earth address so you could hook up with him and let him save you from the various torments of your Saved by the Bell bullies? Remember how he said "I'm not in the giving mood today!"? Remember how you tried to donkey punch him in the gut and he barked "Not the way to treat your beloved ruler!" and smacked you against your bushy hair? Remember how he snarled "I ache to SMASH MY MEAT INTO YOUR BONY ASS AND DRIVE YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE! To DRIVE your cursed face FROM MY MEMORIES FOREVER!" b |
22nd June 2006 - 08:08:09 AM |
78044 : Skeltor |
before dropping tro' and ripping off your cursed zubaz pants? Remember how he calmly said "Everything comes to he who waits... and I have waited so very long for this moment." Remember how you murmed: "You don't dare... I'll tell my mommy!" Remember how Skeletor retorted "I DARE ANYTHING! I am Skeletor! It is my destiny! It is my right! NOTHING shall deter me from it!" Remember how you thought you were clever when you said "Men who crave power look back on the mistakes of their lives. Pile them altogether and call it destiny."? Remember how Skeletor laughed and replied "Thank you for that "bit of philosophy, Screech. Here is my response!" and slapped you right across your face with the back of his hand, leaving a bright red bruise? "People of Earth! I stand before the Great Anus of the Screech. Chosen by destiny by the powers of homosexuality! This inevitable moment will transpire before your eyes, even as Screech himself bears witness to it. Now. I, Skeletor, am Master of Screech's Universe!" |
22nd June 2006 - 08:14:35 AM |
78045 : Skeletor |
Remember how Skeletor unvieled his "Sword of Greyskull" and yelled "Yes, Screech! The Sword of Greyskull! In your ass... Now, and forever!" Remember how he rubbed his unlubed cock against your unwilling anus and you whimppered like a dog? Remember how he whispered in your ear "How sensitive you are! Can you feel - THIS?" just as he shoved his bone right up there and you cried out loud? Remember how he bumbed and grinded your ass? Remember how he said "YES! Yes... I feel it, the hole... fills me. Yes, I feel Screech's universe within me! I am... I am a part of his cosmos! The cream flows... Flows through him!"? Remember how he snarled "Of what consequence are you now? This planet, these people. They are NOTHING to me! Screech's bum universe is power! Real, unstoppable POWER! and I am that force! I am that power!" Remember how he left your anus and replied under his breath that he had left "Your precious anus left hanging like an old crone. Weak. Withering. Dying....Are you ready to kneel now, proud warrio |
22nd June 2006 - 08:21:53 AM |
78046 : Skeletor |
Remember how he pulled out and demanded you "KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER!"? Remember how you didn't? Remember how he yelled "Fool! you are no longer my EQUAL! I am more than man! MORE THAN LIFE! I... am... a... GOD!" before unleashing his man juice all over your winy face? Remember as the bukkake cream covered your face he yelled "Now. You... will... KNEEEEEL! KNEEEEL!" before laser beams came out of his eyes? You sure got screwed became "Master of the Universe" that day! |
22nd June 2006 - 09:59:04 AM |
78047 : |
oh shit, my buddy who lives in wisconsin just told me that dustin has died of the superaids. I really hope this isn't true. |
22nd June 2006 - 10:08:55 AM |
78048 : diamondcutter |
If Dustin is dead, his fake wife better give back all of the money from the t-shirts!!! |
22nd June 2006 - 10:16:48 AM |
78049 : SBTB fan |
78047: yes I've just heard the news as well. Apparently dustin was so desperate to save his house that he went out and started servicing random men for money. but he was too poor to afford any protection, so inevitably he developed full-blown superaids and now he is with the angels. :( i am too shocked and saddened to write more. but I hope today is made a national day of mourning. |
22nd June 2006 - 10:22:40 AM |
78050 : Lance |
Diamond is "with the angels"??? I always thought he was a tool of teh devil, like most jews. |
22nd June 2006 - 10:26:40 AM |
78051 : RIP dustin |
oh shit is screetch reealy dead? did he get superaids from Mr belding? or was it milo the janitor? don't go into the light screech!!! |
22nd June 2006 - 10:31:54 AM |
78052 : dustin 4 ever |
shit guys this is serious. I just saw mark paul goselar on the news saying how sad dusitn's passing was. but he said it was also pretty hilarious that dustin died with several liters of hiv+ semen sloshing around in his lower intestine. How insensitive. |
22nd June 2006 - 10:39:28 AM |
78053 : Gay Zack |
I want to take a huge steaming shit on Dustin's corpse and bring along Hound Dog to devour Dustin's entrails. I hope all you will join us for a good time. |
22nd June 2006 - 10:39:32 AM |
78054 : Vic Alex |
Buy cigarettes HERE the cheapest prices!!! I SWEAR Marlboro cigarettes .99 http://www.buy-cigarettes-online.biz http://buy-cigarettes.com.md/ http://cigarette-store.tripod.com/ |
22nd June 2006 - 10:44:00 AM |
78055 : John Poo |
Is it true that super crappy sci-fi actioneer "Paycheck" had a plot stolen from your anal adventures? Is it true that rather than looking at the edge of the universe and we look into the deep dark bowels of your spread wide ass cheeks we can look into a post-apolopytic future where you rule all under your tyrannical dictatorship with posters of your face in profile and where everyone issues prayers to the "Screech on high" and say "ZOINKS" rather than ah-men? |
22nd June 2006 - 11:49:23 AM |
78056 : Rocco |
If Max had given me mod access that actually worked that spam from Vic Alex would already be gone. Vic suck my balls, no one wants your chinese made dog feces filled cigs! ROCCO |
22nd June 2006 - 11:51:27 AM |
78057 : SHADOW |
22nd June 2006 - 11:58:18 AM |
78058 : Vic Alex hater |
I want to pump my semen all over your greasy mullet!!!! |
22nd June 2006 - 12:09:24 PM |
78059 : Gay Zack |
Dammit Shadow, didn't you know this is a queers and haters only site. If you want to jack off over how great he is go to sbtbnow - there's plenty of fucks like you there. Now if you want me to show you how to do a Monroe transfer, than hang out here and posts about the first time your anal virginity was taken by your uncle and father. Did they spit roast you? Have you ever hooked up with them again for some hot incest gay love? |
22nd June 2006 - 12:28:57 PM |
78060 : Corey Haim |
Dustin and I have had a falling out over the final cut of Fart Patrol. I wanted to leave a great nude scene in it where Diamond and I go to a male bathouse and get rubdowns. Diamond got hard and his two inches shows in full frontal fashion. Diamond said it was gratutious and didn't want his "legions" of fans to see him getting aroused in a male bathouse. We are currently in legal entanglements over this issue but since Diamond is using the same lawyer he did for his land contract case I feel that I have the upper hand. I am being represented by my mom who although isn't a lawyer actually likes me a little. I will keep everyone updated on this legal saga! Peace C. Haim |