23rd November 2004 - 06:28:47 PM |
11230 : help me out |
i wont the bum sex yeah yeah yeah yeah |
23rd November 2004 - 06:34:13 PM |
11231 : Averdeen |
23rd November 2004 - 06:39:51 PM |
11232 : Averdeen |
23rd November 2004 - 06:44:52 PM |
11233 : RoescoL |
23rd November 2004 - 09:10:24 PM |
11234 : Hitler Party |
Will Will is the force inside you that commands. You may hesitate from weariness, anxiety, weakness. Will lifts you over every barrier and orders you to do what your feelings and understanding tell you to do. §A man without will is like a machine without power. It is useless. But "where there is a will, there is a way," and where a will orders, it is obeyed, whether a person follows his own will or men follow the will of a leader. §Where there is faith that comes from strength, it is will that gives it the push. §Exercise your will so that it is as taut and ready as a drawn bowstring, ready to let loose in the moment it should, neither a second too late nor a second too early. Exercise your will in little things until it is strong enough to bring from you that which Germany expects. |
23rd November 2004 - 09:21:38 PM |
11235 : Hitler Party |
Will Will is the force inside you that commands. You may hesitate from weariness, anxiety, weakness. Will lifts you over every barrier and orders you to do what your feelings and understanding tell you to do. §A man without will is like a machine without power. It is useless. But "where there is a will, there is a way," and where a will orders, it is obeyed, whether a person follows his own will or men follow the will of a leader. §Where there is faith that comes from strength, it is will that gives it the push. §Exercise your will so that it is as taut and ready as a drawn bowstring, ready to let loose in the moment it should, neither a second too late nor a second too early. Exercise your will in little things until it is strong enough to bring from you that which Germany expects. |
23rd November 2004 - 11:58:47 PM |
11236 : Hitler Party |
Will Will is the force inside you that commands. You may hesitate from weariness, anxiety, weakness. Will lifts you over every barrier and orders you to do what your feelings and understanding tell you to do. §A man without will is like a machine without power. It is useless. But "where there is a will, there is a way," and where a will orders, it is obeyed, whether a person follows his own will or men follow the will of a leader. §Where there is faith that comes from strength, it is will that gives it the push. §Exercise your will so that it is as taut and ready as a drawn bowstring, ready to let loose in the moment it should, neither a second too late nor a second too early. Exercise your will in little things until it is strong enough to bring from you that which Germany expects. |
24th November 2004 - 12:01:09 AM |
11237 : ? |
what? |
24th November 2004 - 12:04:29 AM |
11238 : Hitler Party |
http://www.nazi.org/party/theory/index.html Our world faces a choice between a humanist system and a naturalist one. Humanism currently benefits the social, industrial and political interests which profit from humankind's lack of direction. Consequently, naturalism is demonized, despite its inherent tendency to focus more on heroic goals than the fear of negativity that generates mass reaction and, consequently, profit. http://www.nazi.org/party/theory/index.html |
24th November 2004 - 04:05:48 AM |
11239 : Hitler Party |
Everyone here at the Hitler Party loves hot Jewish cock. You can't beat it. Oh, and black cock as well. There's nothing like being pounded in the ass by a muscle-bound chocolate warrior. |
24th November 2004 - 08:10:08 AM |
11240 : Roger Rimjob |
The saltythepocketknife forums are getting dangerously un-queer. Help me remedy this immediately, you fucking faggots! |
24th November 2004 - 11:12:05 AM |
11241 : Rocco |
Help me out- I can feel your pain in not knowing the ropes of getting bum sex. I can tell you that the easiest way is by dressing up as screech with sweet zubaz and a fro wig and heading into any major cities ghetto. Even a small city will work. Then head for the dumpsters behing restraunts. Bums need to eat! When you arrive look for a single bum and ask him if he wants to make a quarter or two. This always works. After commencing the deal do as you wish and bang some smelly bum ass! The bums love this and it really is a way to give back to the community. I will be having a feast with the bums tomorrow and cant wait for my first slice of bum ass with cranberry sauce! Thanksgiving meals also provide for some of the best Cleveland Steamers!!!!! ROCCO |
24th November 2004 - 02:07:36 PM |
11242 : dwight |
dustin i enjoyed your stand up comedy act at the COMEDY CARAVAN in louisville ky cause it was my idea for you to come and make people laugh you were so funny i was laughing so hard i wanted to fall on the floor iloved it i will never forget that night and i still have that picture of you and me and i will always have it in my scrapbook dustin i loved your big hair when you did season five of SBTB - THE NEW CLASS IN 1997 and ihope the new class reruns return to tv real soon cause i have not seen them at all and i hope your big hair grows back like that so dustin will see each other again soon ok P.S. WILL YOU PLEASE SEND ME LOTS OF OLD PICTURES OF YOU FROM SBTB - THE NEW CLASS SHOW FROM 1996 - 1997 1994... |
24th November 2004 - 02:21:40 PM |
11243 : dwight |
dustin i would like for you to come back to LOUISVILLE KY CAUSE I wanna do a interview with you cause i wanna hear all about your life about what really happen on saved by the bell and after and other stuff except for salty the pocket knife cause i do not like heavy metal at all so we will do this inter view some time in the near future soon and dustin i have a good fashion tip for you go to a western store and buy yourself a pair of cowboy boot- cut tight wrangler blue jeans cause the women would like you in those catch you later P.S. TELL LARK VOORHIES I WANT TO MEET HER TOO... |
24th November 2004 - 02:28:43 PM |
11244 : Gay Zack |
here's a guestbook to queer up http://www.sidewalkvagina.com/trust_the_dust.html at the bottom is the link to the guestbook, the pictures are when they met Dustin - I've been queering up their guestbook - feel free to do the same. |
24th November 2004 - 03:16:33 PM |
11245 : Gay Zack |
Damn, I post two queer messages and I get banned and he shuts down the guestbook - that was too easy. |
24th November 2004 - 04:05:23 PM |
11246 : sweden |
ffs are u for real??? |
24th November 2004 - 04:06:09 PM |
11247 : Gay Funtime |
Ahem! I just shot a wad of gayness at saltythepocketknife.com. You just can't keep a good queer down. Well, maybe if you hold his ears! |
24th November 2004 - 04:15:45 PM |
11248 : Ghost of Thanksgiving! |
Dustin! I would find it very erotic if I could slowly pluck all the hairs off your body, shove fistfuls of bread crumbs up your ass, masturbate into a turkey baster which I will then shove up your ass, smother you with melted butter, but you in my oven at 350 degrees for three hours, and mercilessly fuck the stuffing out of you! Then my queer friends, dressed as Indians and pilgrims, will bust out the Bukkake style and then devour your delicious, man-goo coated flesh. It will be very festive and gay. If you would rather save the fun for Christmas, I'd be happy to stick some presents up your chimney! |
24th November 2004 - 04:21:05 PM |
11249 : |
that's one thanksgiving party I'd love to attend |