18th November 2004 - 06:50:53 AM |
11130 : |
Mark Davies - refer to http://www.dustindiamondsucks.com/ |
18th November 2004 - 07:06:45 AM |
11131 : buster buttpirate |
man, screech sure hates fags. what a fucking fascist. |
18th November 2004 - 08:15:53 AM |
11132 : Kurt Steinberg |
Gay Zack, I know that you and Rocco frequent the truck stop, rest stop, dumpster, and bowling alley queer circuits. However, you may also want to the gas station bathroom circuit. I was at one the other day when I tried out my patented "vacuum cleaner" move. Basically, I was doing this dude wheelbarrow style, when I pushed him hard into the stall, his arms gave out and his face hit the floor. Then, with my hard penis still lodged in his cornhole, I pushed his face up and down and all around the bathroom floor, kind of like the way one vacuums a room. The gas station bathroom hadn't been washed since about 1987, so it really had some caked-on urine, shit, and queer jizz on the floor. By the time I was done with this dude, who I only met a couple minutes earlier when I entered the gas station bathroom, his face was coated with the old urine, shit, and queer jizz! You should try it out sometime! It was so arousing. - Kurt Steinberg |
18th November 2004 - 08:22:47 AM |
11133 : billy |
I ateie saldie for mommilie last afternonnie |
18th November 2004 - 12:32:47 PM |
11134 : Gay Zack |
The vacuum cleaner sounds really hot, I think I'll stop by a gas station tonight and try and find someone up for it. Most of the queers on the gas station circuit are up for anything - you can always count on them for some good old fashion scat play. I must go out and find the dirtiest, smelliest shithole to find my cum dumpster prince. |
18th November 2004 - 12:55:50 PM |
11135 : o |
you stink |
18th November 2004 - 01:45:25 PM |
11136 : billee |
i want to go to the bathroom in dustins fase i also want to use his mouth as a human toylet |
18th November 2004 - 01:49:18 PM |
11137 : Rocco |
Hey Kurt thanks for the idea. I will try that sometime soon. Now that winter is here there is no better time for gas station restroom lovin then right after it snows. The floor is all wet and dirty from people tracking in snow and it would be a great time to try the vacuum! ROCCO |
18th November 2004 - 02:39:06 PM |
11138 : |
dustin i wanna lick your asshole clean and then stick my fingers up it |
18th November 2004 - 04:05:21 PM |
11139 : |
Oi Dustin. Where are you now, you big chinned fuzzy haired freakshow? |
18th November 2004 - 05:52:14 PM |
11140 : |
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a |
18th November 2004 - 06:30:26 PM |
11141 : billy |
I goingy havie snhewilew3428888888 for night towel |
18th November 2004 - 07:08:09 PM |
11142 : Phranc |
You people are seriously deranged. GET A LIFE AND FUCK OFF, LOSERS... |
18th November 2004 - 07:31:54 PM |
11143 : Phranc |
By the way I would like to have hot, smelly butt-sex with Dustin. Because he's hot. And his butt smells. Poop! RAINBOW PRYDE 4 EVA!!!!!!!! I'm flaming gay!!! |
18th November 2004 - 07:39:40 PM |
11144 : Pat Robertson |
Dustin - the power of Christ compells you to have hot gay love with me! I know I come across as a bit of a hard-ass on TV, but inside I'm as gay as Richard Simmons! By the way, he's totally hot!! Have you ever met him? I bet you pitched at tent at the sight of his leotard! OOOOOOHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY! |
18th November 2004 - 07:49:04 PM |
11145 : |
Dustin, you fucking fascist. I hate you. |
18th November 2004 - 09:40:11 PM |
11146 : billy |
I ate cokiee and wentie to lunchiee at faaaaaaaalll atfdhjv |
18th November 2004 - 09:45:48 PM |
11147 : momma |
Not making any sense billy. Bed time for you bitch |
18th November 2004 - 09:57:33 PM |
11148 : billy |
But momma whatie I do to desreevvre my cokiee at noonieilie |
18th November 2004 - 10:03:51 PM |
11149 : momma |
Billy. im worried about you. |